62 research outputs found

    The family Lindsaeaceae in Argentina

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    Se realiza un análisis morfológico de la familia de helechos Lindsaeaceae en la Argentina, y se actualizan los datos de su distribución. A partir de la rectificación de información previa debida a citas no corroboradas y erróneas determinaciones se confirma la presencia de un único taxón en el país: Lindsaea quadrangularis subsp. terminalis. Se provee una descripción morfológica detallada, consideraciones sobre el hábitat, notas relevantes, ilustraciones, fotografías y un mapa de distribución de la especie en el área de estudio. Se elabora una clave para identificar las especies del género Lindsaea para la Argentina y áreas limítrofes de Brasil.A morphological analysis of the fern family Lindsaeaceae from Argentina is carried out and distributional data updated. After the rectification of previous information due to citations uncorroborated and erroneous determinations the presence of a single taxon is confirmed in the country: Lindsaea quadrangularis subsp. terminalis . A detailed morphologic description, habitat considerations, relevant notes, illustrations, photographs and a distribution map are provided for the species. A comprehensive key to identify the species of Lindsaea from Argentina and neighboring areas of Brazil is made.Fil: Yañez, Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ; ArgentinaFil: Ponce, Marta Monica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Botánica Darwinion. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Botánica Darwinion; Argentin

    About the presence of Megalastrum substrigosum (Dryopteridaceae) in Argentina

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    En este trabajo se cita por primera vez a Megalastrum substrigosum para Argentina, en el departamento de San Pedro, provincia de Misiones. Se presenta una descripción general de la especie, el mapa de su distribución en el país e ilustraciones sobre los caracteres más importantes para su determinación. Se incluye una clave dicotómica para diferenciar las tres especies presentes en Misiones.About the presence of Megalastrum substrigosum (Dryopteridaceae) in Argentina. This paper presents the first record of Megalastrum substrigosum from Argentina, in Department San Pedro, Misiones province. We present a description of the species, a distribution map, and illustrations of the diagnostic characters. A dichotomous key is included to differentiate the three Megalastrum species from Misiones.Fil: Marquez, Gonzalo Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Cátedra de Palinología; ArgentinaFil: Yañez, Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ; ArgentinaFil: Kelly, Santiago Julián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Cátedra de Palinología; Argentin

    Palynological analysis of Dennstaedtiaceae taxa from the Paranaense Phytogeografic Province that produce monolete spores and its systematic implications (I): Blotiella lindeniana , Histiopteris incisa and Paesia glandulosa

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    The genera of Dennstaedtiaceae have sporophytes with very different morphological characteristics between each other, and this feature has made difficult the systematic circumscription of the family. This reason makes necessary the study of new characters that allow a better understanding of the relations within the group. The spore morphology and wall structure of Blotiella lindeniana, Histiopteris incisa and Paesia glandulosa from the Paranaense Phytogeographic Province were studied using light microscope, and scanning and transmission electron microscope. The exospore has two layers and, according to the species, the exospore surface bears pila, echinae, verrucae, bacula and tubercles. The perispore has two or three layers and its surface is psilate, baculate or rugulate. The variability found in the sculpture of the spores and their stratification and ultrastructure of perispore reflects the morphological differences observed in the sporophyte of the species studied. Additionally, while the stratification and ultrastructure of the exospore is shared by the Dennstaedtiaceae species, their ornamentation could be a character to distinguish species into the clade "hypolepidoide?. The finding of spores with similar characteristics in phylogenetically unrelated families allows us to suggest that palynological features do not have an evolutionary value to establish relationships between groups above the genus level.Fil: Yañez, Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Marquez, Gonzalo Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Cátedra de Palinología; ArgentinaFil: Morbelli, Marta Alicia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Cátedra de Palinología; Argentin

    Palynological analysis of Dennstaedtiaceae taxa from the Paranaense Phytogeografic Province that produce monolete spores and its systematic implications (I): <i>Blotiella lindeniana</i>, <i>Histiopteris incisa</i> and <i>Paesia glandulosa</i>

