57 research outputs found

    Recent Studies in Bioceramic Implants

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    There are multiple and complex problems in artificial biomaterials used to meet needs such as repair, correction or replacement which are using for bones with damaged or birth defects in the dental and skeletal system. Although there are fewer problems for implants that have been used for a short period of time, such as plates used to fixed broken bones, there are many more problems for implants of moving used in joint regions. These problems are resistance, wear and &quot;biological corrosion&quot; problems, which are caused by prolonged exposure to biological environments. Especially in implants made of alloys of Ti and similar metals used for joints, problems of loosening are encountered in a short period of time with the reason for the bioinert behavior. Although materials with different formulation ceramics which are suitable for bioactive behavior are good in bone grafting, resistance to using due to low impact strengths is encountered. Providing frictionless and slippery surfaces with bioceramic materials; is functional in the spherical capped implants but disadvantageous in terms of fracture behavior. Bioceramic materials exhibiting bioactive behavior are made resistant to sudden impact by using appropriate additives in order to get rid of the brittleness property New technological studies to increase the surface and internal structure strengths of bioceramic materials that can be used as coatings on metal surfaces are still underway. Another problem experienced in &quot;bioceramic-biopolymer&quot; based composites with different additives is that they are subject to undesirable biodegradation. The release of corrosion debris from biomaterials to the body, which is a physiological environment, leads to damage to other organs and tissues in the long run. Biocorrosion accelerates superficial cracks and subsequent crust breakage, as well as increasing friction. All these developments are also rapidly reducing the strength. In cases where the joint implants do not last for a long time; causing repeated surgical interventions. New efforts are underway to reduce such problems in bioceramic implants.&nbsp;Keywords: Bioceramics, Bioactive ceramics, Bioinert implants, Biocorrosion, Biodegradable</p

    Implant Biocorrosion Problems in Human Body

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    With the advancement of technology, the changing lifestyle brings more surgical intervention and the possibility of using more implants. During these surgical interventions, implants made from increasingly different foreign materials have to be used even if they are foreign to the human body. Despite the fact that the biomaterials used do not cause any problems in a short time, it is inevitable that they have various corrosion problems in the long run. In particular, there are major problems with corrosion in materials that are foreign to the human body, such as articular implants, stents used in the coronary artery or gallbladder pathway that are required to remain in the human body for a long time. In the corrosive environment created by body fluids, the presence of a high level of dissolved oxygen is one of the factors that accelerate the bio-oxidation of the implant material. It is important to note that the head portion of the joint implants, which should be shiny, becomes rough due to corrosion, and then the corrosion is accelerated and corrosion and abrasion residues coexist. In addition, joint implants made from materials that can be exposed to corrosion can be exposed to infection and loosening problems earlier. In this case, the implant loses its usefulness in a short time without using it for a long time. The implant becomes useless and causes the patient to be exposed to subsequent surgical interventions. If the stent is corroded in the vein; the stent will be broken in a short time; it will cause life risks because it will close the way which should be kept open. It is essential to choose the proper material with the aim of avoiding all these problems. Corrosion in biodegradable implant materials, which is expected to become increasingly widespread in the future, will be a desirable development if it is appropriate to be on time. In order to determine the ideal biocompatible implant material, human body conditions are simulated and alloys and composites made from different materials are subject to biocorrosion testing and work still continues. The work on this subject has not yet reached adequate level.&nbsp;Keywords: Biocorrosion, Implant Corrosion, Biodegradable biomaterials, Biocompatibility, Corrosion</p

    Diz Artroplastisinde Malzemelerden Kaynaklanan Biyouyumluluk Problemleri

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    &Ouml;zet&ccedil;e Bu &ccedil;alışmada, diz veya kal&ccedil;a artroplastisi uygulanan hastalarda, uzun d&ouml;nem kullanılan malzemelerden kaynaklanan problemlerin oluşum s&uuml;re&ccedil;leri ve sebepleri &uuml;zerine bir araştırma y&uuml;r&uuml;t&uuml;lm&uuml;şt&uuml;r. On yıl &ouml;ncesinde artroplasti ge&ccedil;irmiş bir hasta i&ccedil;in nadiren g&ouml;r&uuml;len bir durum; implant yetmezliği sonrası diz mafsalında ikinci bir kez yapılan onarım cerrahisi sırasında, &ouml;nceki implantta kullanılan malzemelerden kaynaklanan bozulma, implant &ccedil;evresindeki kemik ve yumuşak dokudan numune alınarak, incelenmiştir. &Ccedil;ıkartılmış implantın ve implantla kemik arasındaki yapıştırıcının, değişik teknolojik laboratuar metotları kullanılarak, analizi yapılmış ve aralarındaki dif&uuml;zyon incelenmiştir. Ayrıca, literat&uuml;rde konuyla alakalı tarama yapılarak, benzer problemler ve araştırmalar incelenmiştir. Diz ve kal&ccedil;a protezlerinde kullanılan malzemelere bağlı olarak ortaya &ccedil;ıkan problemlere uygun &ccedil;&ouml;z&uuml;mler bulabilmek i&ccedil;in daha fazla araştırma yapmak gerekmektedir.&nbsp;In this study, research has been conducted on the formation processes and causes of problems that have arisen over the long term from materials used in knee or hip arthroplasty patients. A rare case has been viewed for a patient who had arthroplasty ten years previously. During a second knee joint revision surgery after implant failure, a biopsy of bone and soft tissue taken from around the implant relevant deterioration caused by the materials used in the initial implant. Using several different technological laboratory methods, analysis of the removed implants and the adhesive materials between bone and implant; besides, the diffusion that occurred between them were examined. In addition, similar problems and research are reviewed in the literature that has been published about the subject. Because problems related to the materials used in knee and hip arthroplasty have arisen, more research is necessary to find appropriate solutions.&nbsp;</p

    Recent Trends in Sterilization Methods of Biopolymer Biomaterials

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    Sterilization problems of various biopolymers used as biomaterials are still continuing today. Since biopolymers are not resistant to such effects as high temperature, pressure, strain, etc., the existing methods are still being used for sterilization while new quests are ongoing. Due to the different properties of each of the various biopolymers, it is necessary to investigate and apply the different and optimal solution method for each. Chitosan, Polylactic Acid (PLA), Poly Lactic Glyco Acid (PLGA) used as cell skeleton in tissue engineering, silk fibrin used for cell skeleton, bioadhesive plasma and Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE), there is a need for separate sterilization for each of the different types and properties of biopolymers. Sterilization methods such as Gamma/Beta/UV irradiation, ethylene oxide, water vapor, plasma (RFGD), CO2,&nbsp;Peracetic acid / antibiotic solution, autoclave, dry heat is still used. However, if these methods are not suitable for the material, the chemical and physical structure of the biopolymer used may be impaired and the plasma properties and density may change. It has been observed that various methods must be used for the sterilization of various polymers in different physical states on the basis of the studies made. Despite the fact that the most common method used in the world is the gamma irradiation method, the negative effects of gamma rays on the environment, the user and the material are known and new investigations continue. In the target sterilization method, the material is intended to&nbsp;remain sterile and to remain unchanged without deteriorating its original properties. For all these reasons, a search for newer sterilization methods is still needed.KEYWORDS - Biopolymer Sterilization, Sterilization Problems, Biopoly</p