423 research outputs found

    The Grammatical Inference of Ibn Aqeel in his Objection to Ibn Malik: with References to Ibn Malik's Other Books

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    شرحَ ابن عقيل الألفية شرحا بين المختصر والطويل فهو في مواضع يزيد في ذكر الآراء وفي بعض المواضع يكتفي بذكر شرح الأبيات شرحاً مختصراً عاماً، إلا أنه يثبت في مسائل الألفية آراءه وآراء من سار على مذهبهم محاولاً الاعتراض على ما ذهب إليه الناظم مستعملا مفردات بينت قوة اعتراضه على ما جاء في متن الألفية ومعللا الاعتراض بطرق متباينة منها: إنها مخالفة للجمهور أو إنها مخالفة لرأي سيبويه، أو أن عبارته –الناظم- غير كاملة وبها حاجة إلى إيضاح معتمدا المنطق في ذلك . وعند تتبع المسائل النحوية التي اعترض فيها ابن عقيل، يمكن تحديد منهجية استدلاله اللغوي في بيان اعتراضه، فمرة يستدل استدلالاً لغوياً، ومرة ثانية استدلالاً مذهبياً، ومرة ثالثة استدلالاً استقصائياً، فما كان من البحث إلا أن ساوق بين اعتراضات ابن عقيل على آراء ابن مالك وبين آراء ابن مالك في كتبه الأخرى؛ للوقوف على استدلال ابن عقيل اللغوي وغيرهما. فكان ابن عقيل يتبع منهجاً مختلفاً في مسائل الألفية فنجده تارة شارحاً لما وجد في النص شرحاً نحوياً خالصاً، وتارة ثانية نجده فاحصاً للنص ومحاولاً الوقوف على المؤثرات التي أثرت في ابن مالك في اتخاذه لرأي ما ، وتارة ثالثة نجده متمسكاً بمذهبه الخاص فارضاً إياه على نص ابن مالك، وفي تارة رابعة نجده باحثاً في النصوص القديمة السابقة لهما للوقوف على الرأي الذي يراه أنسب إمّا لكون أحد العلماء قد تبناه أو لكون المذهب الذي اتخذه ابن مالك مخالفا لما يراه ابن عقيل صحيحا. واستعان البحث بجملة من المصادر مناقشاَ لما وجد من اعتراضات عائدة إلى أمهات الكتب ومصنفات ابن مالك وشروحها.   Ibn Aqeel explained of the Alfiya is an explanation that collecting between the abridged and the long explanation. Where he in some places was increasing the mention of opinions while in the other cases, he just mentioned the explanation of the Acrostics in a brief general explanation. However, he proves in the Alfiya matters his opinion and opinions of those who have followed their doctrine in an attempt to object to what the regulator has done using words that showed the strength of his objection to the recitation of the Alfiya and he give a reason for his objection in different ways, such as that it is contrary to the public and it is contrary to Sebwayeh's opinion, or that his phrase is incomplete and needs clarification Relying on logic in it.        And by following the grammaticalness issues that Ibn Aqeel objected it could be determined the methodology in his heuristics for statement his objection. For one time, he used a heuristics linguistic and the methodical heuristics for one time   to infer evidence, and in the third time it was an investigative heuristics, thus the research was had a balance between Ibn Aqeel's objections to Ibn Malik's opinions and Ibn Malik's opinions in his other books, and then in the Alfiya's explanations books to find out the heuristics of Ibn Aqeel linguistic and contextual and others.        Ibn Aqil was following a different approach in the issues of the book, so we find him sometimes explains of what was found in the text a purely grammatical explanation, and sometimes we find him checking the text and try to stand on the influences that influenced the Ibn Malik in taking an opinion, and the third case we find him adhering to his own doctrine and trying to impose it on the text of Ibn Malik. And in a fourth case we find him researching in the ancient texts before both of them to find out the opinion that he considers the most appropriate either because one of the scientists had adopted it or the fact that the doctrine taken by Ibn Malik is contrary to what he sees Ibn Aqeel true.       By using a number of sources to discuss the objections that found to the enormous books and the works of Ibn Malik and its explanations and explanations of Alfiya

    As-yet-uncultivated oral bacteria: breadth and association with oral and extra-oral diseases

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    It has been shown that 40–60% of the bacteria found in different healthy and diseased oral sites still remain to be grown in vitro, phenotypically characterized, and formally named as species. The possibility exists that these as-yet-uncultivated bacteria play important ecological roles in oral bacterial communities and may participate in the pathogenesis of several oral infectious diseases. There is also a potential for these as-yet-uncultivated oral bacteria to take part in extra-oral infections. For a comprehensive characterization of physiological and pathogenic properties as well as antimicrobial susceptibility of individual bacterial species, strains need to be grown in pure culture. Advances in culturing techniques have allowed the cultivation of several oral bacterial taxa only previously known by a 16S rRNA gene sequence signature, and novel species have been proposed. There is a growing need for developing improved methods to cultivate and characterize the as-yet-uncultivated portion of the oral microbiome so as to unravel its role in health and disease

    Isolation and amplification of the phy gene coding phytase from bacillus sp.

