62 research outputs found

    Objeto perdido, objeto des-compuesto

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    Dime cuál es tu versión del duelo y te diré cómo sitúas el objeto. Contrariamente a lo que afirma Freud, el objeto del duelo es insustituible. Se revisan los malentendidos y las críticas internas y externas de Duelo y melancolía de S. Freud, como prolegómeno a un estudio de los objetos de la pérdida en el duelo, para des-componer como (1 + a) un hallazgo clínico y teórico: se está de duelo por alguien que, al morir, se lleva consigo un pequeño trozo de sí. El poeta, sin embargo, nos precede una vez más (Shakespeare): "Sólo con la muerte el último trozo cae al pozo", pero esta muerte no es la muerte de sí sino la muerte del Otro

    Modulating Both Tumor Cell Death and Innate Immunity Is Essential for Improving Radiation Therapy Effectiveness

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    Radiation therapy is one of the cornerstones of cancer treatment. In tumor cells, exposure to ionizing radiation (IR) provokes DNA damages that trigger various forms of cell death such as apoptosis, necrosis, autophagic cell death, and mitotic catastrophe. IR can also induce cellular senescence that could serve as an additional antitumor barrier in a context-dependent manner. Moreover, accumulating evidence has demonstrated that IR interacts profoundly with tumor-infiltrating immune cells, which cooperatively drive treatment outcomes. Recent preclinical and clinical successes due to the combination of radiation therapy and immune checkpoint blockade have underscored the need for a better understanding of the interplay between radiation therapy and the immune system. In this review, we will present an overview of cell death modalities induced by IR, summarize the immunogenic properties of irradiated cancer cells, and discuss the biological consequences of IR on innate immune cell functions, with a particular attention on dendritic cells, macrophages, and NK cells. Finally, we will discuss their potential applications in cancer treatment

    Anticancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy trigger both non-cell-autonomous and cell-autonomous death.

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    Even though cell death modalities elicited by anticancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy have been extensively studied, the ability of anticancer treatments to induce non-cell-autonomous death has never been investigated. By means of multispectral imaging flow-cytometry-based technology, we analyzed the lethal fate of cancer cells that were treated with conventional anticancer agents and co-cultured with untreated cells, observing that anticancer agents can simultaneously trigger cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous death in treated and untreated cells. After ionizing radiation, oxaliplatin, or cisplatin treatment, fractions of treated cancer cell populations were eliminated through cell-autonomous death mechanisms, while other fractions of the treated cancer cells engulfed and killed neighboring cells through non-cell-autonomous processes, including cellular cannibalism. Under conditions of treatment with paclitaxel, non-cell-autonomous and cell-autonomous death were both detected in the treated cell population, while untreated neighboring cells exhibited features of apoptotic demise. The transcriptional activity of p53 tumor-suppressor protein contributed to the execution of cell-autonomous death, yet failed to affect the non-cell-autonomous death by cannibalism for the majority of tested anticancer agents, indicating that the induction of non-cell-autonomous death can occur under conditions in which cell-autonomous death was impaired. Altogether, these results reveal that chemotherapy and radiotherapy can induce both non-cell-autonomous and cell-autonomous death of cancer cells, highlighting the heterogeneity of cell death responses to anticancer treatments and the unsuspected potential contribution of non-cell-autonomous death to the global effects of anticancer treatment

    AGuIX® from bench to bedside-Transfer of an ultrasmall theranostic gadolinium-based nanoparticle to clinical medicine

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    International audienceAGuIX® are sub-5 nm nanoparticles made of a polysiloxane matrix and gadolinium chelates. This nanoparticle has been recently accepted in clinical trials in association with radiotherapy. This review will summarize the principal preclinical results that have led to first in man administration. No evidence of toxicity has been observed during regulatory toxicity tests on two animal species (rodents and monkeys). Biodistributions on different animal models have shown passive uptake in tumours due to enhanced permeability and retention effect combined with renal elimination of the nanoparticles after intravenous administration. High radiosensitizing effect has been observed with different types of irradiations in vitro and in vivo on a large number of cancer types (brain, lung, melanoma, head and neck…). The review concludes with the second generation of AGuIX nanoparticles and the first preliminary results on human

    Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga

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    Porphyra is a macrophytic red alga of the Bangiales that is important ecologically and economically. We describe the genomes of three bacteria in the phylum Planctomycetes (designated P1, P2 and P3) that were isolated from blades of Porphyra umbilicalis (P.um.1). These three Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) belong to distinct genera; P2 belongs to the genus Rhodopirellula, while P1 and P3 represent undescribed genera within the Planctomycetes. Comparative analyses of the P1, P2 and P3 genomes show large expansions of distinct gene families, which can be widespread throughout the Planctomycetes (e.g., protein kinases, sensors/response regulators) and may relate to specific habitat (e.g., sulfatase gene expansions in marine Planctomycetes) or phylogenetic position. Notably, there are major differences among the Planctomycetes in the numbers and sub-functional diversity of enzymes (e.g., sulfatases, glycoside hydrolases, polysaccharide lyases) that allow these bacteria to access a range of sulfated polysaccharides in macroalgal cell walls. These differences suggest that the microbes have varied capacities for feeding on fixed carbon in the cell walls of P.um.1 and other macrophytic algae, although the activities among the various bacteria might be functionally complementary in situ. Additionally, phylogenetic analyses indicate augmentation of gene functions through expansions arising from gene duplications and horizontal gene transfers; examples include genes involved in cell wall degradation (e.g., κ-carrageenase, alginate lyase, fucosidase) and stress responses (e.g., efflux pump, amino acid transporter). Finally P1 and P2 contain various genes encoding selenoproteins, many of which are enzymes that ameliorate the impact of environmental stresses that occur in the intertidal habitat

    Contemporary Implications of Michel Foucault

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    This kind invitation by Cindy Zeiher and Mike Grimshaw to contribute to this issue on Foucault offers me the great advantage of exploring new challenges from my perspective. Such challenges encompass several facets. Today, without a doubt, the most prohibitive challenge comes from what we call ‘postmodernism’ now understood as ignorant politics in the sense that it is merely ‘a politics of theory’. Here I am careful not to become distracted especially since my work is situated in, as Jacques Lacan calls it, the Freudian field

    ¿Culpable? ¿No culpable?

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    La autora recorre en la obra de Sören Kierkegaard el estatuto de la melancolía y la culpabilidad. Insiste en la vertiente melancólica del joven Sören, su relación con el seudónimo y su rechazo al re-nombre para introducir la pregunta ¿De qué naturaleza fue la falta del padre de aquél que elevó la angustia a la dignidad del concepto? Las referencias de Lacan a la obra de Kierkegaard -autor de El concepto de la angustia-, son múltiples. El tema de preferencia es la relación padre-hijo y la cuestión de la culpabilidad y el goce. Esta teoría kierkegaardiana de "la herencia del pecado" permitiría afirmar que la consecuencia del pecado hereditario es la angustia

    Objeto perdido, objeto des-compuesto

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    Dime cuál es tu versión del duelo y te diré cómo sitúas el objeto. Contrariamente a lo que afirma Freud, el objeto del duelo es insustituible. Se revisan los malentendidos y las críticas internas y externas de Duelo y melancolía de S. Freud, como prolegómeno a un estudio de los objetos de la pérdida en el duelo, para des-componer como (1 + a) un hallazgo clínico y teórico: se está de duelo por alguien que, al morir, se lleva consigo un pequeño trozo de sí. El poeta, sin embargo, nos precede una vez más (Shakespeare): "Sólo con la muerte el último trozo cae al pozo", pero esta muerte no es la muerte de sí sino la muerte del Otro

