679 research outputs found

    Optical background measurement in a potential site for the NEMO KM undersea neutrino telescope

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    We describe the measurement of the deep sea optical background in some sites south of Capo Passero, Sicily. A continuous flux of about 440 photons cm -2 s -1 in the wavelength interval 440-550 nm is estimated due to the decays of the 40K contained in the sea water. Bioluminescence light bursts are also observed and an example of time evolution is reported. All the measurements were accomplished using a deep sea module also described in this article

    Latent ties identification in inter-firms social networks

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    Social networks are usually analyzed through manifest variables. However there are social latent aspects that strongly qualify the networks. This paper aims to propose a statistical methodology to identify latent variable in inter-firm social networks. A multidimensional scaling technique is proposed to measure this latent variable as a combination of an appropriate set of two or more manifest relational aspects. This method, tested on an inter-firm social network in theMarche region, is a new way to grasp social aspect with quantitative tools that could be implemented under several different conditions, using also other variable

    Performance Results of a Prototype Board Designed for Copper Data Transmission in KM3NeT

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    International audienceThe experience gained in designing submarine neutrino telescopes suggested to explore new ways of realizing the data transmission backbone at the detection unit level. In order to decrease the difficulties of integration and handling of the backbones, some effort has been spent in developing a backbone based on copper links with simple tracts of cable connecting contiguous storeys. This work is aimed at the presentation of the general architecture of the system, at the description of an electronic board prototype designed to test the project feasibility with the first results obtained. The main goal of the experimental setup was measuring the recovered clock jitter under various conditions, with and without cables. The jitter measured on the cleaned clock amounts to hundreds of picoseconds, well below the sub-nanosecond time resolution required by this kind of experiments

    A neural-network approach to radon short-range forecasting from concentration time series

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    The relevance of particulate radon progeny measurements for an estimation of the mixing height was recently established. Here, an attempt at a shortrange forecast of radon concentration is presented using a neural-network model applied at a 2-hour based time series. This forecasting activity leads to useful predictions of the mixing height during stability conditions

    Neural network modelling for the analysis of forcings/temperatures relationships at different scales in the climate system

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    Abstract A fully non-linear analysis of forcing influences on temperatures is performed in the climate system by means of neural network modelling. Two case studies are investigated, in order to establish the main factors that drove the temperature behaviour at both global and regional scales in the last 140 years. In particular, our neural network model shows the ability to catch non-linear relationships among these variables and to reconstruct temperature records with a high degree of accuracy. In this framework, we clearly show the need of including anthropogenic inputs for explaining the temperature behaviour at global scale and recognise the role of El Nino southern oscillation for catching the inter-annual variability of temperature data. Furthermore, we analyse the relative influence of global forcing and a regional circulation pattern in determining the winter temperatures in Central England, showing that the North Atlantic oscillation represents the driven element in this case study. Our modelling activity and results can be very useful for simple assessments of relationships in the complex climate system and for identifying the fundamental elements leading to a successful downscaling of atmosphere–ocean general circulation models

    Finding the right partners? Examining inequalities in the global investment landscape of hydropower

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    Clean and affordable energy is crucial to achieve a sustainable future. Despite being controversial, hydropower remains the predominant low-cost and reliable source of energy at global level, as it stabilizes the provision of electricity and it bears the power peaks without losing efficiency. However, hydropower requires huge upfront investments and patient functional capital. Under the Paris Agreement, countries committed to direct financial capital flows towards a low-emission pathway in order to enable the transition. Furthermore, private capital strongly engaged with a transition towards a climate-smart economy. The aim of this work is to study the investment system behind hydropower, investors’ behaviour and the optimal allocation of finance to favour the deployment of capital flows. We use Bloomberg Energy Finance database to track public–private investments over the past century (1903–2020). We use network models to represent the hydropower project financing landscape as a network of co-investments. We find that investors are highly localized, with continental players mostly interacting with counterparts in the same area of the world. Powerful exceptions are international organisations and multilateral banks which coinvest across the globe. They also tend to support low-income and fragile countries, meeting their mandate of sustainable development champions. Multilateral banks and international organisations are the most critical actors in enabling public–private co-investments; they activate partnerships with a wider diversity of investors within the network creating more opportunities for blended finance tools. Our results offer a novel perspective on finance for the energy transition: it challenges the idea that more capital invested is better and calls for a more efficient allocation of the available resources

