623 research outputs found

    Determinan Pemakaian Alat Kontrasepsi Modern Sebagai Strategi Dasar Pengembangan Strategi Promosi Kesehatan

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    Penurunan jumlah pemanfaatan kontrasepsi modern pada wanita usia subur berdampak pada peningkatan jumlah penduduk dan mempengaruhi kualitas sumber daya bangsa. Untuk meningkatkan penggunaan alat kontrasepsi modern perlu upaya strategis dalam promosi kesehatan di masyarakat yang lebih efektif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi determinan penggunaan alat kontrasepsi modern di perkotaan dan di perdesaan sebagai dasar pengembangan strategi pomosi kesehatan. Penelitian ini merupakan studi analitik dengan menggunakan data SDKI 2017. Desain penelitian menggunakan cross sectional (potong lintang). Populasi penelitian ini adalah Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) yang berusia dalam rentang (15-49 tahun) di DIY yang terdaftar dalam SDKI 2017. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah analisa univariate, analisis bivariat menggunakan uji Chi-Square serta analisis multivariat dengan menggunakan regresi logistik. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan penggunaan alat kontrasepsi modern diperkotaan adalah pendidikan, paparan informasi dari televisi dan internet, diskusi tentang KB dengan bapak,sumber informasi dari dokter, perawat, bidan, apoteker, dan kesenian. Faktor yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan alat kontrasepsi modern diperkotaan adalah pendidikan, paparan informasi dari televisi, diskusi tentang KB dengan bapak, paparan informasi dari televisi dan internet, diskusi tentang KB dengan bapak,sumber informasi dari apoteker. Kata kunci : Penggunaan kontrasepsi modern; perdesaan dan perkotaan; SDKI 201

    A Double Payload Complex between Hypericin and All-trans Retinoic Acid in the β-Lactoglobulin Protein

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    Combined therapies are usually used to treat acne vulgaris since this approach can tackle various foci simultaneously. Using a combination of spectroscopic, computational, and microbiological techniques and methods, herein we report on the use of β-lactoglobulin as a double payload carrier of hypericin (an antimicrobial photodynamic agent) and all-trans retinoic acid (an anti-inflammatory drug) for S. aureus in vitro photodynamic inactivation. The addition of all-trans retinoic acid to hypericinβ-lactoglobulin complex renders a photochemically safe vehicle due to the photophysical quenching of hypericin, which recovers its photodynamic activity when in contact with bacteria. The ability of hypericin to photoinactivate S. aureus was not affected by retinoic acid. β-Lactoglobulin is a novel biocompatible and photochemically safe nanovehicle with strong potential for the treatment of acne

    R-symmetric Gauge Mediation and the MRSSM

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    This is an invited summary of a seminar talk given at various institutions in the United States and Canada. After a brief introduction, a review of the minimal R-symmetric supersymmetric standard model is given, and the benefits to the flavor sector are discussed. R-symmetric gauge mediation is an attempt to realize this model using metastable supersymmetry breaking techniques. Sample low energy spectra are presented and tuning is discussed. Various other phenomenological results are summarized.Comment: 14 pages, invited Brief Review, submitted to Modern Physics Letters A; v2: replaced Figure 1, updated acknowledgments, fixed typo

    Use of hyperspectral transmittance imaging to evaluate the internal quality of nectarines

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    [EN] The internal quality of nectarines (Prunus persica L. Batsch var. nucipersica) cv. 'Big Top' (yellow flesh) and 'Magique' (white flesh) has been inspected using hyperspectral transmittance imaging. Hyperspectral images of intact fruits were acquired in the spectral range of 630-900 nm using transmittance mode during their ripening under controlled conditions. The detection of split pit disorder and classification according to an established firmness threshold were performed using PLS-DA. The prediction of the Internal Quality Index (IQI) related to ripeness was performed using PLS-R. The most important variables were selected using interval-PLS. As a result, an accuracy of 94.7% was obtained in the detection of fruits with split pit of the 'Big Top' cultivar. Accuracies of 95.7% and 94.6% were achieved in the classification of the 'Big Top' and 'Magique' cultivars, respectively, according to the firmness threshold. The internal quality was predicted through the IQI with R-2 values of 0.88 and 0.86 for the two cultivars. The results obtained indicate the great potential of hyperspectral transmittance imaging for the assessment of the internal quality of intact nectarines.This work was partially funded by INIA and FEDER funds through project RTA2015-00078-00-00. Sandra Munera thanks INIA for the FPI-INIA grant num. 43 (CPR2014-0082), partially supported by European Union FSE funds.Munera, S.; Blasco Ivars, J.; Amigo, J.; Cubero-García, S.; Talens Oliag, P.; Aleixos Borrás, MN. (2019). Use of hyperspectral transmittance imaging to evaluate the internal quality of nectarines. Biosystems Engineering. 182:54-64. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2019.04.001S546418

    A novel accelerometry-based algorithm for the detection of step durations over short episodes of gait in healthy elderly.

