95 research outputs found

    The attitude and commitment of the Malaysian government towards Islam in the foreign policy (1957-2003): An assessment

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    Malaysia can be classified as a Muslim country. With its Muslim majority and Islam as its official religion, Malaysia takes considerable pride for being part of the dynamic and progressive Islamic Ummah. Being part of the Ummah, Malaysia endeavors her utmost to manifest her concern and commitment to the Islamic principles of brotherhood and justice. Islam plays an important part in the national life, as it is closely linked to the ethnic identity of the politically dominant Malays. Consequently, the foreign policy of Malaysia may be said to be affected by Islam to a considerable degree. The primary concern of this paper is to examine Malaysia’s commitment to Islam and Islamic cause, as refl ected in its foreign policy. It is also, in a way, an attempt to identify the prime mover of Malaysian foreign policy. This paper, argues that Islam has never been an overriding factor in Malaysia’s support for Islamic issues. Malaysian’s role in this respect was largely motivated by pragmatic considerations resulting from an interplay between various factors; political, economic, religious and humanitarian

    Nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak dalam Al-Qur’an Surah Al-Hujurat Ayat 6-13

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    Al-Qur’an adalah pedoman hidup bagi ummat manusia, namun sekarang melihat fenomena yang terjadi pada kehidupan manusia pada zaman sekarang ini sudah jauh dari nilai-nilai Al-Qur’an, hal ini dapat dilihat dari berbagai peristiwa yang terjadi, yang menunjukkan penyimpangan terhadap nilai-nilai yang terdapat di dalamnya. Surah Al-Hujurat ayat 6-13 memiliki makna tentang pendidikan akhlak yang sangat dalam, setiap ayat disebutkan didalam Al-Qur’an mempunyai makna-makna dan nilai-nilai yang berarti, nilai-nilai yang terkandung adalah sebagai pembelajaran dan pendidikan bagi kehidupan ummat manusia khususnya mengenai makna ayat 11 sampai 13 merupakan masalah yang banyak terjadi dan tetap aktual di dalam masyarakat dan kehidupan bermasyarakat. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Akhlak Apa saja yang terkandung dalam surah Al-Hujurat ayat 6-13? Dan Bagaimana Kontekstualisasi nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak yang terkandung dalam surah al-hujurat ayat 6-13 dalam pendidikan? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak apa saja yang terkandung dalam Al Qur’an surah Al-Hujurat ayat 6-13 dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kontekstualisasi nilia-nilai pendidikan akhlak dalam Al-Qur’an surah Al-Hujurat ayat 6-13 dalam pendidikan. Adapun penelitian ini library research, dengan metode tafsir Tahlily, yaitu. menganalisis masalah yang akan dibahas dengan mengumpulkan data-data kepustakaan, pendapat para mufassir, dan mendeskripsikan pendapat para mufassir. Sumber data adalah buku-buku utamanya tafsir dan buku-buku yang relevan dengan tema penelitian ini. Setelah dilakukan penelitian ini, maka ditemukan nilai-nilai pendidikan Akhlak, 1) Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak keimanan, Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak Kebenaran, Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak Perdamaian, Nilai Pendidikan akhlak Keadilan, Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak Persaudaraan, Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak Ketaqwaan, Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak Saling Kenal Mengenal, Larangan Persengketaan, Larangan Menghina, Larangan Mencela Diri Sendiri, Larangan Memanggil Dengan Panggilan Buruk, Larangan Buruk Sangka, Larangan Mencari Kesalahan Orang Lain Dan Larangan Menggunjing. Dan kontekstualisasi nilai nilai pendidikan akhlak merupakan salah satu jawaban dan strategi pendidikan untuk memperbaiki kemerosotan akhlak, sehingga dapat menciptakan kepribadian manusia yang berakhlak mulia sesuai syariat dan tuntunan ajaran Islam

    Analisis Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Multi Item Dengan Menggunakan Metode Economic Order Quantiy

