59 research outputs found

    Non-perturbative Vacuum Destabilization and D-brane Dynamics

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    We analyze the process of string vacuum destabilization due to instanton induced superpotential couplings which depend linearly on charged fields. These non-perturbative instabilities result in potentials for the D-brane moduli and lead to processes of D-brane recombination, motion and partial moduli stabilization at the non-perturbative vacuum. By using techniques of D-brane instanton calculus, we explicitly compute this scalar potential in toroidal orbifold compactifications with magnetized D-branes by summing over the possible discrete instanton configurations. We illustrate explicitly the resulting dynamics in globally consistent models. These instabilities can have phenomenological applications to breaking hidden sector gauge groups, open string moduli stabilization and supersymmetry breaking. Our results suggest that breaking supersymmetry by Polonyi-like models in string theory is more difficult than expected.Comment: 61 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables; Minor corrections, version published in JHE

    The Intermediate Scale MSSM, the Higgs Mass and F-theory Unification

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    Even if SUSY is not present at the Electro-Weak scale, string theory suggests its presence at some scale M_{SS} below the string scale M_s to guarantee the absence of tachyons. We explore the possible value of M_{SS} consistent with gauge coupling unification and known sources of SUSY breaking in string theory. Within F-theory SU(5) unification these two requirements fix M_{SS} ~ 5 x 10^{10} GeV at an intermediate scale and a unification scale M_c ~ 3 x 10^{14} GeV. As a direct consequence one also predicts the vanishing of the quartic Higgs SM self-coupling at M_{SS} ~10^{11} GeV. This is tantalizingly consistent with recent LHC hints of a Higgs mass in the region 124-126 GeV. With such a low unification scale M_c ~ 3 x 10^{14} GeV one may worry about too fast proton decay via dimension 6 operators. However in the F-theory GUT context SU(5) is broken to the SM via hypercharge flux. We show that this hypercharge flux deforms the SM fermion wave functions leading to a suppression, avoiding in this way the strong experimental proton decay constraints. In these constructions there is generically an axion with a scale of size f_a ~ M_c/(4\pi)^2 ~ 10^{12} GeV which could solve the strong CP problem and provide for the observed dark matter. The prize to pay for these attractive features is to assume that the hierarchy problem is solved due to anthropic selection in a string landscape.Comment: 48 pages, 8 figures. v3: further minor correction

    Holomorphic variables in magnetized brane models with continuous Wilson lines

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    We analyze the action of the target-space modular group in toroidal type IIB orientifold compactifications with magnetized D-branes and continuous Wilson lines. The transformation of matter fields agree with that of twisted fields in heterotic compactifications, constituting a check of type I/heterotic duality. We identify the holomorphic N = 1 variables for these compactifications. Matter fields and closed string moduli are both redefined by open string moduli. The redefinition of matter fields can be read directly from the perturbative Yukawa couplings, whereas closed string moduli redefinitions are obtained from D-brane instanton superpotential couplings. The resulting expressions reproduce and generalize, in the presence of internal magnetic fields, previous results in the literature.Comment: 9 pages, no figures; v2: conventions for Wilson lines changed, major simplifications in expressions, discussions extended, typos corrected, some references adde

    Un-oriented Quiver Theories for Majorana Neutrons

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    In the context of un-oriented open string theories, we identify quivers whereby a Majorana mass for the neutron is indirectly generated by exotic instantons. We discuss two classes of (Susy) Standard Model like quivers, depending on the embedding of SU(2)_W in the Chan-Paton group. In both cases, the main mechanism involves a vector-like pair mixing through a non-perturbative mass term. We also discuss possible relations between the phenomenology of Neutron-Antineutron oscillations and LHC physics in these models. In particular, a vector-like pair of color-triplet scalars or color-triplet fermions could be directly detected at LHC, compatibly with n-\bar{n} limits. Finally we briefly comment on Pati-Salam extensions of our models.Comment: More comments on phenomenology and fluxes, Re-discussion of SM-quivers compatible with n-cycles conditions Version accepted by JHE

