67 research outputs found

    A Chemical Screen Probing the Relationship between Mitochondrial Content and Cell Size

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    The cellular content of mitochondria changes dynamically during development and in response to external stimuli, but the underlying mechanisms remain obscure. To systematically identify molecular probes and pathways that control mitochondrial abundance, we developed a high-throughput imaging assay that tracks both the per cell mitochondrial content and the cell size in confluent human umbilical vein endothelial cells. We screened 28,786 small molecules and observed that hundreds of small molecules are capable of increasing or decreasing the cellular content of mitochondria in a manner proportionate to cell size, revealing stereotyped control of these parameters. However, only a handful of compounds dissociate this relationship. We focus on one such compound, BRD6897, and demonstrate through secondary assays that it increases the cellular content of mitochondria as evidenced by fluorescence microscopy, mitochondrial protein content, and respiration, even after rigorous correction for cell size, cell volume, or total protein content. BRD6897 increases uncoupled respiration 1.6-fold in two different, non-dividing cell types. Based on electron microscopy, BRD6897 does not alter the percent of cytoplasmic area occupied by mitochondria, but instead, induces a striking increase in the electron density of existing mitochondria. The mechanism is independent of known transcriptional programs and is likely to be related to a blockade in the turnover of mitochondrial proteins. At present the molecular target of BRD6897 remains to be elucidated, but if identified, could reveal an important additional mechanism that governs mitochondrial biogenesis and turnover

    A Chemical Screen Probing the Relationship between Mitochondrial Content and Cell Size

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    The cellular content of mitochondria changes dynamically during development and in response to external stimuli, but the underlying mechanisms remain obscure. To systematically identify molecular probes and pathways that control mitochondrial abundance, we developed a high-throughput imaging assay that tracks both the per cell mitochondrial content and the cell size in confluent human umbilical vein endothelial cells. We screened 28,786 small molecules and observed that hundreds of small molecules are capable of increasing or decreasing the cellular content of mitochondria in a manner proportionate to cell size, revealing stereotyped control of these parameters. However, only a handful of compounds dissociate this relationship. We focus on one such compound, BRD6897, and demonstrate through secondary assays that it increases the cellular content of mitochondria as evidenced by fluorescence microscopy, mitochondrial protein content, and respiration, even after rigorous correction for cell size, cell volume, or total protein content. BRD6897 increases uncoupled respiration 1.6-fold in two different, non-dividing cell types. Based on electron microscopy, BRD6897 does not alter the percent of cytoplasmic area occupied by mitochondria, but instead, induces a striking increase in the electron density of existing mitochondria. The mechanism is independent of known transcriptional programs and is likely to be related to a blockade in the turnover of mitochondrial proteins. At present the molecular target of BRD6897 remains to be elucidated, but if identified, could reveal an important additional mechanism that governs mitochondrial biogenesis and turnover

    Site-1 protease function is essential for the generation of antibody secreting cells and reprogramming for secretory activity

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    The unfolded protein response (UPR) and activation of XBP1 is necessary for high secretory efficiency and functional differentiation of antibody secreting cells (ASCs). The UPR additionally includes a branch in which membrane-bound transcription factors, exemplified by ATF6, undergo intramembrane-proteolysis by the sequential action of site-1 (MBTPS1/S1P) and site-2 proteases (MBTPS2/S2P) and release of the cytoplasmic domain as an active transcription factor. Such regulation is shared with a family of CREB3-related transcription factors and sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs). Of these, we identify that the CREB3 family member CREB3L2 is strongly induced and activated during the transition from B-cell to plasma cell state. Inhibition of site-1 protease leads to a profound reduction in plasmablast number linked to induction of autophagy. Plasmablasts generated in the presence of site-1 protease inhibitor segregated into CD38high and CD38low populations, the latter characterized by a marked reduction in the capacity to secrete IgG. Site-1 protease inhibition is accompanied by a distinctive change in gene expression associated with amino acid, steroid and fatty acid synthesis pathways. These results demonstrate that transcriptional control of metabolic programs necessary for secretory activity can be targeted via site-1 protease inhibition during ASC differentiation

    Inversion symmetry and bulk Rashba effect in methylammonium lead iodide perovskite single crystals

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    Methylammonium lead iodide perovskite (MAPbI_3) exhibits long charge carrier lifetimes that are linked to its high efficiency in solar cells. Yet, the mechanisms governing these unusual carrier dynamics are not completely understood. A leading hypothesis—disproved in this work—is that a large, static bulk Rashba effect slows down carrier recombination. Here, using second harmonic generation rotational anisotropy measurements on MAPbI_3 crystals, we demonstrate that the bulk structure of tetragonal MAPbI_3 is centrosymmetric with I4/mcmspace group. Our calculations show that a significant Rashba splitting in the bandstructure requires a non-centrosymmetric lead iodide framework, and that incorrect structural relaxations are responsible for the previously predicted large Rashba effect. The small Rashba splitting allows us to compute effective masses in excellent agreement with experiment. Our findings rule out the presence of a large static Rashba effect in bulk MAPbI_3, and our measurements find no evidence of dynamic Rashba effects

    Volunteer tourism and travel volunteering

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    © David Horton Smith, Robert A. Stebbins, and Jurgen Grotz 2016 and Respective authors 2016. All rights reserved. This chapter explores the nature of volunteer tourism and travel volunteering as part of the larger section of this book on the purposive types of volunteers and volunteering. This new type of volunteering now constitutes a burgeoning segment of the alternative tourism industry that goes far beyond both the traditional notion of volunteering and traditional mass tourism. This chapter explores many key debates that underpin volunteer tourism, in particular the various issues and dimensions evident in various cultural contexts. We also provide an understanding of the reasons why some consumers use their tourism leisure time to volunteer. Our focus will be on international volunteer tourism, excluding domestic tourism volunteering

    Os Jogos Olímpicos na Cidade do México 1968: discursos oficiais, da mídia e da literatura científica

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    ResumoO presente artigo propõe uma análise histórica sobre os principais fatos relacionados à candidatura, eleição e realização dos Jogos Olímpicos de 1968 na Cidade do México, verificando a presença ou ausência desses e de outros debates no jornal Folha de S.Paulo do ano de 1968, nos relatórios oficiais emitidos pelo Comitê Organizador do evento e na literatura científica. Assim, foram identificados e descritos o processo de candidatura e eleição da Cidade do México, assim como os debates acerca da altitude e as manifestações político-sociais durante o processo de preparação e realização do evento - especificamente ao chamado Massacre de Tlatelolco e ao ato de levantar os punhos dos atletas Tommy Smith e John Carlos no pódio olímpico. Sem a pretensão de esgotar a descrição dos acontecimentos daquele evento, tais fatos apontam para relevantes indícios daquela edição dos Jogos Olímpicos. Apesar da especificidade histórica daquele contexto político e esportivo, alguns debates permanecem como desafios para as cidades sedes e para as instituições esportivas mesmo após quase meio século
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