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    Pengendalian persediaan bahan baku telah memberikan dampak positif untuk mendukung kelancaran proses produksi dalam peningkatan keuntungan perusahaan salah satunya produksi pakan ternak ayam pada PT. Mabar Feed Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan jumlah pemesanan ekonomis persediaan bahan baku multi item pakan ternak ayam, dan membandingan pengendalian persediaan bahan baku multi item pakan ternak ayam yang digunakan perusahaan dengan pengendalian persediaan multi item pakan ternak ayam menggunakan metode EOQ. Dalam penelitian ini untuk menganalisis data terlebih dahulu digunakan uji normalitas data dengan uji Lilliefors dimana data berdistribusi normal. Total biaya persediaan bahan baku menurut PT Mabar Feed Indonesia sebesar Rp. 5.853.471.202,0 biaya tersebut lebih besar jika dibandingkan dengan biaya yang diperoleh dengan metode EOQ yaitu sebesar Rp.2.560.673.953,9 dan dapat dilakukan penghematan sebesar Rp.3.292.797.248,1 dari biaya persediaan bahan baku menurut PT. Mabar Feed Indonesia

    Analysis Of Multi Item Raw Material Inventory Supply Using The Economic Order Quantity Method

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    Raw material inventory control has a positive impact to support the smooth production process in increasing company profits, one of which is the production of chicken feed at PT. Mabar Feed Indonesia. This study aims to determine the economic order quantity of multi-item chicken feed raw material inventory, and to compare the control of multi-item chicken feed raw material inventory used by companies with the control of multi item chicken feed inventory using the EOQ method. In this study to analyze the data first used the normality test data with the Lilliefors test where the data is normally distributed. The total cost of raw material inventory according to PT Mabar Feed Indonesia is Rp.   the cost is greater than the cost obtained by the EOQ method, which is Rp.   and savings can be made of  Rp.   of the cost of raw material inventory according to PT. Mabar Feed Indonesia

    Travel behavioural intention of choosing Malaysia as destination for medical tourism / Anidah Aziz

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    Research on medical tourism has gained huge popularity because it has become a major source of income for most nations. It is important especially those in emerging countries like Malaysia to look into and put efforts to strategize their capabilities and facilities to respond to the global competition and business opportunities in enhancing their performance. Specifically, the study attempts to examine the behavioural intention of the medical tourist in choosing Malaysia as medical tourism destination. While considering all four variables chosen (perceived destination image, perceived quality, perceived value and patient satisfaction) as having significant impact on behavioural intention of the medical tourists, this study also examines the moderating role of repeat visit in strengthening the relationship between independent variables and dependent variable. This study includes trust as mediator construct to determine the relationship between behavioural intention. Drawing upon the combination of Theory of Planned Behaviour and Motivation Theory, a framework is developed for further investigation. A quantitative approach is employed to achieve the objectives of the study. Questionnaire were distributed and tested against the research framework by using Warp - Partial Least Square (Warp-PLS) technique. A total of 200 responses were received and further analysed. The result demonstrated that there is a positive relationship between perceived destination image, perceived quality, perceived value and patient satisfaction. Trust as mediator was used and the result showed positive relationship for perceived destination image, perceived quality and perceived value, whilst, patient satisfaction has a negative relationship. In addition, the results also revealed that repeat visit as moderator have a significant impact on medical tourist behavioural intention. This study contributes a basis for the future research for medical tourism service and the findings provide valuable implications to theory and practice

    PEMBINGKAIAN BERITA PENCALONAN NURDIN HALID SEBAGAI KETUA UMUM PSSI DI SURAT KABAR JAWA POS ( Studi Analisis Framing Pencalonan Nurdin Halid Sebagai Ketua Umum PSSI Di Surat Kabar Harian Jawa Pos Periode Februari - Maret 2011)

