1,065 research outputs found

    Auroral Cluster: A Space Physics Mission for Multiple, Electronically Tethered Small Satellites

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    Auroral Cluster is a space physics mission that has been identified by the NASA Space Physics Strategic Implementation Study as a candidate for flight in the next decade. Auroral Cluster will employ multiple spacecraft outfitted with similar complements of science instruments allowing simultaneous multipoint plasma measurements in the Earth\u27s auroral regions. Co-orbiting small satellites (mass \u3c 400 kg each) that are electronically tethered to share distributed spacecraft systems represent an efficient approach for achieving the science goals of the Auroral Cluster mission. Multisatellite missions represent a new trend in gathering space science data and pose many new and difficult challenges for the space systems engineer. The results of an Auroral Cluster feasibility study, which discusses a variety of mission trade-offs, are presented. A discussion of the science background and mission goals is used to identify the technical drivers for the design of the multiple spacecraft system. A mission plan and some considerations for a Auroral Cluster satellite design are presented. Special consideration is given to the spacecraft subsystems that will allow the system to be operated as a network of electronically tethered interdependent small satellites. These subsystems include attitude determination, spatial separation knowledge and control, data storage, and intersatellite communication

    Influence of radiative damping on the optical-frequency susceptibility

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    Motivated by recent discussions concerning the manner in which damping appears in the electric polarizability, we show that (a) there is a dependence of the nonresonant contribution on the damping and that (b) the damping enters according to the "opposite sign prescription." We also discuss the related question of how the damping rates in the polarizability are related to energy-level decay rates

    Interference of a Tonks-Girardeau Gas on a Ring

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    We study the quantum dynamics of a one-dimensional gas of impenetrable bosons on a ring, and investigate the interference that results when an initially trapped gas localized on one side of the ring is released, split via an optical-dipole grating, and recombined on the other side of the ring. Large visibility interference fringes arise when the wavevector of the optical dipole grating is larger than the effective Fermi wavevector of the initial gas.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Velocity of sound in a Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of an optical lattice and transverse confinement

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    We study the effect of the transverse degrees of freedom on the velocity of sound in a Bose-Einstein condensate immersed in a one-dimensional optical lattice and radially confined by a harmonic trap. We compare the results of full three-dimensional calculations with those of an effective 1D model based on the equation of state of the condensate. The perfect agreement between the two approaches is demonstrated for several optical lattice depths and throughout the full crossover from the 1D mean-field to the Thomas Fermi regime in the radial direction.Comment: final versio

    On the Exact Evaluation of Certain Instances of the Potts Partition Function by Quantum Computers

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    We present an efficient quantum algorithm for the exact evaluation of either the fully ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic q-state Potts partition function Z for a family of graphs related to irreducible cyclic codes. This problem is related to the evaluation of the Jones and Tutte polynomials. We consider the connection between the weight enumerator polynomial from coding theory and Z and exploit the fact that there exists a quantum algorithm for efficiently estimating Gauss sums in order to obtain the weight enumerator for a certain class of linear codes. In this way we demonstrate that for a certain class of sparse graphs, which we call Irreducible Cyclic Cocycle Code (ICCC_\epsilon) graphs, quantum computers provide a polynomial speed up in the difference between the number of edges and vertices of the graph, and an exponential speed up in q, over the best classical algorithms known to date

    A dimensionally continued Poisson summation formula

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    We generalize the standard Poisson summation formula for lattices so that it operates on the level of theta series, allowing us to introduce noninteger dimension parameters (using the dimensionally continued Fourier transform). When combined with one of the proofs of the Jacobi imaginary transformation of theta functions that does not use the Poisson summation formula, our proof of this generalized Poisson summation formula also provides a new proof of the standard Poisson summation formula for dimensions greater than 2 (with appropriate hypotheses on the function being summed). In general, our methods work to establish the (Voronoi) summation formulae associated with functions satisfying (modular) transformations of the Jacobi imaginary type by means of a density argument (as opposed to the usual Mellin transform approach). In particular, we construct a family of generalized theta series from Jacobi theta functions from which these summation formulae can be obtained. This family contains several families of modular forms, but is significantly more general than any of them. Our result also relaxes several of the hypotheses in the standard statements of these summation formulae. The density result we prove for Gaussians in the Schwartz space may be of independent interest.Comment: 12 pages, version accepted by JFAA, with various additions and improvement

    Robo1 regulates semaphorin signaling to guide the migration of cortical interneurons through the ventral forebrain

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    Cortical interneurons, generated predominantly in the medial ganglionic eminence, migrate around and avoid the developing striatum in the subpallium en route to the cortex. This is attributable to the chemorepulsive cues of class 3 semaphorins expressed in the striatal mantle and acting through neuropilin (Nrp1 and Nrp2) receptors expressed in these cells. Cortical interneurons also express Robo receptors, and we show here that in mice lacking Robo1, but not Robo2, these cells migrate aberrantly through the striatum. In vitro experiments demonstrated that interneurons lacking Robo1 function are significantly less responsive to the effects of semaphorins. Failure to respond to semaphorin appears to be attributable to a reduction in Nrp1 and PlexinA1 receptors within these cells. Biochemical studies further demonstrated that Robo1 binds directly to Nrp1, but not to semaphorins, and this interaction is mediated by a region contained within its first two Ig domains. Thus, we show for the first time that Robo1 interacts with Nrp1 to modulate semaphorin signaling in the developing forebrain and direct the migration of interneurons through the subpallium and into the cortex

    The effect of intolerance of uncertainty on anxiety and depression, and their symptom networks, during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Individuals vary in their ability to tolerate uncertainty. High intolerance of uncertainty (the tendency to react nega‑ tively to uncertain situations) is a known risk factor for mental health problems. In the current study we examined the degree to which intolerance of uncertainty predicted depression and anxiety symptoms and their interrelations across the frst year of the COVID-19 pandemic. We examined these associations across three time points (May 2020 – April 2021) in an international sample of adults (N=2087, Mean age=41.13) from three countries (UK, USA, Australia) with varying degrees of COVID-19 risk. We found that individuals with high and moderate levels of intolerance of uncertainty reported reductions in depression and anxiety symptoms over time. However, symptom levels remained signifcantly elevated compared to individuals with low intolerance of uncertainty. Individuals with low intolerance of uncertainty had low and stable levels of depression and anxiety across the course of the study. Network analyses further revealed that the relationships between depression and anxiety symptoms became stronger over time among individuals with high intolerance of uncertainty and identified that feeling afraid showed the strongest association with intolerance of uncertainty. Our findings are consistent with previous work identifying intolerance of uncertainty as an important risk factor for mental health problems, especially in times marked by actual health, economic and social uncertainty. The results highlight the need to explore ways to foster resilience among individuals who struggle to tolerate uncertainty, as ongoing and future geopolitical, climate and health threats will likely lead to continued exposure to significant uncertainty.Jack L. Andrews, Meiwei Li, Savannah Minihan, Annabel Songco, Elaine Fox, Cecile D. Ladouceur, Louise Mewton, Michelle Moulds, Jennifer H. Pfeifer, Anne, Laura Van Harmelen, and Susanne Schweize
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