7 research outputs found

    Freqüência de infecção por Toxocara em crianças atendidas em serviço público de Maringá, sul do Brasil

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    The lack of specific laboratorial diagnosis methods and precise symptoms makes the toxocariasis a neglected disease in Public Health Services. This study aims to determine the frequency of Toxocara spp. infection in children attended by the Health Public Service of Hospital Municipal de Maringá, South Brazil. To evaluate the association of epidemiological and clinical data, an observational and cross-section study was carried out. From 14,690 attended children/year aged from seven month to 12 years old, 450 serum samples were randomly collected from September/2004 to September/2005. A questionnaire was used to evaluate epidemiological, clinical and hematological data. An ELISA using Toxocara canis larval excretory-secretory products as antigen detected 130 (28.8%) positive sera, mainly between children from seven month to five years old (p = 0.0016). Significant correlation was observed between positive serology for Toxocara, and frequent playing in sandbox at school or daycare center (p = 0.011) and the presence of a cat at home (p = 0.056). From the families, 50% were dog owners which exposed soil backyards. Eosinophilia (p = 0.776), and signs and symptoms analyzed (fever p = 0.992, pneumonia p = 0.289, cold-like symptoms p = 0.277, cough p = 0.783, gastrointestinal problems p = 0.877, migraine p = 0.979, abdominal pain p = 0.965, joint pain p = 0.686 and skin rash p = 0.105) could not be related to the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies. Therefore, two asthmatics children showed titles of 1:10,240 and accentuated eosinophilia (p = 0.0001). The authors emphasize the needs of prevention activities.A falta de métodos de diagnóstico laboratorial específico e sintomas específicos fazem da toxocaríase uma doença negligenciada nos serviços públicos de saúde. Este estudo teve por objetivo determinar a freqüência de infecção por Toxocara spp. em crianças atendidas no serviço público do Hospital Municipal de Maringá, sul do Brasil, e avaliar a associação com dados epidemiológicos e clínicos, em estudo observacional e transversal. De 14.690 crianças/ano atendidas, com idade entre sete meses a 12 anos, foram coletados 450 soros de setembro/2004 a setembro/2005. Um questionário foi utilizado para avaliar dados epidemiológicos, clínicos e hematológicos. Pelo teste ELISA, com antígeno de excreção/secreção de larvas de Toxocara canis, detectou-se 130 (28,8%) soros positivos, principalmente em crianças entre sete meses e cinco anos (p = 0,0016). Houve significante correlação entre sorologia positiva para Toxocara e freqüente recreação das crianças em caixas de areia da escola ou pré escola (p = 0,011) e presença do gato no domicilio (p = 0,056). Das famílias dessas crianças, 50% possuíam cachorros e o quintal com solo exposto. Eosinofilia (p = 0,776), sinais e sintomas (febre p = 0,992, pneumonia p = 0,289, resfriado p = 0,277, tosse p = 0,783, problema gastrointestinal p = 0877, dor de cabeça p = 0,979, dor abdominal p = 0,965, dores articulares p = 0,686, urticária p = 0,105) não se correlacionaram com a soropositividade. Todavia, duas crianças asmáticas apresentaram títulos de 1:10.240 (>; 1:320) e acentuada eosinofilia (p = 0.0001). Os autores enfatizam a necessidade de atividades preventivas

    Human toxocariasis: contribution by Brazilian researchers

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    In the present paper the main aspects of the natural history of human infection by Toxocara larvae that occasionally result in the occurrence of visceral and/or ocular larva migrans syndrome were reviewed. The contribution by Brazilian researchers was emphasized, especially the staff of the Tropical Medicine Institute of São Paulo (IMT)

    Frequency of eosinophilia and risk factors and their association with Toxocara infection in schoolchildren during a health survey in the north of Lima, Peru

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    During a health survey in a primary school from the district of Carabayllo (North of Lima, Peru), 200 schoolchildren (96 male and 104 female between five to 12 years old) were randomly selected and divided in two groups (as positive or negative group), according to the serologic result of the Toxocara ELISA test from a total population of 646 schoolchildren. All children were analyzed by hematologic tests to determinate the frequency of eosinophilia and leukocytosis. Additionally, all clinical and epidemiological data were also analyzed to determine their association with toxocariasis. From group of children with positive serology, 40% had some type of eosinophilia in contrast to 19% of children with negative serology, and their association was statistically significant (OR = 2.84, p < 0.001). From all signs and symptoms evaluated, only 'dry cough' was more frequent and statistically significant in the positive serology group (OR = 2.79, p < 0.001). Almost all risk factors evaluated were highly frequent and statistically associated to the positive serology. In conclusion, the presence of eosinophilia and the risk factors evaluated in this population were frequently associated to human toxocariasis

    Toxocara spp. eggs in public squares of Sorocaba, São Paulo State, Brazil Ovos de Toxocara spp. em praças públicas no município de Sorocaba, São Paulo, Brasil

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    The visceral larva migrans (VLM) is a syndrome observed in human infection with helminth larval eggs such as the Toxocara spp. that usually infects dogs and cats. Among the risk factors involved in the occurrence of VLM, particularly important is the size of these animal populations. Sorocaba is a city with a dog population twice as large as that recommended by the World Health Organization. This fact has led to a survey of the presence of Toxocara spp. eggs in public square soils of this city. Thirty squares were selected, fifteen located in the outskirts of the city and fifteen downtown. Soil samples were collected from five distinct sites in the same area. The material was homogenized and drained and 100 g was mixed with a saturated solution of magnesium sulfate and 5% potassium iodine. The floating material was analyzed under the light microscope. Toxocara spp. eggs were found in 16 squares, nine of which were located in the outskirts of the city and seven downtown. It was concluded that Sorocaba squares present a high rate of contamination with Toxocara spp. eggs. The squares in the outskirts of the city presented a higher occurrence of these eggs in comparison with those downtown, although the difference was not statistically significant (p > 0.05).<br>A larva migrans visceral - LMV - é uma síndrome causada pela infecção humana por ovos larvados de helmintos como o Toxocara spp., que usualmente compromete o cão e o gato. Dentre os fatores de risco para a ocorrência da LMV, destaca-se o tamanho da população desses animais. Sorocaba é uma cidade com uma população canina duas vezes superior à recomendada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Este fato levou à pesquisa da presença de ovos de Toxocara spp. no solo de áreas públicas nessa cidade. Foram escolhidas 30 praças, sendo 15 de regiões periféricas e 15 centrais. Coletaram-se amostras de solo de 5 locais distintos da mesma área. O material foi homogeneizado, tamisado e, em seguida, 100g foram misturados com uma solução saturada de MgSO4 com KI a 5%. O material flutuante foi analisado ao microscópio óptico comum. Encontraram-se ovos de Toxocara spp. em 16 praças, sendo 9 periféricas e 7 centrais. Conclui-se que a cidade de Sorocaba apresenta elevado índice de contaminação de suas praças por ovos de Toxocara spp. A periferia apresenta maior ocorrência desses ovos em relação às praças centrais, porém não-significante (p > 0,05)