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    Background: The assessment of short episodes of gait is clinically relevant and easily implemented, especially given limited space and time requirements. BFS (body-fixed-sensors) are small, lightweight and easy to wear sensors, which allow the assessment of gait at relative low cost and with low interference. Thus, the assessment with BFS of short episodes of gait, extracted from dailylife physical activity or measured in a standardised and supervised setting, may add value in the study of gait quality of the elderly. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of a novel algorithm based on acceleration signals recorded at different human locations (lower back and heels) for the detection of step durations over short episodes of gait in healthy elderly subjects.Methods: Twenty healthy elderly subjects (73.7 ± 7.9 years old) walked twice a distance of 5 m, wearing a BFS on the lower back, and on the outside of each heel. Moreover, an optoelectronic three-dimensional (3D) motion tracking system was used to detect step durations. A novel algorithm is presented for the detection of step durations from low-back and heel acceleration signals separately. The accuracy of the algorithm was assessed by comparing absolute differences in step duration between the three methods: step detection from the optoelectronic 3D motion tracking system, step detection from the application of the novel algorithm to low-back accelerations, and step detection from the application of the novel algorithm to heel accelerations.Results: The proposed algorithm successfully detected all the steps, without false positives and without false negatives. Absolute average differences in step duration within trials and across subjects were calculated for each comparison, between low-back accelerations and the optoelectronic system were on average 22.4 ± 7.6 ms (4.0 ± 1.3 % of average step duration), between heel accelerations and the optoelectronic system were on average 20.7 ± 11.8 ms (3.7 ± 1.9 %), and between low-back accelerations and heel accelerations were on average 27.8 ± 15.1 ms (4.9 ± 2.5 % of average step duration).Conclusions: This study showed that the presented novel algorithm detects step durations over short episodes of gait in healthy elderly subjects with acceptable accuracy from low-back and heel accelerations, which provides opportunities to extract a range of gait parameters from short episodes of gait

    Changes in symptoms of asthma and rhinitis by sensitization status over ten years in a cohort of young Chilean adults

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated the net changes in prevalence of symptoms of asthma and rhinitis over 10 years in a cohort of young by baseline sensitization status. METHODS: One thousand one hundred ninety three Chilean adults subjects aged 22-28 living in a semi-rural area of central Chile answered a lifestyle and the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) questionnaires. Bronchial hyper-responsiveness (BHR) and skin prick test (SPT) to eight allergens were measured at baseline in 2001. Ten years later, 772 participants completed the questionnaires again. Estimates of adjusted net changes in prevalence of symptoms by sensitization status at baseline and association between sensitization status at baseline and respiratory symptoms ten years later were assessed. RESULTS: A quarter of the participants were sensitized to at least one allergen in 2001. Prevalence of wheeze had a net change per year of -0.37 % (95 % Confidence Interval -0.71 to 0.02 %; p = 0.067). Self-reported nasal allergies in the last 12 months increased by 0.83 % per year (95 % CI 0.49 to 1.17 %; p < 0.001). Those sensitized to either cat fur (OR 1.76; CI 1.01 to 3.05), cockroach, (OR 2.09; 1.13 to 3.86) blend of grass and pollens (1.78; 95 % CI 1.08 to 2.92), or weeds (OR 1.77; 95 % CI 1.01 to 3.12) in 2001 were more likely to have wheeze in the last 12 months 10 years later. CONCLUSION: Symptoms of asthma remained stable or slightly changed over 10 years in adults, whilst rhinitis and nasal allergies greatly increased. Being sensitized to at least one allergen is a risk factor for persistent symptoms of asthma and rhinitis, but not for determining net changes of symptoms over time. The underlying causes for the contrasting trends between asthma and nasal allergy are unknow

    Massive open star clusters using the VVV survey III: A young massive cluster at the far edge of the Galactic bar

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    Context: Young massive clusters are key to map the Milky Way's structure, and near-IR large area sky surveys have contributed strongly to the discovery of new obscured massive stellar clusters. Aims: We present the third article in a series of papers focused on young and massive clusters discovered in the VVV survey. This article is dedicated to the physical characterization of VVV CL086, using part of its OB-stellar population. Methods: We physically characterized the cluster using JHKSJHK_S near-infrared photometry from ESO public survey VVV images, using the VVV-SkZ pipeline, and near-infrared KK-band spectroscopy, following the methodology presented in the first article of the series. Results: Individual distances for two observed stars indicate that the cluster is located at the far edge of the Galactic bar. These stars, which are probable cluster members from the statistically field-star decontaminated CMD, have spectral types between O9 and B0V. According to our analysis, this young cluster (1.01.0 Myr << age <5.0< 5.0 Myr) is located at a distance of 116+511^{+5}_{-6} kpc, and we estimate a lower limit for the cluster total mass of (2.81.4+1.6)103M(2.8^{+1.6}_{-1.4})\cdot10^3 {M}_{\odot}. It is likely that the cluster contains even earlier and more massive stars.Comment: Accepted for publication as a Letter in A&

    Goldstini Can Give the Higgs a Boost

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    Supersymmetric collider phenomenology depends crucially on whether the lightest observable-sector supersymmetric particle (LOSP) decays, and if so, what the LOSP decay products are. For instance, in SUSY models where the gravitino is lighter than the LOSP, the LOSP decays to its superpartner and a longitudinal gravitino via supercurrent couplings. In this paper, we show that LOSP decays can be substantially modified when there are multiple sectors that break supersymmetry, where in addition to the gravitino there are light uneaten goldstini. As a particularly striking example, a bino-like LOSP can have a near 100% branching fraction to a higgs boson and an uneaten goldstino, even if the LOSP has negligible higgsino fraction. This occurs because the uneaten goldstino is unconstrained by the supercurrent, allowing additional operators to mediate LOSP decay. These operators can be enhanced in the presence of an R symmetry, leading to copious boosted higgs production in SUSY cascade decays.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figures; v2: title change, clarifications added, version to appear in JHE