2,103 research outputs found

    Misunderstanding Law: Undergraduates’ Analysis of Campus Title IX Policies

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    Colleges and universities are legally required to attempt to prevent and redress sexual violations on campus. Neo-institutional theory suggests that the implementation of law by compliance professionals rarely achieves law’s goals. It is critical in claims-based systems that those who are potential claimants understand the law. This article demonstrates that: (1) intended subjects of the law (colleges and universities) interpret and frame the law in very similar ways (2) resultant policies are complex and difficult to navigate; and (3) that university undergraduates in an experimental setting are not able to comprehend the Title IX policies designed to protect them. These findings suggest that current implementations of Title IX policies leave them structurally ineffective to combat sexual assaults on campus

    The impact of correlated projections on weak lensing cluster counts

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    Large-scale structure projections are an obstacle in converting the shear signal of clusters detected in weak-lensing maps into virial masses. However, this step is not necessary for constraining cosmology with the shear-peak abundance, if we are able to predict its amplitude. We generate a large ensemble of N-body simulations spanning four cosmological models, with total volume V~1 (Gpc/h)^3 per model. Variations to the matter density parameter and amplitude of fluctuations are considered. We measure the abundance of peaks in the mass density projected in ~100 Mpc/h slabs to determine the impact of structures spatially correlated with the simulation clusters, identified by the 3D friends-of-friends algorithm. The halo model shows that the choice of the smoothing filter for the density field is important in reducing the contribution of correlated projections to individual halo masses. Such contributions are less than 2% in the case of the optimal, compensated filter used throughout this analysis. We measure the change in the mass of peaks when projected in slabs of various thicknesses. Peaks in slabs of 26 Mpc/h and 102 Mpc/h suffer an average mass change of less than 2% compared to their mass in slabs of 51 Mpc/h. We then explore the cosmology dependence of the projected-peak mass function, and find that, for a wide range of slab thicknesses (<500 Mpc/h), it scales with cosmology in exactly the same way as the 3D friends-of-friends mass function and the Sheth-Tormen formula. This extends the earlier result of Marian et al. (2009). Finally, we show that for all cosmological models considered, the low and intermediate mass bins of the peak abundance can be described using a modified Sheth-Tormen functional form to within 10%-20% accuracy.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Festiferia de Providencia: Experiencia extensionista de Economía Popular

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    El objetivo del artículo es describir la experiencia de participación en ferias barriales como espacios que fomentan la economía popular, en el marco del proyecto de extensión “Colectivo Semilla”. Este proyecto se enmarca en un modelo productivo sostenible que prioriza la producción y el consumo local de alimentos. En la actualidad, articula actividades en la huerta comunitaria “La Costa” de barrio Providencia-Córdoba, donde se producen alimentos que abastecen a las familias participantes y propician la elaboración de productos que posteriormente se comercializan en puestos de ferias. De manera conjunta, estudiantes, docentes y familias de Bajo Providencia trabajan en su producción y comercialización, cuyo proceso incluye la ideación, la recolección de insumos y la ampliación de conocimientos para, finalmente, manufacturar y comercializar un producto de calidad. Las ferias no se limitan solo a la compra-venta de bienes, sino que movilizan capital cultural, social y simbólico de suma importancia para las familias de Bajo Providencia, que habitualmente resultan excluidas de estos procesos. En esta experiencia, el puesto sirvió de espacio para difundir información sobre los ejes del proyecto, fomentó la interacción entre vecines del barrio y organizaciones, y permitió que las familias participantes, valoricen las ferias y los puestos como formas de gestionar emprendimientos colectivos que favorezcan sus economías. El Colectivo Semilla operó como facilitador del proceso.The objective of this article is to describe the experience of participating in neighborhood fairs, as spaces that promote popular economy, within the framework of the "Colectivo Semilla" community outreach project. This project lays its basis on a sustainable production model that considers local food production and consumption top priorities. At present, the project organizes activities at "La Costa" communal vegetable garden (Providencia-Córdoba), where food is produced for the participating families, and promotes the manufacturing of products that are later sold in fairs. Thus, students, teachers and families from the “Bajo Providencia” neighborhood work together in the production and commercialization of these products. This process involves conceiving ideas, collecting supplies and expanding the participants’ knowledge to finally manufacture and market good quality products. Fairs are not just places to buy and sell goods; they are spaces in which cultural, social and symbolic capitals are at play. These elements are highly valued for the families living in Bajo Providencia who are frequently excluded from these processes. In this experience, the market stall worked as a resource to spread information about the project's mainstays, to promote the interaction between the neighbours and the organizations, and to foster the appreciation of fairs and stalls as ways to manage collective undertakings that favour family economies. The "Colectivo Semilla" mediated in this process.Fil: Albrecht, Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Nutrición; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez Salamanca, Ana Laura. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Nutrición; Argentin