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    Dari tujuan dan sikap media dalam melihat suatu peristiwa, media cetak tidak lepas dari perspektif yang dibangun dalam memuat berita. Begitu pula dalam pemberitaan pencalonan Nurdin Halid sebagai ketua umum PSSI. Ingin diketahui bagaimana media membingkai peristiwa tersebut dalam pemberitaan di surat kabar harian Jawa Pos. peneliti juga ingin mengetahui bagaimana media ini dalam membangun sebuah realitas. Masalah yang akan dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana Jawa Pos membingkai berita Pencalonan Nurdin Halid Sebagai Ketua Umum PSSI pada Surat Kabar Harian Jawa Pos Periode Februari - Maret 2011. Analisis framing adalah salah satu metode analisis teks dalam kategori penelitian kontruksionis. Analisis framing membongkar bagaimana realitas dibingkai oleh media. Pada penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan analisis framing dari Zhondang Pan dan M Gerald Kosicky, karena model ini banyak diadaptasi pendekatan linguistic dengan memasukkan elemen retoris, seperti metafora, leksikon, grafis, sementara model ini meskipun dalam tingkat analisisnya menunjukkan adanya unsure retoris, tetapi mereka tidak mengajukan gambaran detail mengenai elemen retoris. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori ilmu politik yaitu teori untuk mendeteksi kegiatan positif dan negative kalangan pemerintahan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis framing. Korpus yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagian dari berita yang menjadi laporan utama pada harian Jawa Pos tentang pencalonan Nurdin Halid sebagai ketua umum PSSI. Data analisis yang menggunakan pendekatan Pan dan Kosicky yang mengoprasionalisasikan empat dimensi teks berita sebagai perangkat framing : Sintaksis (cara wartawan menyususn berita), Skrip (cara wartawan mengisahkan berita), Tematik (cara wartawan mengisahkan fakta), Retoris (cara wartawan menekankan berita)

    The Palestinian issue: a Malaysian perspectives (1957-2003)

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    In the contemporary world, the Palestinian Issue still remains explosive and unresolved. Its resolution is an urgent necessity as well as a major international concern. This is particularly so to all Muslims who view it not merely as a regional or an Arab problem, but more importantly a paramount religious issue. This sentiment is indeed shared by Malaysia. This book examines the Malaysian government’s attitude and commitment to the Ummatic cause as reflected in its foreign policy, with particular reference to the Palestinian Issue. Emphasis is given to the eras of the four Prime Ministers since independence in1957 up to 1989. It also in a way identifies whether there had been any radical change in the Premiers’ attitude and commitment to the Palestinian cause. This book suggests that Malaysia, though an integral part of the Islamic Ummah, was largely motivated in its commitment to the Palestinian cause by political and pragmatic considerations. At the end, this book also proposes ways and means to enhance the commitment of the Malaysian government and people towards the Palestinian struggle. This book may become a reference work for preliminary documentation of Malaysians’ views and attitude, as well as the government’s role and policies towards the Palestinian Issue. Therefore, this book will be of considerable use to students, scholars as well as policy makers in the field of International Relations, Foreign Policy, Human Rights and Middle East Issues. It will also be of equal benefit to Muslims all over the world as it may kindle and enlighten the minds of the Muslims, wherever they might be, on the issue of Human Rights, especially with regard to the Palestinian Issue


