29 research outputs found

    Neuropharmacological activity of the crude ethanolic extract of Syzygium aromaticum flowering bud

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    Backgroud: Present study was designed to assess the possibility of in-vivo neuropharmacological effects of the ethanolic extract of Syzygium aromaticum flowering buds by using behavioral models of mice.Methods: Anxiolytic effects of the extract were assessed using open field test (OFT), hole cross test (HCT), elevated plus maze (EPM), and hole board test (HBT) respectively; while antidepressant properties were determined using forced swimming test (FST), and tail suspension test (TST). Finally thiopental sodium (TS)-induced sleeping time test helped us to evaluate the sedative-hypnotic potential of the extract.Results: In OFT and HCT, the movement of the mice decreased significantly (*p<0.005) for the extract treated groups when compare to control. This decrease indicates the suppression of locomotor activities of mice (from 1st-5th observation periods). Moreover, the increase of the spending time in EPM open arm, and head dipping in HBT endorsed the anxiolytic-like behavior of the extract. In FST and TST, S. aromaticum extract significantly (*p<0.05, **p<0.001) reduced the immobility time of the mice. Approx. 29% and 34% reduction of the immobility time were found in FST for 250 mg/kg, and 500 mg/kg b.w. doses respectively, which clearly indicates the presence of the antidepressant compounds in extract. Finally, TS-induced sleeping time test confirmed the potency of the sedative response of the extract (sleeping duration were 45.4±2.6 minutes for control, whereas 87.0±1.79 minutes for 500 mg/kg b.w. extract treated group). The observed neurological response may be due to binding of any phytoconstituent with gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABAA) or benzodiazepine (BZD) receptors.Conclusion: Our study results suggest that the ethanolic extract of S. aromaticum possess remarkable sedative, antidepressant and anxiolytic activities with a demand of further investigation for the drug development program

    A comprehensive situation assessment of injection practices in primary health care hospitals in Bangladesh

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Understanding injection practices is crucial for evidence-based development of intervention initiatives. This study explored the extent of injection use and injection safety practices in primary care hospitals in Bangladesh.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study employed both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The methods used were - a retrospective audit of prescriptions (n = 4320), focus group discussions (six with 43 participants), in-depth interviews (n = 38) with a range service providers, and systematic observation of the activities of injection providers (n = 120), waste handlers (n = 48) and hospital facilities (n = 24). Quantitative and qualitative data were assessed with statistical and thematic analysis, respectively, and then combined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>As many as 78% of our study sample (n = 4230) received an injection. The most commonly prescribed injections (n = 3354) including antibiotics (78.3%), IV fluids (38.6%), analgesics/pain killers (29.4%), vitamins (26.7%), and anti-histamines (18.5%). Further, 43.7% (n = 1145) of the prescribed antibiotics (n = 2626) were given to treat diarrhea and 42.3% (n = 600) of IV fluids (n = 1295) were used to manage general weakness conditions. Nearly one-third (29.8%; n = 36/120) of injection providers reported needle-stick injuries in the last 6 months with highest incidences in Rajshahi division followed by Dhaka division. Disposal of injection needles, syringes and other materials was not done properly in 83.5% (n = 20/24) of the facilities. Health providers' safety concerns were not addressed properly; only 23% (n = 28/120) of the health providers and 4.2% (n = 2/48) of the waste handlers were fully immunized against Hepatitis B virus. Moreover, 73% (n = 87/120) of the injection providers and 90% (n = 43/48) of the waste handlers were not trained in injection safety practices and infection prevention. Qualitative data further confirmed that both providers and patients preferred injections, believing that they provide quick relief. The doctors' perceived injection use as their prescribing norm that enabled them to prove their professional credibility and to remain popular in a competitive health care market. Additionally, persistent pressure from hospital administration to use up injections before their expiry dates also influenced doctors to prescribe injections regardless of actual indications.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>As far as the patients and providers' safety is concerned, this study demonstrated a need for further research exploring the dynamics of injection use and safety in Bangladesh. In a context where a high level of injection use and unsafe practices were reported, immediate prevention initiatives need to be operated through continued intervention efforts and health providers' training in primary care hospitals in Bangladesh.</p

    Kadar Kolesterol, Asam Urat dan Glukosa Darah Ayam Petelur yang Diberi Jus Daun Sirih (Piper betle Linn) pada Level yang Berbeda

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    ABSTRACT&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This study aims to assess cholesterol, uric acid and blood glucose levels in laying hens which are fed with the addition of betel leaf juice (Piper Bettle Linn). There were 16 chickens used in layer phase hens. The cage used is an individual cage equipped with a place for feeding and drinking water. The treatments in this study consisted of: (P0) commercial feed + 0 ml of betel leaf juice, (P1) commercial feed + 5 ml of betel leaf juice, (P2) commercial feed + 10 ml of betel leaf juice, and (P3) commercial feed + 15 ml of betel leaf juice. The variables observed were cholesterol, uric acid and blood glucose levels. The data obtained from the research results were analyzed using variance and continued with Duncan's multiple range test. The results showed that the administration of betel leaf juice had no significant effect (p &lt;0.05) on cholesterol, uric acid and blood glucose levels in layer phase hens. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the administration of betel leaf juice does not affect the amount of cholesterol, uric acid, and glucose levels in layer phase hens, but these conditions are still in normal physiological conditions. Keywords: uric acid, layer hens, glucose, cholesterol ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang kadar kolesterol, asam urat dan glukosa darah ayam petelur yang diberi penambahan jus daun sirih (Piper betle Linn) pada level yang berbeda. Ayam yang digunakan sebanyak 16 ekor induk ayam petelur betina fase layer. Kandang yang digunakan yaitu kandang individu yang dilengkapi dengan tempat pakan dan air minum. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini terdiri atas: (P0) pakan basal + 0 ml jus daun sirih,&nbsp; (P1) pakan basal + 5 ml jus daun sirih,&nbsp; (P2) pakan basal + 10 ml jus daun sirih, dan (P3) pakan basal + 15 ml jus daun sirih. Variabel yang diamati adalah kadar kolesterol, asam urat, dan glukosa darah. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian jus daun sirih tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (p&lt;0.05) terhdadap kadar kolesterol, asam urat dan glukosa darah ayam petelur fase layer. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian jus daun sirih tidak mempengaruhi jumlah kadar kolestero, asam urat, dan glukosa ayam petelur fase layer, namun kondisi tersebut masih dalam kondisi fisiologis normal. Kata Kunci : asam urat, ayam petelur, glukosa, kolesterol &nbsp