229 research outputs found

    Fertilizing greenhouse vegetables

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    Emission of thermal photons and the equilibration time in Heavy-Ion collisions

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    The emission of hard real photons from thermalized expanding hadronic matter is dominated by the initial high-temperature expansion phase. Therefore, a measurement of photon emission in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions provides valuable insights into the early conditions realized in such a collision. In particular, the initial temperature of the expanding fireball or equivalently the equilibration time of the strongly interacting matter are of great interest. An accurate determination of these quantities could help to answer the question whether or not partonic matter (the quark gluon plasma) is created in such collisions. In this work, we investigate the emission of real photons using a model which is based on the thermodynamics of QCD matter and which has been shown to reproduce a large variety of other observables. With the fireball evolution fixed beforehand, we are able to extract limits for the equilibration time by a comparison with photon emission data measured by WA98.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication at Phys. Rev.

    Are direct photons a clean signal of a thermalized quark gluon plasma?

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    Direct photon production from a quark gluon plasma (QGP) in thermal equilibrium is studied directly in real time. In contrast to the usual S-matrix calculations, the real time approach is valid for a QGP that formed and reached LTE a short time after a collision and of finite lifetime (1020fm/c\sim 10-20 \mathrm{fm}/c as expected at RHIC or LHC). We point out that during such finite QGP lifetime the spectrum of emitted photons carries information on the initial state. There is an inherent ambiguity in separating the virtual from the observable photons during the transient evolution of the QGP. We propose a real time formulation to extract the photon yield which includes the initial stage of formation of the QGP parametrized by an effective time scale of formation Γ1\Gamma^{-1}. This formulation coincides with the S-matrix approach in the infinite lifetime limit. It allows to separate the virtual cloud as well as the observable photons emitted during the pre- equilibrium stage from the yield during the QGP lifetime. We find that the lowest order contribution O(αem)\mathcal{O}(\alpha_{em}) which does \emph{not} contribute to the S-matrix approach, is of the same order of or larger than the S-matrix contribution during the lifetime of the QGP for a typical formation time 1fm/c\sim 1 \mathrm{fm}/c. The yield for momenta 3Gev/c\gtrsim 3 \mathrm{Gev}/c features a power law fall-off T3Γ2/k5\sim T^3 \Gamma^2/k^{5} and is larger than that obtained with the S-matrix for momenta 4Gev/c\geq 4 \mathrm{Gev}/c. We provide a comprehensive numerical comparison between the real time and S-matrix yields and study the dynamics of the build-up of the photon cloud and the different contributions to the radiative energy loss. The reliability of the current estimates on photon emission is discussed.Comment: 31 pages, 12 eps figures, version to appear in PR

    Systematic study of trace radioactive impurities in candidate construction materials for EXO-200

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    The Enriched Xenon Observatory (EXO) will search for double beta decays of 136Xe. We report the results of a systematic study of trace concentrations of radioactive impurities in a wide range of raw materials and finished parts considered for use in the construction of EXO-200, the first stage of the EXO experimental program. Analysis techniques employed, and described here, include direct gamma counting, alpha counting, neutron activation analysis, and high-sensitivity mass spectrometry.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures. Expanded introduction, added missing table entry. Accepted for publication in Nucl. Instrum. Meth.

    Electromagnetic Probes

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    A review is presented of dilepton and real photon measurements in relativistic heavy ion collisions over a very broad energy range from the low energies of the BEVALAC up to the highest energies available at RHIC. The dileptons cover the invariant mass range \mll = 0 - 2.5 GeV/c2^2, i.e. the continuum at low and intermediate masses and the light vector mesons, ρ,ω,ϕ\rho, \omega, \phi. The review includes also measurements of the light vector mesons in elementary reactions.Comment: To be published in Landolt-Boernstein Volume 1-23A; 40 pages, 24 figures. Final version updated with small changes to the text, updated references and updated figure

    Dynamical Renormalization Group Approach to Quantum Kinetics in Scalar and Gauge Theories

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    We derive quantum kinetic equations from a quantum field theory implementing a diagrammatic perturbative expansion improved by a resummation via the dynamical renormalization group. The method begins by obtaining the equation of motion of the distribution function in perturbation theory. The solution of this equation of motion reveals secular terms that grow in time, the dynamical renormalization group resums these secular terms in real time and leads directly to the quantum kinetic equation. We used this method to study the relaxation in a cool gas of pions and sigma mesons in the O(4) chiral linear sigma model. We obtain in relaxation time approximation the pion and sigma meson relaxation rates. We also find that in large momentum limit emission and absorption of massless pions result in threshold infrared divergence in sigma meson relaxation rate and lead to a crossover behavior in relaxation. We then study the relaxation of charged quasiparticles in scalar electrodynamics (SQED). While longitudinal, Debye screened photons lead to purely exponential relaxation, transverse photons, only dynamically screened by Landau damping lead to anomalous relaxation, thus leading to a crossover between two different relaxational regimes. We emphasize that infrared divergent damping rates are indicative of non-exponential relaxation and the dynamical renormalization group reveals the correct relaxation directly in real time. Finally we also show that this method provides a natural framework to interpret and resolve the issue of pinch singularities out of equilibrium and establish a direct correspondence between pinch singularities and secular terms. We argue that this method is particularly well suited to study quantum kinetics and transport in gauge theories.Comment: RevTeX, 40 pages, 4 eps figures, published versio