15 research outputs found

    Sobrepeso entre adolescentes de escolas particulares de Fortaleza, CE, Brasil Sobrepeso entre adolescentes de escuelas privadas de Fortaleza, CE, Brasil Overweight among adolescents from private schools in Fortaleza, CE, Brazil

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    O objetivo da pesquisa foi identificar casos de excesso de peso em adolescentes de escolas particulares de Fortaleza - Brasil. Foram investigados 794 estudantes entre 12 e 17 anos de idade, de 12 escolas privadas, nos meses de março-junho e agosto-setembro de 2007. A prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade foi, respectivamente, de 20% e 4%. O sobrepeso foi maior, e duplicado os casos de obesidade, naqueles que mantinham o hábito de assistir tevê durante as refeições (p= 0, 000). Cerca de 28% dos jovens ativos apresentavam excesso de peso (p < 0, 001). No combate à adiposidade juvenil, cabe a enfermagem, principalmente, realizar as ações preventivas, pois atenuam diversas repercussões patológicas, relacionados com o acúmulo de peso corporal.<br>El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar los casos de sobrepeso en adolescentes de escuelas privadas de Fortaleza-Brasil. Fueron investigados 794 estudiantes entre 12 y 17 años, de 12 escuelas privadas, en los meses de marzo-junio y agosto-septiembre de 2007. La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obsedidad fue de 20% y 4%, respectivamente. La acumulación de peso fue mayor y los casos de obesidad fue dos veces más, en los que tenían la costumbre de asistir a la tele al alimentarse (p= 0, 000). Sobre 28% de los jóvenes que practicaban actividad física regularmente presentaban sobrepeso (p < 0, 001). Para la enfermería luchar contra la obesidad entre adolescentes, son necesarias las acciones preventivas, pues atenuan los diversos efectos patológicos con relación a la acumulación de peso corporal.<br>The purpose of the study was to identify cases of overweight among adolescents in private schools in Fortaleza, Brazil. We investigated 794 students between 12 and 17 years old from 12 private schools, in the months March to June and August-September 2007. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 20% and 4%, respectively. Among the young people who watch TV while eat, the weight accumulated was higher and the cases of obesity was the double (p = 0, 000). About 28% of people who practiced regular physical activity were overweight (p <0, 001). In the fight against adolescent adiposity, to the nursing is primarily the preventive actions, because attenuate various pathological effects related to the accumulation of body weight

    Perfil antropométrico e consumo alimentar de adolescentes de Teixeira de Freitas - Bahia Anthropometric profile and food intake of adolescents in Teixeira de Freitas - Bahia, Brazil

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever o perfil antropométrico e o consumo alimentar de adolescentes das escolas públicas de um município do Estado da Bahia. MÉTODOS: Estudo de corte transversal realizado com amostra aleatória por conglomerado de 354 alunos, dos 1.678 adolescentes de dezessete a dezenove anos matriculados nas 23 escolas elegíveis do município. Foram coletados dados sobre freqüência de consumo alimentar qualitativo e indicadores antropométricos, como o índice de massa corporal; pregas cutâneas triciptal e subescapular e o indicador altura/idade, segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde. Realizou-se análise bivariada e estratificada, sendo a significância estatística verificada pelo qui-quadrado e teste exato de Fischer, com nível crítico de 5%. RESULTADOS: A análise antropométrica evidenciou maior prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade (5,1%) no sexo feminino e de magreza no masculino (6,4%); o déficit de crescimento foi observado em 25,0% dos adolescentes, sendo 15,0% de leve a moderado e 10,0% grave. Evidenciou-se também consumo habitual de arroz, feijão, farinha de mandioca, pão francês, manteiga, margarina, açúcar e café, sendo baixo o consumo de produtos lácteos, frutas, legumes e hortaliças; 96,6% dos adolescentes realizavam mais de três refeições diárias e mais de 80,0% alimentavam-se no domicílio. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados apontam a necessidade de implementação de estratégias de prevenção dos problemas nutricionais por meio de uma alimentação e um estilo de vida saudáveis, assim como de estudos sobre os possíveis fatores comprometedores do crescimento dos adolescentes.<br>OBJECTIVE: The objective was to describe the anthropometric profile and food intake in adolescents from public schools in a municipality of Bahia, Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional experimental design was employed with a random conglomerate sample of 354 adolescents, 17 to 19 years old, from a total of 1.678 students enrolled in 23 eligible schools of the municipality. Qualitative data on the frequency of food consumption and anthropometric indicators were collected. Body weight/ height index, triceps skeletal muscle and sub-scapular skinfold measurements, were carried out according to World Health Organization. Bivariate and stratified analyses were then carried out, and statistical significance at the 5% level verified using chi-square (chi2) and the exact Fischer test. RESULTS: An analysis of the anthropometric indicators showed prevalence for overweight and obesity in 5.1% of the females and prevalence for underweight in 6.4% of the males. Growth deficiency was noted in 25.0% of the adolescents; the deficiency being classified as moderate in 15.0% and severe in 10.0% of the adolescents. The usual food intake consisted of cooked rice, beans, manioc flour, wheat bread, butter, coffee and sugar. A low consumption of dairy products, fruits, vegetables and greens was observed. 96.6% of the adolescents had three meals per day, which were consumed at home by 80.0% of those interviewed. CONCLUSION: The results point to a need to implement preventive strategies for nutritional problems, recommending appropriate food intake and healthier life styles. Furthermore, possible factors inhibiting growth in the adolescents should be studied

    Surface roughness and hardness of a composite resin: influence of finishing and polishing and immersion methods

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    This study evaluated the finishing and polishing effect on the surface roughness and hardness of the Filtek Supreme XT, in fluoride solutions. Specimens were prepared (n = 140) with half of the samples finished and polished with Super-Snap® disks. The experimental groups were divided according to the presence or absence of finishing and polishing and immersion solutions (artificial saliva, sodium fluoride solution at 0.05% - manipulated, Fluordent Reach, Oral B, Fluorgard). The specimens remained immersed in artificial saliva for 24 hours and were then subjected to initial analysis (baseline) of surface roughness and Vickers microhardness. Next, they were immersed in different fluoride solutions for 1 min/day, for 60 days. Afterwards, a new surface roughness and microhardness reading was conducted. The data were submitted to a two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (5% significance level). For the comparison of mean roughness and hardness at baseline and after 60 days, the paired Student t test was used. The results showed that the surface roughness and microhardness of the Filtek Supreme XT were influenced by the finishing and polishing procedure, independently of the immersion methods