186 research outputs found

    Experimental and numerical investigations of flow through free double baffled gates

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    Studying the flow patterns and behaviour of double baffled gates under different flow heads is important to improve their performance, which could help in widening the range of their application. In the present study, physical and numerical investigations were conducted on the double baffled gate. A 3D Acoustic Doppler Velocity Meter (ADV) was used for laboratory measurements of the instantaneous velocity fields in the physical gate model. In parallel with this, the CFD Fluent package was adopted to carry out a sensitivity analysis for a matrix of geometric parameters of the double baffled gate. The outcomes of the laboratory and CFD numerical investigations were incorporated in a spreadsheet with the purpose of informing the design of double baffled gates under conditions of non-submergence

    Effect of Stretching Versus Aerobic Exercises on Pregnant Diabetic Women

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    Purpose: This study was conducted to determine the effect of stretching versus aerobic exercises on pregnant diabetic women. Subjects: Sixty primigravidae and multigravidae women shared in this study. They were selected from Benha University Hospital in Benha. Their ages were ranged from 25-35 years. Their BMI was ranged from 30-35 kg/m2. Their gestational ages were between 20-24 weeks’ gestation. All pregnant women were complaining of gestational diabetes mellitus. Design: Design of this study was randomized controlled study. They were randomly assigned into two equal groups: Group A (stretching exercises group); It consisted of thirty pregnant diabetic women. They were treated by medical treatment, diet control and stretching exercises for 40 minutes, 3 times per week, after one hour of the main meal and insulin injection, for 12 weeks. Group B (aerobic exercises group); It consisted of thirty pregnant diabetic women. They were treated by medical treatment, diet control and aerobic exercise program in the form of walking on treadmill, at moderate intensity (60% of the maximum heart rate), for 45 minutes, 3 times per week, after one hour of the main meal and insulin injection, for 12 weeks. Methods: Body mass index (BMI) was assessed by weight and height scale. Fasting and postprandial blood glucose levels were assessed by using blood glucose monitoring system; fasting insulin level and HbA1C were assessed by blood analysis for each woman in both groups A and B before and after treatment. Results: Results of this study revealed that there was significant decrease in fasting blood glucose level, post-prandial blood glucose level, fasting insulin level and HbA1C level in both groups A and B after treatment. Pretreatment, there was no significant difference between both groups A and B in fasting blood glucose level, post-prandial blood glucose level, fasting insulin level and HbA1C level. Post treatment, there was significant difference between both groups A and B in fasting blood glucose level, post-prandial blood glucose level, fasting insulin level and HbA1C level (more decrease in group A). Conclusion: It can be concluded that both stretching and aerobic exercises during pregnancy can improve gestational diabetes mellitus by decreasing fasting blood glucose level, post-prandial blood glucose level, fasting insulin level and HbA1C level, but stretching exercises are more effective than aerobic exercises

    Neural substrates and potential treatments for levodopa-induced dyskinesias in Parkinson's disease

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is primarily a motor disorder that involves the gradual loss of motor function. Symptoms are observed initially in the extremities, such as hands and arms, while advanced stages of the disease can effect blinking, swallowing, speaking, and breathing. PD is a neurodegenerative disease, with dopaminergic neuronal loss occurring in the substantia nigra pars compacta, thus disrupting basal ganglia functions. This leads to downstream effects on other neurotransmitter systems such as glutamate, γ-aminobutyric acid, and serotonin. To date, one of the main treatments for PD is levodopa. While it is generally very effective, prolonged treatments lead to levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LID). LID encompasses a family of symptoms ranging from uncontrolled repetitive movements to sustained muscle contractions. In many cases, the symptoms of LID can cause more grief than PD itself. The purpose of this review is to discuss the possible clinical features, cognitive correlates, neural substrates, as well as potential psychopharmacological and surgical (including nondopaminergic and deep brain stimulation) treatments of LID

    Association of HCV with diabetes mellitus: an Egyptian case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The highest Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) prevalence in the world occurs in Egypt. Several studies from different parts of the world have found that 13% to 33% of patients with chronic HCV have associated diabetes, mostly type II Diabetes Mellitus (DM). In Egypt the prevalence of DM is 25.4% among HCV patients. Therefore, it is important to identify the magnitude of the problem of diabetes in order to optimize the treatment of chronic hepatitis C.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The objective of this case-control study was to evaluate the prevalence of DM and other extrahepatic (EH) manifestations among patients with different HCV morbidity stages including asymptomatic, chronic hepatic and cirrhotic patients. In this study, 289 HCV patients older than 18 were selected as cases. Also, 289 healthy controls were included. Laboratory investigations including Liver Function tests (LFT) and blood glucose level were done. Also serological assays including cryoglobulin profile, rheumatoid factor, antinuclear antibody, HCV-PCR were performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Out of 289 HCV cases, 40 (13.84%) were diabetic. Out of 289 healthy controls, 12 (4.15%) were diabetic. It was found that the diabetic HCV group mean age was [48.1 (± 9.2)]. Males and urbanians represented 72.5% and 85% respectively. Lower level of education was manifested in 52.5% and 87.5% were married. In the nondiabetic HCV group mean age was [40.7 (± 10.4)]. Males and urbanians represented 71.5% and 655% respectively. secondary and higher level of education was attained in 55.4% and 76.7% were married. Comparing between the diabetic HCV group and the non diabetic HCV group, age, residence and alcohol drinking were the only significant factors affecting the incidence of diabetes between the two groups. There was no significant difference regarding sonar findings although cirrhosis was more prevalent among diabetic HCV cases and the fibrosis score was higher in diabetic HCV patients than among the non diabetic HCV cases.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The diabetic patients in the HCV group were older, more likely to have a history of alcohol drinking than the non diabetic HCV cases. Age and alcohol drinking are factors that could potentially contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. Logistic regression analyses showed that age and residence in urban regions were the predictive variables that could be associated with the presence of diabetes. Alcohol consumption was not a significant predictive factor.</p