    Quantum Symmetries and Marginal Deformations

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    We study the symmetries of the N=1 exactly marginal deformations of N=4 Super Yang-Mills theory. For generic values of the parameters, these deformations are known to break the SU(3) part of the R-symmetry group down to a discrete subgroup. However, a closer look from the perspective of quantum groups reveals that the Lagrangian is in fact invariant under a certain Hopf algebra which is a non-standard quantum deformation of the algebra of functions on SU(3). Our discussion is motivated by the desire to better understand why these theories have significant differences from N=4 SYM regarding the planar integrability (or rather lack thereof) of the spin chains encoding their spectrum. However, our construction works at the level of the classical Lagrangian, without relying on the language of spin chains. Our approach might eventually provide a better understanding of the finiteness properties of these theories as well as help in the construction of their AdS/CFT duals.Comment: 1+40 pages. v2: minor clarifications and references added. v3: Added an appendix, fixed minor typo

    Interference of H-bonding and substituent effects in nitro- and hydroxy-substituted salicylaldehydes

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    Two intramolecular interactions, i.e., (1) hydrogen bond and (2) substituent effect, were analyzed and compared. For this purpose, the geometry of 4- and 5-X-substituted salicylaldehyde derivatives (X = NO2, H or OH) was optimized by means of B3LYP/6-311 + G(d,p) and MP2/aug-cc-pVDZ methods. The results obtained allowed us to show that substituents (NO2 or OH) in the para or meta position with respect to either OH or CHO in H-bonded systems interact more strongly than in the case of di-substituted species: 4- and 3-nitrophenol or 4- and 3-hydroxybenzaldehyde by ∼31%. The substituent effect due to the intramolecular charge transfer from the para-counter substituent (NO2) to the proton-donating group (OH) is ∼35% greater than for the interaction of para-OH with the proton-accepting group (CHO). The total energy of H-bonding for salicylaldehyde, and its derivatives, is composed of two contributions: ∼80% from the energy of H-bond formation and ∼20% from the energy associated with reorganization of the electron structure of the systems in question

    A Family of Diverse Kunitz Inhibitors from Echinococcus granulosus Potentially Involved in Host-Parasite Cross-Talk

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    The cestode Echinococcus granulosus, the agent of hydatidosis/echinococcosis, is remarkably well adapted to its definitive host. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the successful establishment of larval worms (protoscoleces) in the dog duodenum are unknown. With the aim of identifying molecules participating in the E. granulosus-dog cross-talk, we surveyed the transcriptomes of protoscoleces and protoscoleces treated with pepsin at pH 2. This analysis identified a multigene family of secreted monodomain Kunitz proteins associated mostly with pepsin/H+-treated worms, suggesting that they play a role at the onset of infection. We present the relevant molecular features of eight members of the E. granulosus Kunitz family (EgKU-1 – EgKU-8). Although diverse, the family includes three pairs of close paralogs (EgKU-1/EgKU-4; EgKU-3/EgKU-8; EgKU-6/EgKU-7), which would be the products of recent gene duplications. In addition, we describe the purification of EgKU-1 and EgKU-8 from larval worms, and provide data indicating that some members of the family (notably, EgKU-3 and EgKU-8) are secreted by protoscoleces. Detailed kinetic studies with native EgKU-1 and EgKU-8 highlighted their functional diversity. Like most monodomain Kunitz proteins, EgKU-8 behaved as a slow, tight-binding inhibitor of serine proteases, with global inhibition constants (KI*) versus trypsins in the picomolar range. In sharp contrast, EgKU-1 did not inhibit any of the assayed peptidases. Interestingly, molecular modeling revealed structural elements associated with activity in Kunitz cation-channel blockers. We propose that this family of inhibitors has the potential to act at the E. granulosus-dog interface and interfere with host physiological processes at the initial stages of infection

    Anti-D3 branes and moduli in non-linear supergravity

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    Anti-D3 branes and non-perturbative effects in flux compactifications spontaneously break supersymmetry and stabilise moduli in a metastable de Sitter vacua. The low energy 4D effective field theory description for such models would be a supergravity theory with non-linearly realised supersymmetry. Guided by string theory modular symmetry, we compute this non-linear supergravity theory, including dependence on all bulk moduli. Using either a constrained chiral superfield or a constrained vector field, the uplifting contribution to the scalar potential from the anti-D3 brane can be parameterised either as an F-term or Fayet-Iliopoulos D-term. Using again the modular symmetry, we show that 4D non-linear supergravities that descend from string theory have an enhanced protection from quantum corrections by non-renormalisation theorems. The superpotential giving rise to metastable de Sitter vacua is robust against perturbative string-loop and α\alpha' corrections.Comment: 33 page