223 research outputs found

    Abundancia y distribución de la liebre ibérica (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856) en el Parque Natural de la Sierra de Mariola (Alicante-Valencia)

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    Abundance and distribution of the Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856) in the Sierra de Mariola Natural Park (Alicante-Valencia) The Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856) is a species of great value in Spanish Mediterranean ecosystems for several reasons, such as its interest to hunters, its contribution to soil fertility and plant diversity, and its role as prey. However, factors such as fragmentation, degradation and loss of habitat and diseases, predation and high pressure hunting are having a detrimental effect on the conservation of the species. It is therefore of interest to determine the abundance and distribution of the Iberian hare in areas of the peninsula where there are insufficient data to establish guidelines for conservation and sustainable management of hare populations in the peninsula. Our goal was to assess the abundance and distribution of the Iberian hare in the most widely used areas of a mountainous Mediterranean landscape in the Iberian peninsular (Mariola Mountain Park, located between the provinces of Alicante and Valencia). Data obtained from studies conducted in transects from 2008 to 2010 showed that intra-annual abundance was highest in spring (KIA half of 0.26 hares/km) and lowest in winter (average 0.075 KIA hares/km). As to their preferences in relation to land use, abundance was highest in the matrix of dry groves (KIA half of 0.33 hares/km) and irrigated groves (average 0.2 KIA hares/km). The matrix of natural vegetation and agricultural abandonment had low numbers of hares, with values of 0.083 and 0.033 hares/km, respectively.La liebre ibérica (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856) es una especie de gran valor en los ecosistemas mediterráneos españoles por varios motivos: por su interés cinegético, por servir de alimento a numerosos predadores, por mejorar la fertilidad del suelo e incrementar la diversidad vegetal, etc. Sin embargo, factores como la fragmentación, la degradación y la pérdida de hábitats, así como las enfermedades, la predación y la excesiva presión cinegética que afectan a la especie, están influyendo de manera negativa en su conservación. Por esta razón resulta interesante conocer la abundancia y distribución de la liebre ibérica en diferentes zonas de la península de las que no se tienen suficientes datos, para que el análisis de su conjunto proporcione pautas que permitan realizar una gestión adecuada para mantener e incrementar las poblaciones de liebres en la península. Nuestro objetivo es conocer la abundancia y distribución de la liebre ibérica en los principales usos del paisaje de una zona de montaña del Mediterráneo peninsular, el Parque Natural de la Sierra de Mariola, situado entre las provincias de Alicante y Valencia, durante diferentes periodos de su ciclo biológico anual. Los datos obtenidos en los transectos realizados entre 2008 y 2010 muestran que las mayores abundancias anuales tienen lugar en primavera (IKA medio de 0,26 liebres/km) y disminuyen en invierno (IKA medio de 0,075 liebres/km). En cuanto a sus preferencias relacionadas con los diferentes usos del suelo, las mayores abundancias se obtienen en la matriz de cultivos de secano (IKA medio de 0,33 liebres/km) y en la de cultivos de regadío (IKA medio de 0,2 liebres/km). Las matrices de vegetación natural y abandono agrícola presentan bajo número de liebres, con valores de 0,083 y 0,033 liebres/km respectivamente.Abundància i distribució de la llebre ibèrica (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856) al Parc Natural de la Serra de Mariola (Alacant-València) La llebre ibèrica (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856) és una espècie de gran valor als ecosistemes mediterranis espanyols per diversos motius: per l’interès cinegètic, perquè serveix d’aliment a nombrosos predadors, perquè millora la fertilitat del sòl i incrementa la diversitat vegetal, etc. Tanmateix, factors com ara la fragmentació, la degradació i la pèrdua d’hàbitats, com també les malalties, la predació i la pressió cinegètica excessiva que afecten l’espècie estan influint de manera negativa en la seva conservació. És per això que resulta interessant conèixer l’abundància i distribució de la llebre ibèrica en diferents zones de la Península de les quals no es tenen prou dades a fi que l’anàlisi del conjunt proporcioni pautes que permetin una gestió adequada per mantenir i incrementar les poblacions de llebres a la Península. El nostre objectiu és conèixer l’abundància i distribució de la llebre ibèrica en els principals usos del paisatge d’una zona de muntanya del Mediterrani peninsular, el Parc Natural de la Serra de Mariola, situat entre les províncies d’Alacant i València, durant diferents períodes del seu cicle biològic anual. Les dades obtingudes als transsectes fets entre 2008 i 2010 mostren que les abundàncies anuals més grans tenen lloc a la primavera (IKA mitjà de 0,26 llebres/km) i disminueixen a l’hivern (IKA mitjà de 0,075 llebres/km). Pel que fa a les preferències relacionades amb els diferents usos del sòl, les abundàncies més grans s’obtenen a la matriu de conreus de secà (IKA mitjà de 0,33 llebres/km) i a la de cultius de regadiu (IKA mitjà de 0,2 llebres/km). Les matrius de vegetació natural i abandonament agrícola presentes un nombre de llebres baix, amb valors de 0,083 i 0,033 llebres/km, respectivament