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    The genera of Dennstaedtiaceae have sporophytes with very different morphological characteristics between each other, and this feature has made difficult the systematic circumscription of the family. This reason makes necessary the study of new characters that allow a better understanding of the relations within the group. The spore morphology and wall structure of Blotiella lindeniana, Histiopteris incisa and Paesia glandulosa from the Paranaense Phytogeographic Province were studied using light microscope, and scanning and transmission electron microscope. The exospore has two layers and, according to the species, the exospore surface bears pila, echinae, verrucae, bacula and tubercles. The perispore has two or three layers and its surface is psilate, baculate or rugulate. The variability found in the sculpture of the spores and their stratification and ultrastructure of perispore reflects the morphological differences observed in the sporophyte of the species studied. Additionally, while the stratification and ultrastructure of the exospore is shared by the Dennstaedtiaceae species, their ornamentation could be a character to distinguish species into the clade “hypolepidoide”. The finding of spores with similar characteristics in phylogenetically unrelated families allows us to suggest that palynological features do not have an evolutionary value to establish relationships between groups above the genus level.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Further evidence for the hybrid status of the Brazilian native fern Hypolepis ×paulistana (Dennstaedtiaceae)

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    Hypolepis ×paulistana was described in 2016 as a putative hybrid, known from a single gathering. The hybrid status of these plants was based solely on the intermediate morphology of the sporophyte, when compared to its presumed parent species. These were thought to be H. stolonifera and H. rugosula, but, H. rigescens (Kunze) T. Moore could not be explicitly ruled out either. In the present work, we tested the hybrid status of Hypolepis ×paulistana adding palynological evidence and by using chloroplast sequences to unambiguously identify the maternal progenitor of the species. We find that sporangia of Hypolepis ×paulistana contain both well-formed spores, as well as spores with morphological and developmental anomalies. The size of the regular spores and the abnormal spores suggest that H. ×paulistana is likely a diploid, and probably infertile hybrid. The ornamentation of the regular spores of H. ×paulistana is similar to that of H. stolonifera. The chloroplast sequences of H. ×paulistana are identical to those of H. stolonifera, as well as their sister position within the global phylogeny of the genus. Thus, we provide new evidence for the hybrid status of H. ×paulistana, and we corroborate the earlier finding that H. stolonifera is the maternal parent.Fil: Yañez, Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; ArgentinaFil: Schwartsburd, Pedro B.. Universidade Federal de Viçosa.; BrasilFil: Marquez, Gonzalo Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Argentin

    Palynological analysis of Dennstaedtiaceae taxa from the Paranaense Phytogeografic Province that produce monolete spores and its systematic implications (I): <i>Blotiella lindeniana</i>, <i>Histiopteris incisa</i> and <i>Paesia glandulosa</i>

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    The genera of Dennstaedtiaceae have sporophytes with very different morphological characteristics between each other, and this feature has made difficult the systematic circumscription of the family. This reason makes necessary the study of new characters that allow a better understanding of the relations within the group. The spore morphology and wall structure of Blotiella lindeniana, Histiopteris incisa and Paesia glandulosa from the Paranaense Phytogeographic Province were studied using light microscope, and scanning and transmission electron microscope. The exospore has two layers and, according to the species, the exospore surface bears pila, echinae, verrucae, bacula and tubercles. The perispore has two or three layers and its surface is psilate, baculate or rugulate. The variability found in the sculpture of the spores and their stratification and ultrastructure of perispore reflects the morphological differences observed in the sporophyte of the species studied. Additionally, while the stratification and ultrastructure of the exospore is shared by the Dennstaedtiaceae species, their ornamentation could be a character to distinguish species into the clade “hypolepidoide”. The finding of spores with similar characteristics in phylogenetically unrelated families allows us to suggest that palynological features do not have an evolutionary value to establish relationships between groups above the genus level.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Palynological analysis of Dennstaedtiaceae taxa from the Paranaense Phytogeographic Province that produce Trilete spores II: Microlepia speluncae and Pteridium arachnoideum

