45 research outputs found

    Use of DINEOF for ocean colour data applications

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    Enhancing temporal correlations in EOF expansions for the reconstruction of missing data using DINEOF

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    DINEOF (Data Interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Functions) is an EOF-based technique for the reconstruction of missing data in geophysical fields, such as those produced by clouds in sea surface temperature satellite images. A technique to reduce spurious time variability in DINEOF reconstructions is presented. The reconstruction of these images within a long time series using DINEOF can lead to large discontinuities in the reconstruction. Filtering the temporal covariance matrix allows to reduce this spurious variability and therefore more realistic reconstructions are obtained. The approach is tested in a three years sea surface temperature data set over the Black Sea. The effect of the filter in the temporal EOFs is presented, as well as some examples of the improvement achieved with the filtering in the SST reconstruction, both compared to the DINEOF approach without filtering

    Ensemble perturbation smoother for optimizing tidal boundary conditions by assimilation of High-Frequency radar surface currents - application to the German Bight

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    High-Frequency (HF) radars measure the ocean surface currents at various spatial and temporal scales. These include tidal currents, wind-driven circulation, density-driven circulation and Stokes drift. Sequential assimilation methods updating the model state have been proven successful to correct the density-driven currents by assimilation of observations such as sea surface height, sea surface temperature and in-situ profiles. However, the situation is different for tides in coastal models since these are not generated within the domain, but are rather propagated inside the domain through the boundary conditions. For improving the modeled tidal variability it is therefore not sufficient to update the model state via data assimilation without updating the boundary conditions. The optimization of boundary conditions to match observations inside the domain is traditionally achieved through variational assimilation methods. In this work we present an ensemble smoother to improve the tidal boundary values so that the model represents more closely the observed currents. To create an ensemble of dynamically realistic boundary conditions, a cost function is formulated which is directly related to the probability of each boundary condition perturbation. This cost function ensures that the boundary condition perturbations are spatially smooth and that the structure of the perturbations satisfies approximately the harmonic linearized shallow water equations. Based on those perturbations an ensemble simulation is carried out using the full three-dimensional General Estuarine Ocean Model (GETM). Optimized boundary values are obtained by assimilating all observations using the co-variances of the ensemble simulation

    Study of the combined effects of data assimilation and grid nesting in ocean models - application to the Gulf of Lions

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    Modern operational ocean forecasting systems routinely use data assimilation techniques in order to takeobservations into account in the hydrodynamic model. Moreover, as end users require higher and higher resolution predictions, especially in coastal zones, it is now common to run nested models, where the coastal model gets its opensea boundary conditions from a low-resolution global model. This configuration is used in the “Mediterranean Forecasting System: Towards environmental predictions” (MFSTEP) project. A global model covering the whole Mediterranean Sea is run weekly, performing 1 week of hindcast and a 10-day forecast. Regional models, using different codes and covering different areas, then use this forecast to implement boundary conditions. Local models in turn use the regional model forecasts for their own boundary conditions. This nested system has proven to be a viable and efficient system to achieve high-resolution weekly forecasts. However, when observations are available in some coastal zone, it remains unclear whether it is better to assimilate them in the global or local model. We perform twin experiments and assimilate observations in the global or in the local model, or in both of them together. We show that, when interested in the local models forecast and provided the global model fields are approximately correct, the best results are obtained when assimilating observations in the local model