61 research outputs found

    Chromosome studies in Orchidaceae from Argentina

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    The center of diversity of Argentinean orchids is in the northeast region of the country. Chromosome numbers and karyotype features of 43 species belonging to 28 genera are presented here. Five chromosome records are the first ones at the genus level; these taxa are Aspidogyne kuckzinskii (2n = 42), Eurystyles actinosophila (2n = 56), Skeptrostachys paraguayensis (2n = 46), Stigmatosema polyaden (2n = 40) and Zygostates alleniana (2n = 54). In addition, a chromosome number is presented for the first time for 15 species: Corymborkis flava (2n = 56), Cyclopogon callophyllus (2n = 28), C. oliganthus (2n = 64), Cyrtopodium hatschbachii (2n = 46), C. palmifrons (2n = 46), Galeandra beyrichii (2n = 54), Habenaria bractescens (2n = 44), Oncidium edwallii (2n = 42), O. fimbriatum (2n = 56), O. pubes (2n = 84), O. riograndense (2n = 56), Pelexia ekmanii (2n = 46), P. lindmanii (2n = 46) and Warrea warreana (2n = 48). For Oncidium longicornu (2n = 42), O. divaricatum (2n = 56) and Sarcoglottis fasciculata (2n = 46+1B?, 46+3B?), a new cytotype was found. Chromosome data support phylogenetic relationships proposed by previous cytological, morphologic and molecular analyses, and in all the cases cover some gaps in the South American literature on orchid chromosomes

    eIF2α Kinases Regulate Development through the BzpR Transcription Factor in Dictyostelium discoideum

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    A major mechanism of translational regulation in response to a variety of stresses is mediated by phosphorylation of eIF2α to reduce delivery of initiator tRNAs to scanning ribosomes. For some mRNAs, often encoding a bZIP transcription factor, eIF2α phosphorylation leads to enhanced translation due to delayed reinitiation at upstream open reading frames. Dictyostelium cells possess at least three eIF2α kinases that regulate various portions of the starvation-induced developmental program. Cells possessing an eIF2α that cannot be phosphorylated (BS167) show abnormalities in growth and development. We sought to identify a bZIP protein in Dictyostelium whose production is controlled by the eIF2α regulatory system.Cells disrupted in the bzpR gene had similar developmental defects as BS167 cells, including small entities, stalk defects, and reduced spore viability. β-galactosidase production was used to examine translation from mRNA containing the bzpR 5' UTR. While protein production was readily apparent and regulated temporally and spatially in wild type cells, essentially no β-galactosidase was produced in developing BS167 cells even though the lacZ mRNA levels were the same as those in wild type cells. Also, no protein production was observed in strains lacking IfkA or IfkB eIF2α kinases. GFP fusions, with appropriate internal controls, were used to directly demonstrate that the bzpR 5' UTR, possessing 7 uORFs, suppressed translation by 12 fold. Suppression occurred even when all but one uORF was deleted, and translational suppression was removed when the ATG of the single uORF was mutated.The findings indicate that BzpR regulates aspects of the development program in Dictyostelium, serving as a downstream effector of eIF2α phosphorylation. Its production is temporally and spatially regulated by eIF2α phosphorylation by IfkA and IfkB and through the use of uORFs within the bzpR 5' UTR

    Interaction and uptake of exosomes by ovarian cancer cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Exosomes consist of membrane vesicles that are secreted by several cell types, including tumors and have been found in biological fluids. Exosomes interact with other cells and may serve as vehicles for the transfer of protein and RNA among cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>SKOV3 exosomes were labelled with carboxyfluoresceine diacetate succinimidyl-ester and collected by ultracentrifugation. Uptake of these vesicles, under different conditions, by the same cells from where they originated was monitored by immunofluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry analysis. Lectin analysis was performed to investigate the glycosylation properties of proteins from exosomes and cellular extracts.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this work, the ovarian carcinoma SKOV3 cell line has been shown to internalize exosomes from the same cells via several endocytic pathways that were strongly inhibited at 4°C, indicating their energy dependence. Partial colocalization with the endosome marker EEA1 and inhibition by chlorpromazine suggested the involvement of clathrin-dependent endocytosis. Furthermore, uptake inhibition in the presence of 5-ethyl-N-isopropyl amiloride, cytochalasin D and methyl-beta-cyclodextrin suggested the involvement of additional endocytic pathways. The uptake required proteins from the exosomes and from the cells since it was inhibited after proteinase K treatments. The exosomes were found to be enriched in specific mannose- and sialic acid-containing glycoproteins. Sialic acid removal caused a small but non-significant increase in uptake. Furthermore, the monosaccharides D-galactose, α-L-fucose, α-D-mannose, D-N-acetylglucosamine and the disaccharide β-lactose reduced exosomes uptake to a comparable extent as the control D-glucose.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In conclusion, exosomes are internalized by ovarian tumor cells via various endocytic pathways and proteins from exosomes and cells are required for uptake. On the other hand, exosomes are enriched in specific glycoproteins that may constitute exosome markers. This work contributes to the knowledge about the properties and dynamics of exosomes in cancer.</p

    Lipid rafts are essential for release of phosphatidylserine-exposing extracellular vesicles from platelets.

