555 research outputs found

    Touristic Virtual Environment of Tunguragua Province

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    Tourism and the advances that technology has had over the years have turned into useful instruments that are used to develop platforms and virtual touristic environments that can help in its management and positioning promotion-wise. The objective is to design a virtual touristic environment that will promote service providers, cultural activities, routes and touristic attractions that are found in the province of Tungurahua, and which include natural resources and historical sites that have not been exploited yet. The virtual environment’s goal is to integrate relevant information for tourists in the area, plus destinations and locations using a map, geolocation and georeferencing functions. The goal is to increase the flow of national and foreign visitors by using audiovisual archives or files. The validation of the goals was based on studies about the characteristics and the behavior of the tourists and information obtained from national public companies that are primarily related to tourism

    A Case Study of Malignant Edema in Postpartum Mediterranean Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)

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    The paper describes for the first time four cases of postparturient malignant edema in water buffaloes due to Clostridium septicum (Cl. septicum). The study was carried out on four primiparous buffaloes that showed swelling of perineal and perivulvar areas, fever and agalactia a few hours after calving. Two of them died within 20 hours after calving. The other two developed edema in the skeletal muscles of one leg and were treated with sulfadiazine-trimethoprim for 10 days. The clinical signs completely resolved. Culture and molecular investigations identified the pathogen isolated from exudate taken from the vulva as Cl. septicum. The isolate showed multi-drug resistance. In the management of infection due to Cl. septicum, timely diagnosis and the chirurgic curettage, associated with a broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy, were found to be sufficient for the survival and recovery of the infected animals

    Residual toxicity of four insecticides on larvae and adults of the predator Chrysoperla externa (Hagen, 1861) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae).

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    The objective was to evaluate the residual action of the insecticides acetamiprid + etofenprox, spinetoram, indoxacarb and methoxyfenozide on the predator Chrysoperla externa Hagen, 1861 (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). The bioassays followed the methodologies proposed by the International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control (IOBC). The insecticides were sprayed on grapevine plants cv. Burgundy, using the maximum recommended field dosage for fruit trees. Larvae and adults of the predator were exposed to leaves containing the insecticide residues, at 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 days after spraying, to determine the residual effect on the following biological parameters: mortality, fecundity and fertility. Based on the toxicity observed during the bioassays, the insecticides were classified according to the IOBC persistence scale. Spinetoram was classified as moderately persistent to larvae and slightly persistent to adults, indoxacarb also he was considered persistent for larvae and as a short-lived for the adult stage of the lacewing, thus showing the difference in susceptibility between the stages of development of C. externa. The insecticides acetamiprid + etofenprox and methoxyfenozide are the most suitable for ecologically safe application, in areas where the predator occurs because they are classified as short-lived insecticides for the larval and adult stages of C. externa

    Lixiviação e contaminação das águas do rio Corumbataí por herbicidas.

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    A avaliação, em corpos hídricos, de resíduos de herbicidas empregados em áreas agrícolas para controle de plantas consideradas daninhas, tem encontrado uma grande variação na concentração dos produtos originais e de seus metabólitos. Tem sido sugerido que estas variações são devidas às propriedades químicas dos compostos, somadas às condições hidrogeológicas e climáticas locais e aos sistemas de cultivo, uma vez que são condições que influenciam o comportamento de lixiviação. Em estudo na bacia hidrográfica do rio Corumbataí, que abastece principalmente as cidades de Rio Claro e Piracicaba-SP, foram quantificados sazonalmente por CG/NPD e HPLC, os resíduos de herbicidas em amostras de água e sedimentos em diversos locais, durante os anos de 2004-2005. A área é cultivada principalmente com cana-de-açúcar, citrus e pastagens. A escolha dos herbicidas baseou-se em trabalho de levantamento dos herbicidas mais utilizados e época de aplicação na região. Dos 63 produtos registrados, foram analisados 24 i.a.. Os herbicidas que apresentam alto risco de lixiviação, como ametrina, atrazina e simazina foram os encontrados em concentrações superiores aos níveis do padrão de 2 ?g L-1 da Portaria do Ministério da Saúde MS - 518/2004. A freqüência e nível de concentração foram maiores na época do início das chuvas intensas

    Entropy of the self-dual string soliton

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    We compute the entropy and the corresponding central charge of the self-dual string soliton in the supergravity regime using the blackfold description of the fully localized M2-M5 intersection.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, harvma

    Importance of N2 fixation vs. nitrate diffusion along a latitudinal transect in the Atlantic Ocean

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    We present ocean, basin-scale simultaneous measurements of N2-fixation, nitrate diffusion, and primary production along a south–north transect in the Atlantic Ocean crossing three biogeographic provinces: the south subtropical Atlantic (SSA; , 31uS–12uS), the equatorial Atlantic (EA; , 12uS–16uN), and the north subtropical Atlantic (NSA, , 16uN–9uN) in April–May 2008. N2-fixation and primary production were measured as 15N2 and 14C uptake, respectively. Dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy (e) were measured with a microstructure profiler. The vertical input of nitrate through eddy diffusion was calculated from the product of diffusivity, derived from e, and the gradient of nanomolar nitrate concentration across the base of the euphotic zone. The mean N2-fixation rate in EA was 56 6 49 mmol N m22 d21, whereas SSA and NSA had much lower values (, 10 mmol N m22 d21). Because of the large spatial variability in nitrate diffusion (34 6 50, 405 6 888, and 844 6 1258 mmol N m22 d21 in SSA, EA, and NSA, respectively), the contribution of N2-fixation to new production in the SSA, EA, and NSA was 44% 6 30%, 22% 6 19%, and 2% 6 2%, respectively. The differences between SSA and NSA in the contribution of N2 fixation were partly due to the contrasting seasonal forcing in each hemisphere, which likely affected both N2 fixation rates and vertical nitrate diffusion. The variability in the nitrogen budget of the Atlantic subtropical gyres was unexpectedly high and largely uncoupled from relatively constant phytoplankton standing stocks and primary production rates.CTM2004-05174-C02 CTM2007-28295-E/MAR Programa I. Parga-Ponda

    Optical and near-infrared spectroscopy of the black hole transient 4U 1543-47 during its 2021 ultra-luminous state

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    We present simultaneous optical and near-infrared spectra obtained during the 2021 outburst of the black hole transient 4U 1543-47. The X-ray hardness-intensity diagram and the comparison with similar systems reveal a luminous outburst, probably reaching the Eddington luminosity, as well as a long-lasting excursion to the so-called ultra-luminous state. VLT/X-shooter spectra were taken in two epochs 14 days apart during the early and brightest part of the outburst, while the source was in this ultra-luminous accretion state. The data show strong H and HeI emission lines, as well as high-excitation HeII and OIII transitions. Most lines are single-peaked in both spectra, except for the OIII lines that exhibit evident double-peaked profiles during the second epoch. The Balmer lines are embedded in broad absorption wings that we believe are mainly produced by the contribution of the A2V donor to the optical flux, which we estimate to be in the range of 11 to 14 per cent in the rr band during our observations. Although no conspicuous outflow features are found, we observe some wind-related line profiles, particularly in the near-infrared. Such lines include broad emission line wings and skewed red profiles, suggesting the presence of a cold (i.e. low ionisation) outflow with similar observational properties to those found in other low-inclination black hole transients.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&