24 research outputs found

    Decision, Sensation, and Habituation: A Multi-Layer Dynamic Field Model for Inhibition of Return

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    Inhibition of Return (IOR) is one of the most consistent and widely studied effects in experimental psychology. The effect refers to a delayed response to visual stimuli in a cued location after initial priming at that location. This article presents a dynamic field model for IOR. The model describes the evolution of three coupled activation fields. The decision field, inspired by the intermediate layer of the superior colliculus, receives endogenous input and input from a sensory field. The sensory field, inspired by earlier sensory processing, receives exogenous input. Habituation of the sensory field is implemented by a reciprocal coupling with a third field, the habituation field. The model generates IOR because, due to the habituation of the sensory field, the decision field receives a reduced target-induced input in cue-target-compatible situations. The model is consistent with single-unit recordings of neurons of monkeys that perform IOR tasks. Such recordings have revealed that IOR phenomena parallel the activity of neurons in the intermediate layer of the superior colliculus and that neurons in this layer receive reduced input in cue-target-compatible situations. The model is also consistent with behavioral data concerning temporal expectancy effects. In a discussion, the multi-layer dynamic field account of IOR is used to illustrate the broader view that behavior consists of a tuning of the organism to the environment that continuously and concurrently takes place at different spatiotemporal scales

    Neural correlates of the automatic and goal-driven biases in orienting spatial attention.

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    How do stimuli in the environment interact with the goals of observers? We addressed this question by showing that the relevance of an abruptly appearing visual object (cue) changes how observers orient attention toward a subsequent object (target) and how this target is represented in the activity of neurons in the superior colliculus. Initially after the appearance of the cue, attention is driven to its locus. This capture of attention is followed by a second bias in orienting attention, where observers preferentially orient to new locations in the visual scene-an effect called inhibition of return. In the superior colliculus, these two automatic biases in orienting attention were associated with changes in neural activity linked to the appearance of the target-relatively stronger activity linked to the capture of attention and weaker activity linked to inhibition of return. This behavioral pattern changes when the cue predicts the upcoming location of the target-the benefit associated with the capture of attention is enhanced and inhibition of return is reduced. These goal-driven changes in behavior were associated with an increase in pretarget- and target-related activity. Taken together, the goals of observers modify stimulus-driven changes in neural activity with both signals represented in the salience maps of the superior colliculi

    Using auditory and visual stimuli to investigate the behavioral and neuronal consequences of reflexive covert orienting.

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    Reflexively orienting toward a peripheral cue can influence subsequent responses to a target, depending on when and where the cue and target appear relative to each other. At short delays between the cue and target [cue-target onset asynchrony (CTOA)], subjects are faster to respond when they appear at the same location, an effect referred to as reflexive attentional capture. At longer CTOAs, subjects are slower to respond when the two appear at the same location, an effect referred to as inhibition of return (IOR). Recent evidence suggests that these phenomena originate from sensory interactions between the cue- and target-related responses. The capture of attention originates from a strong target-related response, derived from the overlap of the cue- and target-related activities, whereas IOR corresponds to a weaker target-aligned response. If such interactions are responsible, then modifying their nature should impact the neuronal and behavioral outcome. Monkeys performed a cue-target saccade task featuring visual and auditory cues while neural activity was recorded from the superior colliculus (SC). Compared with visual stimuli, auditory responses are weaker and occur earlier, thereby decreasing the likelihood of interactions between these signals. Similar to previous studies, visual stimuli evoked reflexive attentional capture at a short CTOA (60 ms) and IOR at longer CTOAs (160 and 610 ms) with corresponding changes in the target-aligned activity in the SC. Auditory cues used in this study failed to elicit either a behavioral effect or modification of SC activity at any CTOA, supporting the hypothesis that reflexive orienting is mediated by sensory interactions between the cue and target stimuli

    Trial by trial effects in the antisaccade task

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    The antisaccade task requires participants to inhibit the reflexive tendency to look at a sudden onset target and instead direct their gaze to the opposite hemifield. As such it provides a convenient tool with which to investigate the cognitive and neural systems that support goal-directed behaviour. Recent models of cognitive control suggest that antisaccade performance on a single trial should vary as a function of the outcome (correct antisaccade or erroneous prosaccade) of the previous trial. In addition, repetition priming effects suggest that the spatial location of the target on the previous trial may also influence current trial performance. Thus an analysis of contingency effects in antisaccade performance may provide new insights into the factors that influence the monitoring and modulation of the antisaccade task and other ongoing behaviours. Using a multilevel modelling analysis we explored previous trial effects on current trial performance in a large antisaccade dataset. We found (1) repetition priming effects following correct antisaccades; (2) contrary to models of cognitive control antisaccade error rates were increased on trials following an error, suggesting that failures to adequately maintain the task goal can persist across more than one trial; and (3) current trial latencies varied according to the previous trial outcome (correct antisaccade, slowly corrected error or rapidly corrected error). These results are discussed in terms of current models of antisaccade performance and cognitive control and further demonstrate the utility of multilevel modelling for analysing antisaccade data