    Investment suitability and path dependency perpetuate inequity in international mitigation finance toward developing countries

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    Developed country pledges to provide finance to developing countries for their mitigation actions sit at the heart of international climate cooperation. Currently, climate finance largely flows to big and fast-growing developing countries while low-income and vulnerable countries are underserved. Here, using wind and solar project data, we highlight inequities in the distribution of international investments in mitigation across developing countries and explore the factors that influence public and private investment flows. Results show that public actors are influenced by domestic climate policies since the Paris Agreement, while private finance flows are shaped by investment suitability conditions, which restricts access to both types of finance in the poorest countries. Further, public and private flows are strongly shaped by path dependency, generating an “investment lock-in” that perpetuates distributional inequities. Future international commitments to direct climate finance should address distributional issues to meet countries’ needs and the goals of the Paris Agreement

    The role of inhalational anesthetic drugs in patients with hepatic dysfunction: A review article

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    Context: Anesthetic drugs including halogenated anesthetics have been common for many years. Consequent hepatic injury has been reported in the literature. The mechanism of injury is immunoallergic. The first generation drug was halothane; it had the most toxicity when compared to other drugs. The issue becomes more important when the patient has an underlying hepatic dysfunction. Evidence Acquisition: In this paper, reputable internet databases from 1957�2014 were analyzed and 43 original articles, 3 case reports, and 3 books were studied. A search was performed based on the following keywords: inhalational anesthesia, hepatic dysfunction, halogenated anesthetics, general anesthesia in patients with hepatic diseases, and side effects of halogenated anesthetics from reliable databases. Reputable websites like PubMed and Cochrane were used for the searches. Results: In patients with hepatic dysfunction in addition to hepatic system and dramatic hemostatic dysfunction, dysfunction of cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and central nervous systems may occur. On the other hand, exposure to inhalational halogenated anesthetics may have a negative impact (similar to hepatitis) on all aforementioned systems in addition to direct effects on liver function as well as the effects are more pronounced in halothane. Conclusions: Despite the adverse effects of inhalational halogenated anesthetics (especially halothane) on hepatic patients when necessary. The effects on all systems must be considered and the necessary preparations must be provided. These drugs are still used, if necessary, due to the presence of positive effects and advantages mentioned in other studies as well as the adverse effects of other drugs. © 2015, Iranian Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ISRAPM)

    Survey of educational drop-out indexes and its related factors in alumni of paramedical faculty of Kashan Medical University

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Educational dropout is one of the problems of educational system. The educational drop-out prevention and its complications require recognition of the probability risk factors. So, this study is carried out in order to assess the indexes of educational drop-out and its related factors in alunmi of paramedical faculty of Kashan medical University, Iran. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was performed on the entire alunmi from 1990-2003 (n=1439). The questionnaire including probability related factors and the indexes of educational drop-out (probation, unacceptable total average, lesson repeating, major changing, withdrawing, ejection from university, education leaving and delay in graduating) was used. FINDINGS: Prevalence of probation, unacceptable total average and delay in graduating were 9.2 (n=133), 14.5 (n=209), and 14.1 (n=203), respectively. The utmost probation frequency was related to first and then second semester. Delay duration was only one semester in 152 (10.56). 413 (28.7) had repeated lesson that 227 (15.8) had repeated only one lesson. Prevalence of major changing, withdrawing, ejection from university and education leaving were 2 (n=29), 0.9 (n=13), 0.4 (n=6), and 0.6 (n=9), respectively. There was an association between demographic data, prior educational status, and admission criteria with academic drop-out. CONCLUSION: With attention to the considerable prevalence of educational drop-out and its risk factors, diagnosing and supporting of the vulnerable students is a must