1,578 research outputs found

    Avaliação econômica e análise de risco da aplicação de calcário na linha de semeadura na cultura da soja.

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    Avaliar economicamente o efeito da aplicação de calcário finamente moído na linha de semeadura da soja, determinar as quantidades deste insumo que possibilita maximizar o lucro do agricultor e selecionar através da análise de biorisco a alternativa tecnológica que envolve menor risco para o produtor.bitstream/item/133889/1/ID9942-1981-1982sojaresultados-p99-108.pdfTrabalho apresentado na X Reunião de Pesquisa de Soja da Região Sul, Porto Alegre, 1982

    Aplicação de calcário na linha de semeadura para cultura da soja.

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    As recomendações de calcário adotadas baseiam-se atualmente nas quantidades necessárias para elevar o pH do solo a 6,0, promovendo com isso a neutralização do alumínio tóxico (e manganês) para as plantas.bitstream/item/83844/1/CNPT-CIRCULAR-1-APLICACAO-DE-CALCARIO-NA-LINHA-DE-SEMEADURA-PARA-CULTURA-DE-SOJA-FL-13416.pd

    MOS CCDs for the wide field imager on the XEUS spacecraft

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    In recent years the XEUS mission concept has evolved and has been the subject of several industrial studies. The mission concept has now matured to the point that it could be proposed for a Phase A study and subsequent flight programme. The key feature of XEUS will be its X-ray optic with collecting area ~30-100x that of XMM. The mission is envisaged at an orbit around the L2 point in space, and is formed from two spacecraft; one for the mirrors, and the other for the focal plane detectors. With a focal length of 50m, the plate scale of the optic is 6.5x that of XMM, which using existing focal plane technology will reduce the effective field of view to a few arc minutes. Cryogenic instrumentation, with detector sizes of a few mm can only be used for narrow field studies of target objects, and a wide field instrument is under consideration using a DEPFET pixel array to image out to a diameter of 5 arcminutes, requiring an array of dimension 70mm. It is envisaged to extend this field of view possibly out to 15 arcminutes through the use of an outer detection ring comprised of MOS CCD

    Numerical analysis of deep-seated mass movements in the Magura Nappe; Flysch Belt of the Western Carpathians (Czech Republic)

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    Deep-seated slope failures are common features in the mountains of the Raca Unit, Magura Nappe of the Flysch Belt of Western Carpathians. Since they represent very complicated system, understanding of their evolution and triggers still remains unclear. We tried to provide a back-analysis of their development by using a finite difference code (FDM) of continua (Flac 4.0). We confirmed that such large mass movements could be triggered by water saturation of the bedrock in the three particular geological and geomorphic settings. Such situation could have been caused by heavy rainfalls in humid phases of the Holocene or permafrost melting in Late Glacial. The effects of faulting, very deep weathering of the bedrock, low geotechnical parameters of smectite-rich material and the local slope geometry have also been accounted for in numerical models, as well as the other triggering factors of slope instability. FDM modelled shear zones are in agreement with observations

    Sistemas de produção de grãos com pastagens anuais de inverno, para a região Sul do Brasil, sob sistema plantio direto.

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    Impacto de espécies de inverno no rendimento de grãos de culturas de verão e de trigo no inverno subseqüente.

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    Respostas a tecnologias de trigo nos anos de 1981 e 1982.

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    Sistemas de rotação de culturas para cevada, sob plantio direto, durante dez anos, em Guarapuava, PR.

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