12 research outputs found

    Exercise inhibits the effects of smoke-induced COPD involving modulation of STAT3

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    Purpose . Evaluate the participation of STAT3 in the e ff ects of aerobic exercise (AE) in a model of smoke-induced COPD. Methods . C57Bl/6 male mice were divided into control, Exe, COPD, and COPD+Exe groups. Smoke were administered during 90 days. Treadmill aerobic training begun on day 61 until day 90. Pulmonary in fl ammation, systemic in fl ammation, the level of lung emphysema, and the airway remodeling were evaluated. Analysis of integral and phosphorylated expression of STAT3 by airway epithelial cells, peribronchial leukocytes, and parenchymal leukocytes was performed. Results . AE inhibited smoke-induced accumulation of total cells ( p <0 001 ), lymphocytes ( p <0 001 ), and neutrophils ( p <0 001 ) in BAL, as well as BAL levels of IL- 1 β ( p <0 001 ), CXCL1 ( p <0 001 ), IL-17 ( p <0 001 ), and TNF- α ( p <0 05 ), while increased the levels of IL-10 ( p <0 001 ). AE also inhibited smoke-induced increases in total leukocytes ( p <0 001 ), neutrophils ( p <0 05 ), lymphocytes ( p <0 001 ), and monocytes ( p <0 01 ) in blood, as well as serum levels of IL-1 β ( p <0 01 ), CXCL1 ( p <0 01 ), IL-17 ( p <0 05 ), and TNF- α ( p <0 01 ), while increased the levels of IL-10 ( p <0 001 ). AE reduced smoke-induced emphysema ( p <0 001 ) and collagen fi ber accumulation in the airways ( p <0 001 ). AE reduced smoke-induced STAT3 and phospho-STAT3 expression in airway epithelial cells ( p <0 001 ), peribronchial leukocytes ( p <0 001 ), and parenchymal leukocytes ( p <0 001 ). Conclusions .AE reduces smoke-induced COPD phenotype involving STAT3

    Home-based pulmonary rehabilitation improves clinical features and systemic inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

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    Eloisa Sanches Pereira do Nascimento,1 Luciana Maria Malos&aacute; Sampaio,1 Fabiana Sobral Peixoto-Souza,1 Fernanda Dultra Dias,1 Evelim Leal Freitas Dantas Gomes,1 Flavia Regina Greiffo,2 Ana Paula Ligeiro de Oliveira,2 Roberto Stirbulov,3 Rodolfo Paula Vieira,2 Dirceu Costa11Laboratory of Functional Respiratory Evaluation (LARESP), 2Laboratory of Pulmonary and Exercise Immunology (LABPEI), Nove de Julho University (UNINOVE), S&atilde;o Paulo, SP, Brazil; 3Department of Pneumology, Santa Casa University Hospital, S&atilde;o Paulo, SP, BrazilAbstract: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a respiratory disease characterized by chronic airflow limitation that leads beyond the pulmonary changes to important systemic effects. COPD is characterized by pulmonary and systemic inflammation. However, increases in the levels of inflammatory cytokines in plasma are found even when the disease is stable. Pulmonary rehabilitation improves physical exercise capacity and quality of life and decreases dyspnea. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether a home-based pulmonary rehabilitation (HBPR) program improves exercise tolerance in COPD patients, as well as health-related quality of life and systemic inflammation. This prospective study was conducted at the Laboratory of Functional Respiratory Evaluation, Nove de Julho University, S&atilde;o Paulo, Brazil. After anamnesis, patients were subjected to evaluations of health-related quality of life and dyspnea, spirometry, respiratory muscle strength, upper limbs incremental test, incremental shuttle walk test, and blood test for quantification of systemic inflammatory markers (interleukin [IL]-6 and IL-8). At the end of the evaluations, patients received a booklet containing the physical exercises to be performed at home, three&nbsp;times per week for 8 consecutive weeks. Around 25 patients were enrolled, and 14 completed the pre- and post-HBPR ratings. There was a significant increase in the walked distance and the maximal inspiratory pressure, improvements on two components from the health-related quality-of-life questionnaire, and a decrease in plasma IL-8 levels after the intervention. The HBPR is an important and viable alternative to pulmonary rehabilitation for the treatment of patients with COPD; it improves exercise tolerance, inspiratory muscle strength, quality of life, and systemic inflammation in COPD patients.Keywords: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, home-based pulmonary rehabilitation, inflammation, physical exercise, interleukin, health-related quality of lif