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    The spore morphology and wall ultrastructure of Microlepia speluncae and Pteridium arachnoideum from the Paranaense Province were analyzed with LM, SEM and TEM and a comparative analysis was carried out. In both species the spores are covered by a three-dimensional network of threads branched and fused, tangentially arranged to the surface, and some free-end threads are also seen. The species were differentiated by morphology and the frequency of threads fusion and the networks distribution on the surface of the spores. In both species the exospore is two-layered in section, both layers are traversed by single or branched channels. The perispore is three-layered in section: the inner layer is adhered to the exospore, the middle layer is formed of a three-dimensional network of threads and the outer layer is discontinuous. The perispore ultrastructure of Microlepia speluncae was interpreted as formed of helical subunits displayed around a central channel. The spore morphology and perispore ultrastructure allow differentiating Microlepia from Pteridium but also to the other Dennstaedtiaceae genera that grow in the Paranaense Province. The results obtained allow establishing relationships that let us recognize different groups and gave a new reference to get a better knowledge of the family.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Palynological analysis of Dennstaedtiaceae taxa from the Paranaense Phytogeografic Province that produce monolete spores and its systematic implications (I): <i>Blotiella lindeniana</i>, <i>Histiopteris incisa</i> and <i>Paesia glandulosa</i>

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    The genera of Dennstaedtiaceae have sporophytes with very different morphological characteristics between each other, and this feature has made difficult the systematic circumscription of the family. This reason makes necessary the study of new characters that allow a better understanding of the relations within the group. The spore morphology and wall structure of Blotiella lindeniana, Histiopteris incisa and Paesia glandulosa from the Paranaense Phytogeographic Province were studied using light microscope, and scanning and transmission electron microscope. The exospore has two layers and, according to the species, the exospore surface bears pila, echinae, verrucae, bacula and tubercles. The perispore has two or three layers and its surface is psilate, baculate or rugulate. The variability found in the sculpture of the spores and their stratification and ultrastructure of perispore reflects the morphological differences observed in the sporophyte of the species studied. Additionally, while the stratification and ultrastructure of the exospore is shared by the Dennstaedtiaceae species, their ornamentation could be a character to distinguish species into the clade “hypolepidoide”. The finding of spores with similar characteristics in phylogenetically unrelated families allows us to suggest that palynological features do not have an evolutionary value to establish relationships between groups above the genus level.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Palynological analysis of Dennstaedtiaceae taxa from the Paranaense Phytogeographic Province that produce Trilete spores II: Microlepia speluncae and Pteridium arachnoideum

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    The spore morphology and wall ultrastructure of Microlepia speluncae and Pteridium arachnoideum from the Paranaense Province were analyzed with LM, SEM and TEM and a comparative analysis was carried out. In both species the spores are covered by a three-dimensional network of threads branched and fused, tangentially arranged to the surface, and some free-end threads are also seen. The species were differentiated by morphology and the frequency of threads fusion and the networks distribution on the surface of the spores. In both species the exospore is two-layered in section, both layers are traversed by single or branched channels. The perispore is three-layered in section: the inner layer is adhered to the exospore, the middle layer is formed of a three-dimensional network of threads and the outer layer is discontinuous. The perispore ultrastructure of Microlepia speluncae was interpreted as formed of helical subunits displayed around a central channel. The spore morphology and perispore ultrastructure allow differentiating Microlepia from Pteridium but also to the other Dennstaedtiaceae genera that grow in the Paranaense Province. The results obtained allow establishing relationships that let us recognize different groups and gave a new reference to get a better knowledge of the family.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    An updated synopsis of Hypolepis Bernh. (Dennstaedtiaceae) from Argentina

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    An updated synopsis of the genus Hypolepis (Dennstaedtiaceae) from Argentina is presented, including the first report of H. stolonifera var. stolonifera for the country and the description of a new variety: Hypolepis stolonifera var. delasotae, named in honour of pteridologist Elías Ramón de la Sota. Four taxa are recognised in Argentina: Hypolepis poeppigii, H. rugosula subsp. poeppigiana, and Hypolepis stolonifera with var. delasotae and var. stolonifera; Hypolepis repens is excluded from the Argentinian flora.Fil: Toledo Arana, Javier Marcelo. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Fisicoquímicas y Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Yañez, Agustina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Schwartsburd, Pedro B.. Universidade Federal de Viçosa; Brasi