    Festiferia de Providencia: Experiencia extensionista de Economía Popular

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    El objetivo del artículo es describir la experiencia de participación en ferias barriales como espacios que fomentan la economía popular, en el marco del proyecto de extensión “Colectivo Semilla”. Este proyecto se enmarca en un modelo productivo sostenible que prioriza la producción y el consumo local de alimentos. En la actualidad, articula actividades en la huerta comunitaria “La Costa” de barrio Providencia-Córdoba, donde se producen alimentos que abastecen a las familias participantes y propician la elaboración de productos que posteriormente se comercializan en puestos de ferias. De manera conjunta, estudiantes, docentes y familias de Bajo Providencia trabajan en su producción y comercialización, cuyo proceso incluye la ideación, la recolección de insumos y la ampliación de conocimientos para, finalmente, manufacturar y comercializar un producto de calidad. Las ferias no se limitan solo a la compra-venta de bienes, sino que movilizan capital cultural, social y simbólico de suma importancia para las familias de Bajo Providencia, que habitualmente resultan excluidas de estos procesos. En esta experiencia, el puesto sirvió de espacio para difundir información sobre los ejes del proyecto, fomentó la interacción entre vecines del barrio y organizaciones, y permitió que las familias participantes, valoricen las ferias y los puestos como formas de gestionar emprendimientos colectivos que favorezcan sus economías. El Colectivo Semilla operó como facilitador del proceso.The objective of this article is to describe the experience of participating in neighborhood fairs, as spaces that promote popular economy, within the framework of the "Colectivo Semilla" community outreach project. This project lays its basis on a sustainable production model that considers local food production and consumption top priorities. At present, the project organizes activities at "La Costa" communal vegetable garden (Providencia-Córdoba), where food is produced for the participating families, and promotes the manufacturing of products that are later sold in fairs. Thus, students, teachers and families from the “Bajo Providencia” neighborhood work together in the production and commercialization of these products. This process involves conceiving ideas, collecting supplies and expanding the participants’ knowledge to finally manufacture and market good quality products. Fairs are not just places to buy and sell goods; they are spaces in which cultural, social and symbolic capitals are at play. These elements are highly valued for the families living in Bajo Providencia who are frequently excluded from these processes. In this experience, the market stall worked as a resource to spread information about the project's mainstays, to promote the interaction between the neighbours and the organizations, and to foster the appreciation of fairs and stalls as ways to manage collective undertakings that favour family economies. The "Colectivo Semilla" mediated in this process.Fil: Albrecht, Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Nutrición; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez Salamanca, Ana Laura. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Escuela de Nutrición; Argentin

    Biofilm and Pathogenesis-Related Proteins in the Foodborne P. fluorescens ITEM 17298 With Distinctive Phenotypes During Cold Storage

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    In food chain, Pseudomonas spp. cause spoilage by reducing shelf life of fresh products, especially during cold storage, with a high economic burden for industries. However, recent studies have shed new light on health risks occurring when they colonize immunocompromised patient tissues. Likewise to P. aeruginosa, they exhibit antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation, responsible for their spread and persistence in the environment. Biofilm formation might be induced by environmental stresses, such as temperature fluctuations causing physiological and metabolic changes exacerbating food spoilage (by protease and pigment synthesis), and the production of adhesion molecules, chemotactic or underestimated virulence factors. In order to provide a new insight into phenotypic biodiversity of Pseudomonas spoilers isolated from cold stored cheese, in this work 19 Pseudomonas spp. were investigated for biofilm, pigments, exopolysaccharide production and motility at low temperature. Only nine strains showed these phenotypic traits and the blue pigmenting cheese strain P. fluorescens ITEM 17298 was the most distinctive. In addition, this strain decreased the survival probability of infected Galleria mellonella larvae, showing, for the first time, a pathogenic potential. Genomic and proteomic analyses performed on the ITEM 17298 planktonic cells treated or not with lactoferrin derived antibiofilm peptides allowed to reveal specific biofilm related-pathways as well as proteins involved in pathogenesis. Indeed, several genes were found related to signaling system by cGMP-dependent protein kinases, cellulose, rhamnolipid and alginate synthesis, antibiotic resistance, adhesion and virulence factors. The proteome of the untreated ITEM 17298, growing at low temperature, showed that most of the proteins associated with biofilm regulation, pigmentation motility, antibiotic resistance and pathogenecity were repressed, or decreased their levels in comparison to that of the untreated cultures. Thus, the results of this work shed light on the complex pathways network allowing psychrotrophic pseudomonads to adapt themselves to food-refrigerated conditions and enhance their spoilage. In addition, the discovery of virulence factors and antibiotic resistance determinants raises some questions about the need to deeper investigate these underestimated bacteria in order to increase awareness and provide input to update legislation on their detection limits in foods