    Underwater acoustic noise modelings and some consequences for array processing

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    The modeling of the underwater acoustics noises appears as an essential component of the design of sonar or related systems . In a signal processing framework, we present a review of different noises in this domain and of associated models . Those must be, in fact, matched to the processing of the received signais . Then, are presented examples of interactions between processing and noise modeling, trying to show the importance of this last in the obtained results . Complexity and diversity of the approaches imply that this synthesis can only be incomplete : it is limited to the second order modeling and to the passive systems.We present a review of different noises in this domain and of associated models. Those must be, in fact, matched to the processing of the received signals. Then, are presented examples of interactions between processing and noise modeling, trying to show the importance of this last in the obtained resultsLa modélisation des bruits d'acoustique sous-marine apparaît comme une composante fondamentale de la conception des systèmes sonar et systèmes analogues ou associés . On présente, dans l'esprit « traitement du signal », une revue de divers bruits rencontrés dans ce domaine et de diverses modélisations associées . Celles-ci se doivent d'être, dans les faits, adaptées au traitement effectué sur les signaux reçus . On présente donc des exemples d'interaction entre traitement et modélisation des bruits, tentant de mettre en évidence l'importance de cette dernière dans les résultats obtenus . La complexité et la diversité des approches font que cette synthèse ne peut être que partielle : en particulier, elle se limite aux modèles du second ordre et aux systèmes de traitement passifs

    Bio-based substances from urban waste as auxiliaries for solar photo-Fenton treatment under mild conditions: optimization of operational variables

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    The use of soluble bio-based organic substances (SBO) obtained from urban wastes to expand the pH region where the photo-Fenton process can be applied has been investigated in this study. For this purpose, a mixture of six pollutants, namely acetaminophen, carbamazepine, amoxicillin, acetamiprid, clofibric acid and caffeine, at an initial concentration of 5 mg L−1 each, has been employed. Surface response methodology, based on the Doehlert matrix, has shown to be a useful tool to determine the effect of pH (in the range 3–7), concentration of SBO (15–25 mg L−1) and iron (2–6 mg L−1) on the performance of the photodegradation of the studied pollutants, measured by their half-life. Results indicate that, at high SBO concentration, the optimum pH shifts in most cases to a higher value (between 3 and 4) and that a significant loss of efficiency of the process was only observed at pH values above 5. An iron concentration of 4–5 mg L−1 and an amount of SBO of 19–22 mg L−1 have been determined to be the optimal conditions for the degradation of most of the studied pollutants at pH = 5.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Internalization of the anti-carcinogenic IBB1, a major Bowman-Birk isoinhibitor from soybean (Glycine max), in HT29 colon cancer cells

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    Proceedings of the I Congress PIIISA celebrado en la Estación Experimental del Zaidín (Granada), en mayo de 2013.Protease inhibitors of the Bowman-Birk type, a major protease inhibitor family in legume seeds, which inhibit potently trypsin- and chymotrypsin-like proteases, are currently being investigated as colorectal chemopreventive agents. Although the therapeutic target/s and the action mechanism/s of Bowman-Birk inhibitors (BBI) have not yet been elucidated, the emerging evidence suggests that BBI exert their chemopreventive properties via protease inhibition; in this sense, serine proteases should be considered as primary targets in early stages of carcinogenesis. In this work, we have demonstrated that IBB1, a major protease inhibitor of the Bowman-Birk family in soybean (Glycine max), exerts anti-proliferative effect in human colorectal HT29 cancer cells at concentrations higher than 15 μM, in a dose dependent manner. By using confocal microscopy, we have demonstrated that IBB1 is taken up by HT29 colon cancer cells in a time-dependent manner, being the bulk of the internalized protease inhibitor localized in the cytoplasm where might interact with their potential therapeutic target/s.This work was supported by ERDF-co-financed grants AGL2011-26353 (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) and PE2010-CVI-5767 (Junta de Andalucía).Peer reviewe

