1,404 research outputs found

    Quantum Kalb-Ramond Field in D-dimensional de Sitter Spacetimes

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    In this work we investigate the quantum theory of the Kalb-Ramond fields propagating in DD-dimensional de Sitter spacetimes using the dynamic invariant method developed by Lewis and Riesenfeld [J. Math. Phys. 10, 1458 (1969)] to obtain the solution of the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation. The wave function is written in terms of a cc-number quantity satisfying of the Milne-Pinney equation, whose solution can be expressed in terms of two independent solutions of the respective equation of motion. We obtain the exact solution for the quantum Kalb-Ramond field in the de Sitter background and discuss its relation with the Cremmer-Scherk-Kalb-Ramond model

    Caracterização do sistema de produção de ovinos Santa Inês no Estado de Sergipe.

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    Com o presente trabalho objetivou-se caracterizar a produção ovina da raça Santa Inês no Estado de Sergipe, referência nacional pela qualidade genética. Através de 54 entrevistas semi-estruturadas e visitas às propriedades, obteve-se o perfil dos criadouros com relação ao manejo sanitário, nutricional e reprodutivo, bem como, finalidade e destino da criação. No geral, as propriedades apresentaram rebanhos de tamanho bastante variável, sendo o sistema semi-intensivo o mais utilizado. Em sua maioria, as criações tinham acompanhamento técnico regular e destinavam-se ao abate ou exploração genética. Criações com assistência veterinária associada a práticas adequadas de manejo mostraram maior produtividade. A carne ovina apresenta crescente demanda de mercado, porém a reduzida quantidade de abatedouros e frigoríficos no Estado parece contribuir como fator determinante para a escoação da produção para feiras livres sem fiscalização sanitária

    Produção de grãos de milho e atributos químicos de solo influenciados pela aplicação de escória de siderurgia em um latossolo amarelo distrófico.

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    A maioria dos solos da Amazônia apresenta características de elevada acidez, sendo necessária a aplicação de corretivos para a obtenção de produtividades satisfatórias das culturas..

    Macronutrientes em diferentes partes de indivíduos de açaizeiro (Euterpe oleracea mart.) provenientes de populações nativas de municípios do estado do Pará.

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    O açaizeiro é uma espécies típica de crescente valor comercial nos mercados nacional e internacional, sobretudo de alto valor cultural para a população local, o açaí é um aliemnto nutritivo..

    Confinement of bosonic and spinning particles in braneworlds

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    In this manuscript we study the confinement of bosonic and spinning test particles in smooth Randall-Sundrum models. For this, we show that it is possible to find an effective potential which describe the motion of the particle over the extra dimension. For the bosonic case it is a known fact that free test particles cannot be localized neither in thin nor thick branes. Recently, a coupling to a scalar field has been used to localize a limited range of masses. Up to now, no mechanism has been found that can trap test particles of any mass over the brane. To solve this, we show that a coupling with the dilaton can trap particles of any mass. Next we analyze the spinning particle. The spin variables ψP\psi^{P} introduces an interaction with the curvature Riemann tensor. This introduces a correction to the effective potential. By analyzing it, we find that the spinning particle can be localized at a position different of the brane. We also show that a spinning particle over the brane can escape to infinity. Therefore, we can conclude that free bosonic and spinning particles are not trapped to the brane

    Dynamical Mass Constraints on Low-Mass Pre-Main-Sequence Stellar Evolutionary Tracks: An Eclipsing Binary in Orion with a 1.0 Msun Primary and an 0.7 Msun Secondary

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    We report the discovery of a double-lined, spectroscopic, eclipsing binary in the Orion star-forming region. We analyze the system spectroscopically and photometrically to empirically determine precise, distance-independent masses, radii, effective temperatures, and luminosities for both components. The measured masses for the primary and secondary, accurate to ~1%, are 1.01 Msun and 0.73 Msun, respectively; thus the primary is a definitive pre-main-sequence solar analog, and the secondary is the lowest-mass star yet discovered among pre-main-sequence eclipsing binary systems. We use these fundamental measurements to test the predictions of pre-main-sequence stellar evolutionary tracks. None of the models we examined correctly predict the masses of the two components simultaneously, and we implicate differences between the theoretical and empirical effective temperature scales for this failing. All of the models predict the observed slope of the mass-radius relationship reasonably well, though the observations tend to favor models with low convection efficiencies. Indeed, considering our newly determined mass measurements together with other dynamical mass measurements of pre-main-sequence stars in the literature, as well as measurements of Li abundances in these stars, we show that the data strongly favor evolutionary models with inefficient convection in the stellar interior, even though such models cannot reproduce the properties of the present-day Sun.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Monitoring young associations and open clusters with Kepler in two-wheel mode

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    We outline a proposal to use the Kepler spacecraft in two-wheel mode to monitor a handful of young associations and open clusters, for a few weeks each. Judging from the experience of similar projects using ground-based telescopes and the CoRoT spacecraft, this program would transform our understanding of early stellar evolution through the study of pulsations, rotation, activity, the detection and characterisation of eclipsing binaries, and the possible detection of transiting exoplanets. Importantly, Kepler's wide field-of-view would enable key spatially extended, nearby regions to be monitored in their entirety for the first time, and the proposed observations would exploit unique synergies with the GAIA ESO spectroscopic survey and, in the longer term, the GAIA mission itself. We also outline possible strategies for optimising the photometric performance of Kepler in two-wheel mode by modelling pixel sensitivity variations and other systematics.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, white paper submitted in response to NASA call for community input for alternative science investigations for the Kepler spacecraf

    Dual Spaces of Resonance In Thick pp-Branes

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    In this work we consider qq-form fields in a pp-brane embedded in a D=(p+2)D=(p+2) space-time. The membrane is generated by a domain wall in a Randall-Sundrum-like scenario. We study conditions for localization of zero modes of these fields. The expression agrees and generalizes the one found for the zero, one, two and three-forms in a 33-brane. By a generalization we mean that our expression is valid for any form in an arbitrary dimension with codimension one. We also point out that, even without the dilaton coupling, some form fields are localized in the membrane. The massive modes are considered and the resonances are calculated using a numerical method. We find that different spaces have identical resonance structures, which we call dual spaces of resonances(DSR).Comment: 15 page