    Analysis of Gene expression in soybean (Glycine max) roots in response to the root knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita using microarrays and KEGG pathways

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Root-knot nematodes are sedentary endoparasites that can infect more than 3000 plant species. Root-knot nematodes cause an estimated $100 billion annual loss worldwide. For successful establishment of the root-knot nematode in its host plant, it causes dramatic morphological and physiological changes in plant cells. The expression of some plant genes is altered by the nematode as it establishes its feeding site.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We examined the expression of soybean (<it>Glycine max</it>) genes in galls formed in roots by the root-knot nematode, <it>Meloidogyne incognita</it>, 12 days and 10 weeks after infection to understand the effects of infection of roots by <it>M. incognita</it>. Gene expression was monitored using the Affymetrix Soybean GeneChip containing 37,500 <it>G. max </it>probe sets. Gene expression patterns were integrated with biochemical pathways from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes using PAICE software. Genes encoding enzymes involved in carbohydrate and cell wall metabolism, cell cycle control and plant defense were altered.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A number of different soybean genes were identified that were differentially expressed which provided insights into the interaction between <it>M. incognita </it>and soybean and into the formation and maintenance of giant cells. Some of these genes may be candidates for broadening plants resistance to root-knot nematode through over-expression or silencing and require further examination.</p

    The outcome of transobturator anterior vaginal wall prolapse repair using porcine dermis graft: intermediate term follow-up

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    Introduction and Hypothesis We evaluated the anatomical success and complications of Perigee® with porcine dermis Graft in the repair of anterior vaginal wall prolapse (AVWP) Materials and Methods After Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, the charts of all patients who underwent AVWP repair using the Perigee/InteXen® kit from July 2005 to July 2009 were reviewed. Patients who had less than 6-month follow-up were excluded. Preoperative data including patient age, previous AVWP repairs, hysterectomy status, preoperative dyspareunia and pertinent physical findings were collected and recorded. Postoperative success was defined as anatomical stage 0 or I using the Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification (POP-Q) scoring system. Graft related complications were also recorded. Results Out of 89 patients, 69 completed at least 6-month follow-up. Median follow-up was 13 (6-48) months. Seventeen patients (25%) had previous AVWP repair and 32 (46%) had previous hysterectomy. Preoperatively, AVWP stage II was found in 9 (13%), stage III in 27 (39%) and stage IV in 33 (48%) patients. Anatomic success was found in 48 (69%) patients, with 23 (33%) having stage 0 and 25 (36%) stage I AVWP. Intraoperative complications included incidental cystotomy in one patient and bladder perforation in one. Postoperative complications included vaginal exposure and dyspareunia in one case, wound dehiscence in one and tenderness over the graft arm with dyspareunia in one. conclusions The use of porcine dermis in AVWP repair is safe with minimal graft related complications; however, anatomical success is lower than that reported with the use of synthetic grafts

    Positioning the principles of precision medicine in care pathways for allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis - A EUFOREA-ARIA-EPOS-AIRWAYS ICP statement.

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    Precision medicine (PM) is increasingly recognized as the way forward for optimizing patient care. Introduced in the field of oncology, it is now considered of major interest in other medical domains like allergy and chronic airway diseases, which face an urgent need to improve the level of disease control, enhance patient satisfaction and increase effectiveness of preventive interventions. The combination of personalized care, prediction of treatment success, prevention of disease and patient participation in the elaboration of the treatment plan is expected to substantially improve the therapeutic approach for individuals suffering from chronic disabling conditions. Given the emerging data on the impact of patient stratification on treatment outcomes, European and American regulatory bodies support the principles of PM and its potential advantage over current treatment strategies. The aim of the current document was to propose a consensus on the position and gradual implementation of the principles of PM within existing adult treatment algorithms for allergic rhinitis (AR) and chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). At the time of diagnosis, prediction of success of the initiated treatment and patient participation in the decision of the treatment plan can be implemented. The second-level approach ideally involves strategies to prevent progression of disease, in addition to prediction of success of therapy, and patient participation in the long-term therapeutic strategy. Endotype-driven treatment is part of a personalized approach and should be positioned at the tertiary level of care, given the efforts needed for its implementation and the high cost of molecular diagnosis and biological treatment
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