18 research outputs found

    Increased CSF levels of aromatic amino acids in hip fracture patients with delirium suggests higher monoaminergic activity

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    textabstractBackground: To examine whether delirium in hip fracture patients was associated with changes in the levels of amino acids and/or monoamine metabolites in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum. Methods: In this prospective cohort study, 77 patients admitted with an acute hip fracture to Oslo University Hospital, Norway, were studied. The concentrations of amino acids in CSF and serum were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. The patients were assessed daily for delirium by the Confusion Assessment Method (pre-operatively and post-operative day 1-5 (all) or until discharge (delirious patients)). Pre-fracture dementia status was decided by an expert panel. Serum was collected pre-operatively and CSF immediately before spinal anesthesia. Results: Fifty-three (71 %) hip fracture patients developed delirium. In hip fracture patients without dementia (n = 39), those with delirium had significantly higher CSF levels of tryptophan (40 % higher), tyrosine (60 % higher), phenylalanine (59 % higher) and the monoamine metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetate (23 % higher) compared to those without delirium. The same amino acids were also higher in CSF in delirious patients with dementia (n = 38). The correlations between serum and CSF amino acid levels were poor. Conclusion: Higher CSF levels of monoamine precursors in hip fracture patients with delirium suggest a higher monoaminergic activity in the central nervous system during delirium in this patient group

    Colonoscopia ou sigmoidoscopia: risco de lesões isoladas no cólon direito Colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy: risk of isolated right colon lesions

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    Racional &#151; Atualmente existem dúvidas quanto ao método ideal de rastreio e vigilância para o câncer colorretal. A retossigmoidoscopia é preconizada, já que é barata, eficaz e causa pouco desconforto, mas não pode diagnosticar tumores do cólon proximal. Objetivo - Avaliar quantas lesões encontradas no cólon proximal seriam perdidas caso a colonoscopia só fosse empregada em pacientes com lesões detectadas durante sigmoidoscopia. Casuística e Método - Foram revistas as colonoscopias consecutivas com achado de pólipos ou neoplasia, realizadas no Setor de Endoscopia da Disciplina de Gastroenterologia da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, excluindo pacientes repetidos, operados ou com doença inflamatória intestinal. Resultados - Cento e um exames foram elegíveis, sendo 45 pacientes do sexo masculino. A idade média foi 62 anos (DP &plusmn; 13,7 anos). Cento e oito fragmentos foram enviados separadamente para exame anatomopatológico, sendo 38 com suspeita de neoplasia e 70 pólipos. Ao se considerarem apenas os achados no cólon proximal, observou-se o total de 45 lesões, sendo 23 adenomas, 10 adenocarcinomas, 1 linfoma e 11 lesões benignas. Destas lesões, 28 eram isoladas, sendo 16 adenomas, 7 adenocarcinomas. Conclusão &#151; Observaram-se que 23 pacientes (22,77%) tinham adenoma ou adenocarcinoma apenas no cólon direito, que não seriam diagnosticados se sigmoidoscopia flexível fosse usada isoladamente.<br>Background &#151; Colorectal cancer is an important cause of death in western countries. Screening methods are based on flexible sigmoidoscopy, a cheap, effective, and less painful procedure, but some important lesions on the right colon can be missed. Aim - Evaluate how many important lesions would be missed if colonoscopy indicated only for patients with distal lesions identified during flexible sigmoidoscopy. Material and Methods - All consecutive colonoscopy performed in the Endoscopy Unit of the Gastroenterology Division of Federal University of São Paulo, SP, Brazil, with polyps and cancer suspicious lesions were reviewed. Patients with a second procedure, inflammatory bowel disease or colonic surgery were excluded. Results - We reviewed 101 patients with 38 possible cancer lesions and 70 polyps. The mean age was 62 years (SD 13,7 years) and 45 were male. Forty five lesions were in the right colon, namely 23 adenomas, 10 adenocarcinomas, 1 lymphoma and 11 benign lesion. Among such lesions, 28 were isolated in the right colon (16 adenomas and 7 adenocarcinomas). Conclusion - In our study 23 patients (22,77%) had adenomas or adenocarcinomas isolated in the right colon, that would be missed if flexible sigmoidoscopy was used alone

    Gardner's syndrome

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