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    Toxigenic Aspergillus flavus is a primary producer of aflatoxin in Indonesia, and its presence can lead to the contamination of agricultural commodities. This contamination poses a risk to export-targeted commodities, potentially resulting in their rejection. Therefore, this study aims to characterize the molecular profile of nativeA. flavus isolated from several Indonesian agricultural products, with a major focus on its toxigenicity and toxin production. A total of 18 A. flavus collections were isolated from nutmeg, ground peanut, cacao, coffee bean, corn, white pepper, and soil peanut plantation. Species identification was carried out using molecular and morphological approaches. The toxigenicity of isolates was characterized based on the amplification of aflatoxin gene clusters, while toxin production was assessed through growth simulation on a 10% coconut broth media followed by HPLC quantification. The result showed that all isolates were confirmed as A. flavus based on the morphological and sequence analysis of the ITS region. A total of 11 isolates (61%) were confirmed as toxigenic and produced 1-2 types of aflatoxin, in varying concentrations of high, moderate, or low levels of AFB1. High levels of AFB1 produced by seven isolates namely BIO3313, BIO33212, BIO3361, BIO33404, BIO3338, BIO3352, and BIO3344, had concentration levels ranging from 76.78 to 2241.06 µg/kg, while three isolates (BIO3314, BIO3312, and BIO3381) produced AFB1 below 1 µg/kg. Twenty-nine pairs of aflatoxin gene-specific sequences were successfully amplified as a single band, while some produced non-specific patterns in several low toxigenic and non-toxigenic isolates. Based on the results, it was concluded that completed gene clusters and variations of gene deletion were observed in both toxigenic and non-toxigenic isolates. However, no specific target gene could effectively distinguish the two groups. Two non-toxigenic isolates namely BIO3393 and BIO33403 exhibited a large deletion and could be potential candidates for biocontrol agents

    Genetic Variations Among Aquilaria Species and Gyrinops Versteegii Using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Markers

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    Aquilaria sp. (Thymelaeaceae) is the most valuable non wood production of forestry plant in Indonesia. It produces a fragrant resin when subjected to fungal attack and has been traded Internationally known as gaharu. Knowledge of genetic diversity and relationship among species and genus is important for breeding purposes and species conservation. In this study, genetic variability of six Aquilaria species were analyzed using the AmplifiedFragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Ten AFLP primer combinations amplified 1353 DNA fragments ranging in size from100 to 350 bp of which 1285 (95%) of them were polymorphic. Genetic similarities among Aquilaria sp. consisted of A. malaccensis, A. beccariana, A. microcarpa, and A. crassna ranged from 63.90 to 72.00 % based on Dice coefficient. The dendrogram derived by the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean of germplasm analysis were clustered into two main groups. Hence, a genetic variation among species is quiet high. Bootstrap values for the groups supported 70% of the cluster using a linear relationship equation of (r = 0.724, P < 0.0001) was observedbetween known pedigrees and AFLP-derived genetic similarity for 136 pairwise comparisons of Aquilaria species. For example, A. malacensis and A. microcarpa have the highest genetic similarity (72.00%) compared with another Aquilaria species. Primer pairs E-ACG/M-CTA produced a specific fragment for A. beccariana (850 bp), A. crasna (550 bp, 180 bp, and 140 bp), A. malaccencis (1500 bp), A. microcarpa (250 bp) and Gyrinops versteegii (150 bp). Primer pairs E-ACG/M-CAA produced a specific DNA fragment only for A. beccariana (1500 bp and 100 bp). Primer pairs E-ACC/M-CAC also produced only specific fragment for A. crassna (1500 bp). Study showed the usefulness of AFLP analysis in Aquilaria sp. and its potential application for breeding and species conservation. Further, molecular diversity estimated in the present study combined with the datasets on other morphological/agronomic traits will be useful for selecting the appropriate accessions for plant improvement through conventional and molecular breeding approaches

    The Root of the Palestinian Issue and Its Reflection on the Muslim Ummah

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    In the contemporary world, the Palestinian issue still remains explosive and unresolved. Its resolution is an urgent necessity as well as a major international concern. This is particularly so to all Muslims who view it not merely as a regional or an Arab problem, but more importantly a paramount religious issue. This sentiment is indeed shared by Malaysia. Malaysia can be classified as a Muslim country. With its Muslim majority and Islam as its official religion, Malaysia takes considerable pride for being part of the dynamic and progressive Islamic Ummah. Malaysia's preoccupation with the Palestinian issue is perhaps the earliest among other Islamic issues. This paper will give brief discussion on the historical root of the Palestinian issue and its reflection on the Muslim Ummah. It will specifically attempt to analyze the reflections of the Palestinian issue on Malaysia since independence in 1957 up to 1989
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