    Lacan avec Foucault:La psychanalyse sera foucaldienne ou ne sera plus

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    Seit dem Erscheinen von Foucaults Geschichte und Wahnsinn haben sich die Wege Lacans und Foucaults wiederholt gekreuzt – in der Frage danach, wer spricht, nach dem Preis, den das Subjekt für das wahr sagen zu zahlen hat, oder danach, unter welchen Bedingungen in unterschiedlichen Diskursformationen ein Subjekt aufscheint. Die Art und Weise, wie sich das Subjekt des Begehrens mit dem Wissen verknotet, wirft zugleich die Frage nach dem Zusammenhang von Geistigkeit und Erotik auf. Sich der Sprache des Wahnsinns zu nähern, erfordert von der Psychoanalyse, sich von der Sprache der Medizin zu entfernen. Diese Aufgabe hat sie, trotz aller Bemühungen, bis heute nicht erfüllt. Sie müsste sich dazu in eine andere, auch ältere Genealogie einer ›Technik der Subjektivierung‹ einschreiben, deren Linien Foucault in seiner Vorlesung Die Hermeneutik des Subjekts nachzeichnet. Jean Allouch ist Psychoanalytiker in Paris. Nach dem Studium der Psychologie (Montpellier) und der Philosophie (Paris Sorbonne) besuchte er von 1963 an die Seminare Lacans, der auch sein Analytiker war. Nach Auflösung der École freudienne de Paris war er Mitbegründer der Zeitschrift Littoral und kurz darauf der École lacanienne de psychanalyse (ELP). Mit der Reihe ›Les grands classiques de l’érotologie moderne‹, die er im Verlag Epel leitet, möchte er in Frankreich grundlegende Arbeiten aus dem Feld der queer und gender studies bekannt machen. Seine Bücher sind unter anderem: Lettre pour lettre (1984, 2. Auflage 2021), Marguerite, ou l’Aimée de Lacan (1990), Érotique du deuil au temps de la mort sèche (1995), La Psychanalyse, une érotologie de passage (1997), Le sexe du maître (2001), La psychanalyse est-elle un exercice spirituel? Réponse à Michel Foucault (2007; Übers.: Ist die Psychoanalyse eine geistige Übung?, 2021), L’Amour Lacan (2009), L’Autresexe (2015) sowie kürzlich: Nouvelle remarques sur le passage à l’acte (2019), Transmaître (2020). Depuis la publication de Histoire de la folie à l’âge classique de Foucault, les chemins de Lacan et de Foucault se sont croisés à plusieurs reprises — dans la question de ne savoir qui parle, du prix que le sujet doit payer pour dire vrai, ou des conditions dans lesquelles un sujet apparaît dans différentes formations discursives. La manière dont le sujet du désir se noue au savoir soulève également la question du lien entre spiritualité et érotisme. S’approcher du langage de la folie exige que la psychanalyse s’éloigne du langage de la médecine. Elle n’a pas encore rempli cette tâche, même si elle s’y efforce depuis longtemps. Pour y arriver, elle devrait s’inscrire dans une autre généalogie, également plus ancienne, d’une ‹ technique de subjectivation ›, dont Foucault trace les lignes dans sa conférence L’Herméneutique du sujet. Jean Allouch est psychanalyste à Paris. Après des études de psychologie (Montpellier) et de philosophie (Paris Sorbonne), il suit à partir de 1963 les séminaires de Lacan, qui était aussi son analyste. Après la dissolution de l’École freudienne de Paris, il a cofondé la revue Littoral et, peu après, l’École lacanienne de psychanalyse (ELP). Avec la série ‹ Les grands classiques de l’érotologie moderne ›, qu’il dirige aux Éditions Epel, il vise à faire connaître des ouvrages fondamentaux dans le domaine des queer and gender studies en France. Parmi ses livres, citons: Lettre pour lettre (1984, 2ème édition 2021), Marguerite, ou l’Aimée de Lacan (1990), Érotique du deuil au temps de la mort sèche (1995), La Psychanalyse, une érotologie de passage (1997), Le sexe du maître (2001), La psychanalyse est-elle un exercice spirituel. Réponse à Michel Foucault (2007), L’Amour Lacan (2009), L’Autresexe (2015) et plus récemment: Nouvelles remarques sur le passage à l’acte (2019) et Transmaître (2020).Jean Allouch, Lacan avec Foucault: La psychanalyse sera foucaldienne ou ne sera plus, lecture, ICI Berlin, 12 November 2021 <https://doi.org/10.25620/e211112