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    Poultry are unable to metabolize phytic acid in feed due to no enzyme to digest and degrade it. Therefore, phytic acid becomes an anti-nutritional substance in poultry feed which can result in decreased feed efficiency, decreased nutrient intake which gave a negative impact on health and production. The addition of phytase in the poultry ration is necessary to degrade phytic acid. However, the availability of phytase in Indonesia is still limited because technology in Indonesia is still inadequate to produce phytase, so Indonesia cannot produce it itself and still imports phytase at quite high prices. This study aims to isolate and amplify the phy gene encoding phytase derived from native microbe"s genus Bacillus from Indonesia. The method used in present study was to isolate the genome of Bacillus using cell lysis method, then amplify the genome using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. The results of this study were that genome isolation results from Bacillus gene sources were obtained that the purity of A260/A280 from B. sp 6, B. sp 7, and B. licheniformis was 1.86 μg/mL, 1.95 μg/mL and 1.86 μg/mL, respectively. Furthermore, the present study showed that 0.4 μM/μL primer concentration was able to amplify the phy gene. 200-400 ng/μL DNA template concentration can produce optimal DNA bands during amplification of the phy gene in Bacillus sp. In conclusion, amplification was successfully carried out on B. sp and B. licheniformis. The length of the phy gene in B. sp is 1149 bp and the phy gene in B. licheniformis is 1146 bp. The genus Bacillus native to Indonesia has the potential to be continued as a source of phytase producing genes

    Electrical Pulse Stimulation of Cultured Human Skeletal Muscle Cells as an In Vitro Model of Exercise

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    Background and Aims Physical exercise leads to substantial adaptive responses in skeletal muscles and plays a central role in a healthy life style. Since exercise induces major systemic responses, underlying cellular mechanisms are difficult to study in vivo. It was therefore desirable to develop an in vitro model that would resemble training in cultured human myotubes. Methods Electrical pulse stimulation (EPS) was applied to adherent human myotubes. Cellular contents of ATP, phosphocreatine (PCr) and lactate were determined. Glucose and oleic acid metabolism were studied using radio-labeled substrates, and gene expression was analyzed using real-time RT-PCR. Mitochondrial content and function were measured by live imaging and determination of citrate synthase activity, respectively. Protein expression was assessed by electrophoresis and immunoblotting. Results High-frequency, acute EPS increased deoxyglucose uptake and lactate production, while cell contents of both ATP and PCr decreased. Chronic, low-frequency EPS increased oxidative capacity of cultured myotubes by increasing glucose metabolism (uptake and oxidation) and complete fatty acid oxidation. mRNA expression level of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex 4 (PDK4) was significantly increased in EPS-treated cells, while mRNA expressions of interleukin 6 (IL-6), cytochrome C and carnitin palmitoyl transferase b (CPT1b) also tended to increase. Intensity of MitoTracker®Red FM was doubled after 48 h of chronic, low-frequency EPS. Protein expression of a slow fiber type marker (MHCI) was increased in EPS-treated cells. Conclusions Our results imply that in vitro EPS (acute, high-frequent as well as chronic, low-frequent) of human myotubes may be used to study effects of exercise.This work was funded by the University of Oslo, Oslo University College, the Norwegian Diabetes Foundation, the Freia Chocolade Fabriks Medical Foundation and the Anders Jahre’s Foundation. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Characterization of the Oral Fungal Microbiome (Mycobiome) in Healthy Individuals

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    The oral microbiome–organisms residing in the oral cavity and their collective genome–are critical components of health and disease. The fungal component of the oral microbiota has not been characterized. In this study, we used a novel multitag pyrosequencing approach to characterize fungi present in the oral cavity of 20 healthy individuals, using the pan-fungal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) primers. Our results revealed the “basal” oral mycobiome profile of the enrolled individuals, and showed that across all the samples studied, the oral cavity contained 74 culturable and 11 non-culturable fungal genera. Among these genera, 39 were present in only one person, 16 genera were present in two participants, and 5 genera were present in three people, while 15 genera (including non-culturable organisms) were present in ≥4 (20%) participants. Candida species were the most frequent (isolated from 75% of participants), followed by Cladosporium (65%), Aureobasidium, Saccharomycetales (50% for both), Aspergillus (35%), Fusarium (30%), and Cryptococcus (20%). Four of these predominant genera are known to be pathogenic in humans. The low-abundance genera may represent environmental fungi present in the oral cavity and could simply be spores inhaled from the air or material ingested with food. Among the culturable genera, 61 were represented by one species each, while 13 genera comprised between 2 and 6 different species; the total number of species identified were 101. The number of species in the oral cavity of each individual ranged between 9 and 23. Principal component (PCO) analysis of the obtained data set followed by sample clustering and UniFrac analysis revealed that White males and Asian males clustered differently from each other, whereas both Asian and White females clustered together. This is the first study that identified the “basal mycobiome” of healthy individuals, and provides the basis for a detailed characterization of the oral mycobiome in health and disease

