11,667 research outputs found

    One loop renormalization for the axial Ward-Takahashi identity in Domain-wall QCD

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    We calculate one-loop correction to the axial Ward-Takahashi identity given by Furman and Shamir in domain-wall QCD. It is shown perturbatively that the renormalized axial Ward-Takahashi identity is satisfied without fine tuning and the ``conserved'' axial current receives no renormalization, giving ZA=1Z_A=1. This fact will simplify the calculation of the pion decay constant in numerical simulations since the decay constant defined by this current needs no lattice renormalization factor.Comment: 16 pages, 3 axodraw.sty figure

    Domain Wall Fermions in Quenched Lattice QCD

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    We study the chiral properties and the validity of perturbation theory for domain wall fermions in quenched lattice QCD at beta=6.0. The explicit chiral symmetry breaking term in the axial Ward-Takahashi identity is found to be very small already at Ns=10, where Ns is the size of the fifth dimension, and its behavior seems consistent with an exponential decay in Ns within the limited range of Ns we explore. From the fact that the critical quark mass, at which the pion mass vanishes as in the case of the ordinary Wilson-type fermion, exists at finite Ns, we point out that this may be a signal of the parity broken phase and investigate the possible existence of such a phase in this model at finite Ns. The rho and pi meson decay constants obtained from the four-dimensional local currents with the one-loop renormalization factor show a good agreement with those obtained from the conserved currents

    The Lattice Λ\Lambda Parameter in Domain Wall QCD

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    We evaluate the ratio of the scale parameter Λ\Lambda in domain wall QCD to the one in the continuum theory at one loop level incorporating the effect of massless quarks. We show that the Pauli-Villars regulator is required to subtract the unphysical massive fermion modes which emerge in the fermion loop contributions to the gluon self energy. Detailed results are presented as a function of the domain wall height MM.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure as eps-file, some references adde

    Magnetic order in Ce0.95Nd0.05CoIn5: the Q-phase at zero magnetic field

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    We report neutron scattering experiment results revealing the nature of the magnetic order occurring in the heavy fermion superconductor Ce0.95Nd0.05CoIn5, a case for which an antiferromagnetic state is stabilized at a temperature below the superconducting transition one. We evidence an incommensurate order and its propagation vector is found to be identical to that of the magnetic field induced antiferromagnetic order occurring in the stoichiometric superconductor CeCoIn5, the so-called Q-phase. The commonality between these two cases suggests that superconductivity is a requirement for the formation of this kind of magnetic order and the proposed mechanism is the enhancement of nesting condition by d-wave order parameter with nodes in the nesting area.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. on June 30th, 201

    Spontaneous Parity Violation in QCD At Finite Temperature: On the Inapplicability of the Vafa-Witten Theorem

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    The generalization of the Vafa-Witten theorem ruling out parity violation to QCD at finite temperature is considered. It is shown that this generalization of the theorem rules out Lorentz-invariant parity violating operators from spontaneously acquiring vacuum expectation values. However, it does not rule out Lorentz-noninvariant parity-violating operators from acquiring expectation values. Other situations where the theorem is inapplicable are also discussed.Comment: Minor typos correcte

    A numerical reinvestigation of the Aoki phase with N_f=2 Wilson fermions at zero temperature

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    We report on a numerical reinvestigation of the Aoki phase in lattice QCD with two flavors of Wilson fermions where the parity-flavor symmetry is spontaneously broken. For this purpose an explicitly symmetry-breaking source term hψˉiγ5τ3ψh\bar{\psi} i \gamma_{5} \tau^{3}\psi was added to the fermion action. The order parameter was computed with the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm at several values of (β,κ,h)(\beta,\kappa,h) on lattices of sizes 444^4 to 12412^4 and extrapolated to h=0h=0. The existence of a parity-flavor breaking phase can be confirmed at β=4.0\beta=4.0 and 4.3, while we do not find parity-flavor breaking at β=4.6\beta=4.6 and 5.0.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Revised version as to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Exact supersymmetry in the relativistic hydrogen atom in general dimensions -- supercharge and the generalized Johnson-Lippmann operator

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    A Dirac particle in general dimensions moving in a 1/r potential is shown to have an exact N = 2 supersymmetry, for which the two supercharge operators are obtained in terms of (a D-dimensional generalization of) the Johnson-Lippmann operator, an extension of the Runge-Lenz-Pauli vector that relativistically incorporates spin degrees of freedom. So the extra symmetry (S(2))in the quantum Kepler problem, which determines the degeneracy of the levels, is so robust as to accommodate the relativistic case in arbitrary dimensions.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Dynamical scaling analysis of the optical Hall conductivity in the quantum Hall regime

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    Dynamical scaling analysis is theoretically performed for the ac (optical) Hall conductivity σxy(εF,ω)\sigma_{xy}(\varepsilon_F,\omega) as a function of Fermi energy εF\varepsilon_F and frequency ω\omega for the two-dimensional electron gas and for graphene. In both systems, results based on exact diagonalization show that σxy(εF,ω)\sigma_{xy}(\varepsilon_F,\omega) displays a well-defined dynamical scaling, for which the dynamical critical exponent as well as the localization exponent are fitted and plugged in. A crossover from the dc-like bahavior to the ac regime is identified. The dynamical scaling analysis has enabled us to quantify the plateau in the ac Hall conductivity previously obtained, and to predict that the plateaux structure in ac is robust enough to be observed in the THz regime.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Efimov effect from functional renormalization

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    We apply a field-theoretic functional renormalization group technique to the few-body (vacuum) physics of non-relativistic atoms near a Feshbach resonance. Three systems are considered: one-component bosons with U(1) symmetry, two-component fermions with U(1)\times SU(2) symmetry and three-component fermions with U(1) \times SU(3) symmetry. We focus on the scale invariant unitarity limit for infinite scattering length. The exact solution for the two-body sector is consistent with the unitary fixed point behavior for all considered systems. Nevertheless, the numerical three-body solution in the s-wave sector develops a limit cycle scaling in case of U(1) bosons and SU(3) fermions. The Efimov parameter for the one-component bosons and the three-component fermions is found to be approximately s=1.006, consistent with the result of Efimov.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, minor changes, published versio