    New Route for Valorization of Oil Mill Wastes: Isolation of Humic-Like Substances to be Employed in Solar-Driven Processes for Pollutants Removal

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    The valorization of olive oil mill solid wastes (OMW) has been addressed by considering it as a possible source of humic-like substances (HLSs), to be used as auxiliary substances for photo-Fenton, employing caffeine as a target pollutant to test the efficiency of this approach. The OMW-HLS isolation encompassed the OMW basic hydrolysis, followed by ultrafiltration and drying. OMW-HLS structural features have been investigated by means of laser light scattering, fluorescence, size exclusion chromatography, and thermogravimetric analysis; moreover, the capability of OMW-HLS to generate reactive species under irradiation has been investigated using spin-trap electronic paramagnetic resonance. The caffeine degradation by means of photo-Fenton process driven at pH = 5 was significantly increased by the addition of 10 mg/L of OMW-HLS. Under the mechanistic point of view, it could be hypothesized that singlet oxygen is not playing a relevant role, whereas other oxidants (mainly OH• radicals) can be considered as the key species in promoting caffeine degradation

    Current clinical applications of spectral tissue Doppler echocardiography (E/E' ratio) as a noninvasive surrogate for left ventricular diastolic pressures in the diagnosis of heart failure with preserved left ventricular systolic function

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    Congestive heart failure with preserved left ventricular systolic function has emerged as a growing epidemic medical syndrome in developed countries, which is characterized by high morbidity and mortality rates. Rapid and accurate diagnosis of this condition is essential for optimizing the therapeutic management. The diagnosis of congestive heart failure is challenging in patients presenting without obvious left ventricular systolic dysfunction and additional diagnostic information is most commonly required in this setting. Comprehensive Doppler echocardiography is the single most useful diagnostic test recommended by the ESC and ACC/AHA guidelines for assessing left ventricular ejection fraction and cardiac abnormalities in patients with suspected congestive heart failure, and non-invasively determined basal or exercise-induced pulmonary capillary hypertension is likely to become a hallmark of congestive heart failure in symptomatic patients with preserved left ventricular systolic function. The present review will focus on the current clinical applications of spectral tissue Doppler echocardiography used as a reliable noninvasive surrogate for left ventricular diastolic pressures at rest as well as during exercise in the diagnosis of heart failure with preserved left ventricular systolic function. Chronic congestive heart failure, a disease of exercise, and acute heart failure syndromes are characterized by specific pathophysiologic and diagnostic issues, and these two clinical presentations will be discussed separately

    SERPINA3 is a marker of cartilage differentiation and is essential for the expression of extracellular matrix genes during early chondrogenesis

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    \ua9 2024Serine proteinase inhibitors (serpins) are a family of structurally similar proteins which regulate many diverse biological processes from blood coagulation to extracellular matrix (ECM) remodelling. Chondrogenesis involves the condensation and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into chondrocytes which occurs during early development. Here, and for the first time, we demonstrate that one serpin, SERPINA3 (gene name SERPINA3, protein also known as alpha-1 antichymotrypsin), plays a critical role in chondrogenic differentiation. We observed that SERPINA3 expression was markedly induced at early time points during in vitro chondrogenesis. We examined the expression of SERPINA3 in human cartilage development, identifying significant enrichment of SERPINA3 in developing cartilage compared to total limb, which correlated with well-described markers of cartilage differentiation. When SERPINA3 was silenced using siRNA, cartilage pellets were smaller and contained lower proteoglycan as determined by dimethyl methylene blue assay (DMMB) and safranin-O staining. Consistent with this, RNA sequencing revealed significant downregulation of genes associated with cartilage ECM formation perturbing chondrogenesis. Conversely, SERPINA3 silencing had a negligible effect on the gene expression profile during osteogenesis suggesting the role of SERPINA3 is specific to chondrocyte differentiation. The global effect on cartilage formation led us to investigate the effect of SERPINA3 silencing on the master transcriptional regulator of chondrogenesis, SOX9. Indeed, we observed that SOX9 protein levels were markedly reduced at early time points suggesting a role for SERPINA3 in regulating SOX9 expression and activity. In summary, our data support a non-redundant role for SERPINA3 in enabling chondrogenesis via regulation of SOX9 levels

