3,202 research outputs found

    Women and sustainable fisheries exploitation: A review

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    Sustainability in the extraction of fishery resource need to be proactively upheld if the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will be anything to go by in Nigeria and other developing countries. The fishery resource, of the biotic component of the environment, and the main focus of this paper, is renewable resource whose existence if not for adverse environmental factors and natural speciation that occurs over thousands of years, is a continuum. The biological attributes of these fauna and flora render them amenable to usage in manners that still allows their continuous existence for the profit of mankind. Ignorance and the consequent inappropriate harvesting methods and uses of the fishery resource make them prone to abuse, imperilment, and eventual extinction. The influential and important roles of women as fishers, fishmongers, processors, concerned citizens of healthy living and organizers of the end use of the fishery resource put women in a vantage position to influence; thereby, enforcing conservation and sustainability in the extraction of the resource when trained in natural resource management. Consequently, women need to be trained and equipped with knowledge such as basic principles in these areas: biological attributes of the aquatic resources, measures of aquatic resource management, and approaches such as co-management, , community-based and ecosystem-based approaches to fishery management; including simplified principles embedded within international instruments that form the legal frame work for resource management

    Application of Gray's theory of personality to the DSM-III-R personality disorders : multivariate and behavioral findings

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    Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth of published reports on the descriptive features associated with the personality disorders. Despite growing recognition of the existence and clinical relevance of these disorders, there has been relatively little systematic experimental research performed, perhaps because of an absence of a testable, guiding theoretical framework. In the recognition that descriptive studies without the benefit of a guiding theoretical framework can only provide limited understanding, this study examined the applicability of Jeffrey Gray's structural and behavioral theory of personality to a subset of the DSM-HI-R personality disorders. Two independent samples, a normative and a research sample, were employed in this study to test some of the basic assumptions of Gray's theory. The normative sample consisted of 477 college undergraduates. This sample's primary roles in this study included the evaluation of some of the structural assumptions of Gray's model as well as the provision of a context for understanding the smaller research sample. The research sample, self-selected based on individual perceptions of oneself as being anxious or impulsive, was composed of 77 persons who responded to advertisements in local periodicals. This sample's principle roles in this research included: (a) the further evaluation of some of the structural assumptions of Gray's theory, (b) the evaluation of Gray's behavioral predictions arising from his structural model, and (c) the evaluation of the applicability of a subset of the DSM-III-R personality disorders, specifically the "anxious-fearful" and "erratic-dramatic" disorders, to Gray's structural and behavioral theory

    Cognitive level and attitudes toward science in prospective elementary school teachers : effects of instruction in physical science

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    The primary purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of a college course in physical science and the cognitive level of the participants. Effects on attitude, and attitude's related subcategories, were also investigated. Finally, possible relations between cognitive level and science attitudes were analyzed. The subjects were 62 prospective elementary school teachers at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Thirty-one of these students participated in a first-level physical science course at the university. This composed the experimental group. Data were analyzed by t-Ratio, the Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient and the Analysis of Covariance. The significance level was set at the .05 critical value for a two-tailed test. The experimental treatment was the one-semester course in physical science. Dependent variables were cognitive level and attitude toward science. Attitude was measured by a Semantic Differential scale. Subscales measured evaluation, potency and activity. A written instrument, the Longeot Test, was incorporated to measure cognitive level

    Effects of the Couple Communication Program I on the marital adjustment, self-disclosure, and communication style of therapy and non-therapy participants

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Couple Communication Program I (CC I) in improving the marriage adjustment, self-disclosure, and work-style communication of participating couples. The study employed a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest-extended posttest non-randomized control group design in which all subjects were tested at one-month intervals. The sample of 28 couples was comprised of 3 groups: a "regular" enrichment group of 10 couples, a group of 7 enrichment couples who were concurrently involved in marriage therapy, and a no-treatment control group of 11 waiting-list couples

    Transannular effects in cage compounds : the alcohol-ketal exchange reaction of 3-methoxy-4-oxahexacyclo [ 0?. 0?. 0?. ]? dodecane

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    The transannular effects in a homologous series of dimethoxy cage alochols were studied by use of physical methods such as infrared and nmr spectra. It was shown that a pronounced transannular effect occurred in these cage compounds which manifested itself as an increasingly stronger hydrogen bond between the hydroxyl proton and the endo-methoxyl oxygen as the number of carbon atoms increases in the C bridge. The occurrence of transannular effects in these compounds was also supported by an intramolecular alcohol-ketal exchange reaction and molecular mechanics calculations

    Color systems

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    There are two seemingly opposite directions simultaneously present in this current work. One is an emotive, lyrical color; the other is a rigid and formal mathematical system. Color is particularly relevant to my work because its connotations exist apart from any physical manifestation. Mathematics, on the other hand, is a philosophy, non-existent physically, which needs a physical presence, if only symboloic, to be understood. Together they act as complements or in a symbiotic relationship. What color has, a physical reality, it gives to the mathematical system. What mathematics has, a straightforward logic, it gives to the color system. And what they both provide the viewer exists outside of this physicality and depends entirely upon one's thought processes, both rational and irrational. One can see the color and the mathematics to an extent, but the essence of the work requires sensing the color and understanding the logic of the system

    Eleven landscape paintings

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    The thesis is an exhibit of eleven landscape paintings dealing with images of the movements and forces of earth's nature. Nature has a very definite relationship to my work, but I also include man and man-made objects. The result is landscape portraying figurative images. My work is done consciously and intentionally by the method which is expressed throughout the thesis. A catalogue of the eleven paintings is included

    Forms in fluctuation

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    The forms painted are intended to induce a fluctuation of form and space and color; an oscillation that has been suddenly arrested and is momentarily still. Although the elements (color, size, line, direction, depth, shape, and form) are calculated arrangements to one another, they are generalized and simplified in order to perpetuate the fluctuation (or oscillation) amid the lull of the painting. That is, all these elements appear to be caught in the height of change. They are both arriving and retreating, overstated and understated, they are marginal and, thus, ambiguous. It is, then, the explanation of the use of these elements about which this paper is written. The color of the forms is subdued by being mixed with grey. This is consistent with the unusual character of the form's shape and situation. A color, shape, and situation that is "unusual" because of the generalized motif and marginal situation. The colors do not conform to the convention of "cools" receding and "warms" approaching; but the colors do, by repetition, unite with the linear movement to construct the composition. Above all else, though, the colors are selected for their own sake- they originate out of no symbolic nor representational intent. They are manipulated to fit within boundaries of compositional structure, but the .vey to their character cannot be found entirely and simply through a descriptive analysis; for the origin of the colors is as circumstantial and intrinsic as the source of the forms

    The relationship of selected factors to teacher morale among vocational teachers in Guilford County, North Carolina

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    The purposes of this study were to determine the general level of morale of vocational teachers; to compare vocational teachers' perceptions of ten selected dimensions related to teacher morale; and to determine the relationship of the selected dimensions to age, sex, tenure, years of teaching experience, subject area, and the size of school. The Purdue Teacher Opinionaire and a personal data form were used to collect the data. The Opinionaire was composed of one hundred statements which were divided into ten categories related to teacher morale

    A study of the relationship between typewriting achievement and scores obtained on the Downey group will-temperament test

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    It has been observed by teachers of beginning typewriting that pupils who achieve distinction in academic subjects do not always excel in typewriting, even when they put forth their best efforts. This often constitutes a real problem to the individuals who are anxious to maintain their high grades throughout their school life. It also challenges the typewriting teacher to discover and take account of factors other than intelligence and general scholastic abilities which may affect attainment of typewriting skill