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    Platelets protect the vascular system during damage or inflammation, but platelet activation can result in pathological thrombosis. Activated platelets release a variety of extracellular vesicles (EVs). EVs shed from the plasma membrane often expose phosphatidylserine (PS). These EVs are pro-thrombotic and increased in number in many cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The mechanisms by which PS-exposing EVs are shed from activated platelets are not well characterised. Cholesterol-rich lipid rafts provide a platform for coordinating signalling through receptors and Ca2+ channels in platelets. We show that cholesterol depletion with methyl-β-cyclodextrin or sequestration with filipin prevented the Ca2+-triggered release of PS-exposing EVs. Although calpain activity was required for release of PS-exposing, calpain-dependent cleavage of talin was not affected by cholesterol depletion. P2Y12 and TPα, receptors for ADP and thromboxane A2, respectively, have been reported to be in platelet lipid rafts. However, the P2Y12 antagonist, AR-C69931MX, or the cyclooxygenase inhibitor, aspirin, had no effect on A23187-induced release of PS-exposing EVs. Together, these data show that lipid rafts are required for release of PS-exposing EVs from platelets.Isaac Newton Trust/ Wellcome Trust ISSF/University of Cambridge Joint Research Grant British Heart Foundation grant SP/15/7/3156

    Unidirectional transfer of microRNA-loaded exosomes from T cells to antigen-presenting cells

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    The immune synapse is an exquisitely evolved means of communication between T cells and antigen-presenting cells (APCs) during antigen recognition. Recent evidence points to the transfer of RNA via exosomes as a novel mode of intercellular communication. Here we show that exosomes of T, B and dendritic immune cells contain microRNA (miRNA) repertoires that differ from those of their parent cells. We investigate whether miRNAs are exchanged during cognate immune interactions, and demonstrate the existence of antigen-driven unidirectional transfer of miRNAs from the T cell to the APC, mediated by the delivery of CD63+ exosomes on immune synapse formation. Inhibition of exosome production by targeting neutral sphingomyelinase-2 impairs transfer of miRNAs to APCs. Moreover, miRNAs transferred during immune synapsis are able to modulate gene expression in recipient cells. Thus, our results support a mechanism of cellular communication involving antigen-dependent, unidirectional intercellular transfer of miRNAs by exosomes during immune synapsis

    Membrane vesicles, current state-of-the-art: emerging role of extracellular vesicles

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    Release of membrane vesicles, a process conserved in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, represents an evolutionary link, and suggests essential functions of a dynamic extracellular vesicular compartment (including exosomes, microparticles or microvesicles and apoptotic bodies). Compelling evidence supports the significance of this compartment in a broad range of physiological and pathological processes. However, classification of membrane vesicles, protocols of their isolation and detection, molecular details of vesicular release, clearance and biological functions are still under intense investigation. Here, we give a comprehensive overview of extracellular vesicles. After discussing the technical pitfalls and potential artifacts of the rapidly emerging field, we compare results from meta-analyses of published proteomic studies on membrane vesicles. We also summarize clinical implications of membrane vesicles. Lessons from this compartment challenge current paradigms concerning the mechanisms of intercellular communication and immune regulation. Furthermore, its clinical implementation may open new perspectives in translational medicine both in diagnostics and therapy

    Pollen-ovule relation in Adesmia tristis and reflections on the seed–ovule ratio by interaction with pollinators in two vertical strata

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    The vertical distribution of pollinators is an important component in the foraging pattern of plants strata, and it influences the reproductive system (pollen/ovule ratio) and seed/ovule ratio. Niches in two different strata from Adesmia tristis Vogel were evaluated in these aspects. This plant is an endemic shrub from the Campos de Cima da Serra in Southern Brazil. The studies were carried out from January 2010, to January 2011, at Pró-Mata/PUCRS (Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul) (29°27'-29°35'S and 50°08'-50°15'W), São Francisco de Paula, sate of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Breeding system of A. tristis is mandatory allogamy. The vertical profile in A. tristis has differentiated foraging niches among the most common pollinators. Bees of Megachile genus forage in the upper stratum, and representative bees of the Andrenidae family explore the lower stratum. The upper stratum of the vertical profile had more contribution to seed production. Adesmia tristis showed evidence of pollination deficitA distribuição vertical dos polinizadores é um importante componente no padrão de forrageamento nos estratos das plantas e influencia o sistema reprodutivo (relação pólen/ óvulo) e a razão semente/óvulo. Nichos em dois estratos diferentes de Adesmia tristis Vogel foram avaliados quanto a esses aspectos. Essa planta é um arbusto endêmico dos campos de Cima da Serra no Sul do Brasil. Os estudos ocorreram de janeiro de 2010 a janeiro de 2011, no Pró- Mata/PUCRS (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul) (29°27'-29°35'S e 50°08'-50°15'W), São Francisco de Paula, estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. O sistema reprodutivo de A. tristis é alogamia obrigatória. O perfil vertical em A. tristis possui diferentes nichos de forrageamento entre os polinizadores mais comuns. Abelhas do gênero Megachile forrageiam no estrato superior e as abelhas representantes da família Andrenidae exploram o estrato inferior. O estrato superior do perfil vertical contribui mais na produção de sementes. Adesmia tristis apresentou evidências de déficit de polinizaçã

    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles 2018 (MISEV2018): a position statement of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and update of the MISEV2014 guidelines

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