    Analyses of the Microbial Diversity across the Human Microbiome

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    Analysis of human body microbial diversity is fundamental to understanding community structure, biology and ecology. The National Institutes of Health Human Microbiome Project (HMP) has provided an unprecedented opportunity to examine microbial diversity within and across body habitats and individuals through pyrosequencing-based profiling of 16 S rRNA gene sequences (16 S) from habits of the oral, skin, distal gut, and vaginal body regions from over 200 healthy individuals enabling the application of statistical techniques. In this study, two approaches were applied to elucidate the nature and extent of human microbiome diversity. First, bootstrap and parametric curve fitting techniques were evaluated to estimate the maximum number of unique taxa, Smax, and taxa discovery rate for habitats across individuals. Next, our results demonstrated that the variation of diversity within low abundant taxa across habitats and individuals was not sufficiently quantified with standard ecological diversity indices. This impact from low abundant taxa motivated us to introduce a novel rank-based diversity measure, the Tail statistic, (“τ”), based on the standard deviation of the rank abundance curve if made symmetric by reflection around the most abundant taxon. Due to τ’s greater sensitivity to low abundant taxa, its application to diversity estimation of taxonomic units using taxonomic dependent and independent methods revealed a greater range of values recovered between individuals versus body habitats, and different patterns of diversity within habitats. The greatest range of τ values within and across individuals was found in stool, which also exhibited the most undiscovered taxa. Oral and skin habitats revealed variable diversity patterns, while vaginal habitats were consistently the least diverse. Collectively, these results demonstrate the importance, and motivate the introduction, of several visualization and analysis methods tuned specifically for next-generation sequence data, further revealing that low abundant taxa serve as an important reservoir of genetic diversity in the human microbiome

    Prevalência e fatores associados aos comportamentos sedentários em adolescentes

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    OBJETIVO Analisar a prevalência e fatores associados aos comportamentos sedentários em adolescentes. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal com adolescentes de 10 a 17 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, pertencentes a uma coorte de nascimentos entre 1994-1999 na cidade de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil. Para o levantamento dos dados, foi utilizado um questionário contendo informações sociodemográficas, econômicas e de estilo de vida e aferição de dados antropométricos. Determinou-se como comportamento sedentário o uso de televisão e/ou computador/vídeo games por um tempo igual ou superior a 4 horas/dia. Avaliou-se a associação de comportamentos sedentários com o índice de massa corporal, tanto na infância quanto na adolescência, e com variáveis sociodemográficas e comportamentais por meio de regressão logística hierarquizada. RESULTADOS A prevalência global de comportamentos sedentários foi de 58,1%. Dos 1.716 adolescentes estudados, 50,7% (n = 870) eram do sexo masculino. Na análise multivariada, após ajuste para fatores de confusão, as variáveis que permaneceram associadas com os comportamentos sedentários foram: idade (14 anos ou mais) (OR = 3,51; IC95% 2,19;5,60); classe econômica elevada (OR = 3,83; IC95% 2,10;7,01); maior nível de escolaridade da mãe (OR = 1,81; IC95% 1,09;3,01); residir no interior (OR = 0,49; IC95% 0,30;0,81); atividade física insuficiente (OR = 1,25; IC95% 1,02;1,53); experimentação de bebidas alcoólicas (OR = 1,34; IC95% 1,08;1,66) e excesso de peso na adolescência (OR = 1,33; IC95% 1,06;1,68). CONCLUSÕES A elevada proporção de adolescentes em atividades sedentárias e a não associação dessas atividades na adolescência com o excesso de peso na infância indicam a necessidade de intervenções para redução de vários comportamentos de risco. O incentivo à prática de atividade física como forma de reduzir os comportamentos sedentários e consequentemente o excesso de peso entre os jovens torna-se fundamental

    SPARC 2018 Internationalisation and collaboration : Salford postgraduate annual research conference book of abstracts

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    Welcome to the Book of Abstracts for the 2018 SPARC conference. This year we not only celebrate the work of our PGRs but also the launch of our Doctoral School, which makes this year’s conference extra special. Once again we have received a tremendous contribution from our postgraduate research community; with over 100 presenters, the conference truly showcases a vibrant PGR community at Salford. These abstracts provide a taster of the research strengths of their works, and provide delegates with a reference point for networking and initiating critical debate. With such wide-ranging topics being showcased, we encourage you to take up this great opportunity to engage with researchers working in different subject areas from your own. To meet global challenges, high impact research inevitably requires interdisciplinary collaboration. This is recognised by all major research funders. Therefore engaging with the work of others and forging collaborations across subject areas is an essential skill for the next generation of researchers