    Application of soluble bio-organic substances (SBO) as photocatalysts for wastewater treatment: Sensitizing effect and photo-Fenton-like process

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    Soluble bio-organic substances (SBO) isolated from urban biorefuses have been investigated in photocatalytic processes for wastewater treatment using a cationic dye, namely crystal violet (CV) as target compound. The SBO have been found to enhance the photobleaching of CV solutions with an optimal SBO concentration of ca. 20 mg L-1. Mechanistic investigation based on chemical probes and changes in the absorption spectrum of CV in the presence of SBO seems to indicate that a complex formed between sensitizer and substrate plays a major role in the process. SBO have also been tested for the implementation of photo-Fenton processes at circumneutral media: the observed pseudo first order rate constants for CV decoloration was higher for UV/SBO/Fe(II)/H2O2 (5.5 x 10(-3) min(-1)) than for UV/Fe(II)/H2O2 (1.5 x 10(-3) min(-1)). A modified mechanism, in which HO center dot are less relevant that at the acidic medium, is in agreement with results of experiments carried out with chemical probes. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Gomis Vicens, J.; Vercher Pérez, RF.; Amat Payá, AM.; Martire, DO.; Gonzalez, MC.; Prevot, AB.; Montoneri, E.... (2013). Application of soluble bio-organic substances (SBO) as photocatalysts for wastewater treatment: Sensitizing effect and photo-Fenton-like process. Catalysis Today. 209:176-180. doi:10.1016/j.cattod.2012.08.036S17618020

    Subjects With Diabetes Mellitus Are at Increased Risk for Developing Tuberculosis : A Cohort Study in an Inner-City District of Barcelona (Spain)

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    Altres ajuts: Spanish Ministry of Economy and the Institut Universitari per a la Recerca a l'Atenció Primària de Salut Jordi Gol i Gurina (Catalan Health Institute, PREDOC_ECO-19/2).Background: Tuberculosis is the leading cause of mortality from lung infectious disease worldwide in recent years, and its incidence has re-emerged in large cities in low-incidence countries due to migration and socioeconomic deprivation causes. Diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis are syndemic diseases, with diabetes being considered a risk factor for developing tuberculosis. Objective: To investigate whether diabetic patients were at increased risk of tuberculosis living in an inner-district of a large city of northeastern Spain. Methods: Observational matched retrospective cohort study based on clinical records from the population of the lowest socioeconomic status in Barcelona (Ciutat Vella district). A cohort including patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus in 2007 and new cases until 2016 (8004 subjects), matched 1:1 by sex and age with a non-diabetic cohort. Follow-up period was until December 31st 2018. We evaluated the risk of developing tuberculosis in diabetic patients compared to non-diabetic patients during the follow up period. We used time-to-event analysis to estimate the incidence of tuberculosis, and competing risks regression by clusters and conditional Cox regression models to calculate the hazard ratio (HR) and its 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: Among the 16,008 included subjects, the median follow-up was 8.7 years. The mean age was 57.7 years; 61.2% men and 38.8% women in both groups. The incidence of tuberculosis was 69.9 per 100,000 person-years in diabetic patients, and 40.9 per 100,000 person-years in non-diabetic patients (HR = 1.90; CI: 1.18-3.07). After adjustment for the country of origin, chronic kidney disease, number of medical appointments, BMI, alcoholism and smoking, the risk remained higher in diabetic patients (1.66: CI 0.99-2.77). Additionally, subjects from Hindustan or with a history of alcohol abuse also showed a higher risk of developing tuberculosis (HR = 3.51; CI:1.87-6.57, and HR = 2.73; CI:1.22-6.12 respectively). Conclusion: People with diabetes mellitus were at higher risk of developing tuberculosis in a large cohort recruited in an inner-city district with a high incidence for this outcome, and low socioeconomic conditions and high proportion of migrants. This risk was higher among Hindustan born and alcohol abusers