    Contextual influences on physical activity and eating habits -options for action on the community level

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    Background: This conceptual paper aims to illustrate the ways in which communities are able to advance health improvements on a population level. Outcome measures may include increased physical activity and healthier eating habits in particular, as well as an improved health-related quality of life and social cohesion as more generic outcomes. Main body: The paper begins by asking initial questions: Why did previous health-specific interventions only show moderate effects on an individual level and mixed effects on a population level? What is the added value of a community-based public health perspective compared to the traditional biomedical perspective when it comes to prevention? Why are we living the way we are living? Why do we eat what we eat? Why do we move the way we move? Subsequently, we illustrate the broad spectrum of contextual interventions available to communities. These can have geographical and technological as well as economic, political, normative and attitude-specific dimensions. It is shown that communities have a strong influence on health-related contexts and decision-making of adults, adolescents and children. In addition contextual characteristics, effects, mediators, moderators and consequences relevant for health can differ greatly between age groups. Both small-scale settings and overarching sectors possess physical, economic, political and sociocultural characteristics that can be proactively influenced by community decision-makers in the sense of a “health in all policies”-strategy. Short conclusion: After presenting various interdisciplinary approaches to community-based health interventions, the manuscript closes with the following core message: Successful community-based health promotion strategies consist of multilevel – multicomponent interventions on the micro, meso and macro-level-environments

    Living In/difference; or, How to Imagine Ambivalent Networks

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    In a 1954 essay Paul Lazarsfeld and Robert K. Merton coined the term&nbsp;homophily&nbsp;to describe similarity-based friendship. They based their findings on friendship patterns among neighbors in a biracial housing project in the United States, using a combined quantitative and qualitative, empirical and speculative analysis of social processes. Since then homophily has become a guiding principle for network science: it is simply presumed that similarity breeds connection. But the unpublished study by Merton, Patricia S. West, and Marie Jahoda, which grounds Lazarsfeld and Merton’s analysis, and the Merton and Bureau of Applied Social Research’s archive reveal a more complex picture. This article engages with the data traces in the archive to reimagine what enabled the residents of the studied housing project to live in difference, as neighbors. The reanimation of this archive reveals the often counterintuitive characteristic of our imagined networks: they are about removal, not addition. It also opens up new imagined possibilities for a digital future beyond the hatred of the different and online echo chambers

    Computational evaluation of nucleotide insertion opposite expanded and widened DNA by the translesion synthesis polymerase Dpo4

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    Open accessExpanded (x) and widened (y) deoxyribose nucleic acids (DNA) have an extra benzene ring incorporated either horizontally (xDNA) or vertically (yDNA) between a natural pyrimidine base and the deoxyribose, or between the 5- and 6-membered rings of a natural purine. Far-reaching applications for (x,y)DNA include nucleic acid probes and extending the natural genetic code. Since modified nucleobases must encode information that can be passed to the next generation in order to be a useful extension of the genetic code, the ability of translesion (bypass) polymerases to replicate modified bases is an active area of research. The common model bypass polymerase DNA polymerase IV (Dpo4) has been previously shown to successfully replicate and extend past a single modified nucleobase on a template DNA strand. In the current study, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are used to evaluate the accommodation of expanded/widened nucleobases in the Dpo4 active site, providing the first structural information on the replication of (x,y)DNA. Our results indicate that the Dpo4 catalytic (palm) domain is not significantly impacted by the (x,y)DNA bases. Instead, the template strand is displaced to accommodate the increased C1’–C1’ base-pair distance. The structural insights unveiled in the present work not only increase our fundamental understanding of Dpo4 replication, but also reveal the process by which Dpo4 replicates (x,y)DNA, and thereby will contribute to the optimization of high fidelity and efficient polymerases for the replication of modified nucleobases.Ye

    Crisponi syndrome/cold-induced sweating syndrome type 2: Reprogramming of CS/CISS2 individual derived fibroblasts into three clones of one iPSC line

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    Crisponi syndrome/cold-induced sweating syndrome type 2 (CS/CISS2) is a rare disease with severe dysfunctions of thermoregulatory processes. CS/CISS2 individuals suffer from recurrent episodes of hyperthermia in the neonatal period and paradoxical sweating at cold ambient temperatures in adolescence. Variants in CLCF1 (cardiotrophin-like-cytokine 1) cause CS/CISS2. Here, we summarize the generation of three clones of one stem cell line (iPSC) of a CS/CISS2 individual carrying the CLCF1 variant c.321C>G on both alleles. These patient derived iPSC clones show a normal karyotype, several pluripotency markers, and the ability to differentiate into the three germ layers