1,063 research outputs found

    Vasyl' Stus and Russian Culture: A Complex Issue

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    This article is part of a larger project, aimed at studying the many influences and intertextual connections of Vasyl’ Stus, a key figure for contemporary Ukrainian cultural identity, with writers of both Western, Ukrainian and Russian literature. Scholarship on Stus is growing rapidly, yet on the whole it fails to grasp the breadth of his knowledge of foreign literatures. More specifically, studies on the difficult last twenty years of his life often tend to obviate a truly scientific approach to his literary heritage. For fairly obvious reasons, one of the most neglected aspects of his biography as a poet is the role of Russian language, culture and literature in his artistic development. This article argues that a detailed study of the writer's Russian readings and of the possible influence they might have had on his work would help better understand his literary genealogy, his way of thinking and his poetic work. Discussions of works and authors of Russian literature constitute a significant part of Stus's letters. Russian (Soviet) reviews and translations were often for him the key to various foreign literatures and cultures. Russian writers and thinkers aroused his interest in a particular, “privileged” way. Special attention is also paid to the role of Donbas culture in shaping the identity of the young Stus

    QCD Mini-jet contribution to the total cross section

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    We present the predictions of a model for proton-proton total cross-section at LHC. It takes into account both hard partonic processes and soft gluon emission effects to describe the proper high energy behavior and to respect the Froissart bound.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, presented at MPI08, Perugia, October 27-31, 200

    Zero momentum gluons and the total pp and pbarp cross-sections

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    We describe a QCD motivated model for total cross-sections which uses the eikonal representation and incorporates QCD mini-jets to drive the rise with energy of the cross-section, while the impact parameter distribution is obtained through the Fourier transform of the transverse momentum distribution of soft gluons emitted in the parton-parton interactions giving rise to mini-jets in the final state. A singular but integral expression for the running coupling constant in the infrared region is part of this model.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, uses slac_one.rtx, 34th ICHEP Conference, Philadelphia 200

    Doprinosi QCD-a Froissartovoj granici ukupnog udarnog presjeka

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    We discuss the effect of infrared soft gluons on the asymptotic behaviour of the total cross-section. We use a singular but integrable expression for the strong coupling constant in the infrared limit and relate its behaviour to the satisfying of the condition of the Froissart bound, giving a specific phenomenological example.Raspravljamo učinak infracrvenih mekih gluona na asimptotsko ponašanje ukupnog udarnog presjeka. Primjenjujemo singularan ali integrabilan izraz za konstantu jakog vezanja u infracrvenoj granici i usklađujemo njeno ponašanje s Froissartovom granicom, dajući poseban fenomenološki primjer

    La finestra nell'opera poetica di Vasyl' Stus

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    The image of the window in Vasyl Stus's poetry has not been satisfactorily investigated. A major Ukrainian poet of the twentieth century, Stus shows in his oeuvre a very interesting application of this topos, marked by a striking semantic variety. Though not numerous, his windows cover a wide range of meanings. They can be linked to divine grace, imprisonment, as well as poetic inspiration. This article inquires into the evolution of Stus's lyrical representations of the window from his early poetry up to his masterpieces Čas tvorčosti and Palimpsesty, speculating on possible intertextual links with authors such as Boris Pasternak and Marina Cvetaeva


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    This work describes the three-dimensional survey of "Ex Stazione Frigorifera Specializzata": initially used for agricultural storage, during the years it was allocated to different uses until the complete neglect. The historical relevance and the architectural heritage that this building represents has brought the start of a recent renovation project and functional restoration. In this regard it was necessary a global 3-D survey that was based on the application and integration of different geomatic methodologies (mainly terrestrial laser scanner, classical topography, and GNSS). The acquisitions of point clouds was performed using different laser scanners: with time of flight (TOF) and phase shift technologies for the distance measurements. The topographic reference network, needed for scans alignment in the same system, was measured with a total station. For the complete survey of the building, 122 scans were acquired and 346 targets were measured from 79 vertices of the reference network. Moreover, 3 vertices were measured with GNSS methodology in order to georeference the network. For the detail survey of machine room were executed 14 scans with 23 targets. The 3-D global model of the building have less than one centimeter of error in the alignment (for the machine room the error in alignment is not greater than 6 mm) and was used to extract products such as longitudinal and transversal sections, plans, architectural perspectives, virtual scans. A complete spatial knowledge of the building is obtained from the processed data, providing basic information for restoration project, structural analysis, industrial and architectural heritage valorization

    Validation of polymer-based screen-printed textile electrodes for surface EMG detection

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    In recent years, the variety of textile electrodes developed for electrophysiological signal detection has increased rapidly. Among the applications that could benefit from this advancement, those based on surface electromyography (sEMG) are particularly relevant in rehabilitation, training and muscle function assessment. In this work, we validate the performance of polymer-based screen-printed textile electrodes for sEMG signal detection. We obtained these electrodes by depositing poly-3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene doped with poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) onto cotton fabric, and then selectively changing the physical properties of the textile substrate. The manufacturing costs are low and this process meets the requirements of textile-industry production lines. The validation of these electrodes was based on their functional and electrical characteristics, assessed for two different electrode sizes and three skin-interface conditions (dry, solid hydrogel or saline solution), and compared to those of conventional disposable gelled electrodes. Results show high similarity in terms of noise amplitude and electrode-skin impedance between the conventional and textile electrodes with the addition of solid hydrogel or saline solution. Furthermore, we compared the shape of the electrically-induced sEMG, as detected by conventional and textile electrodes from tibialis anterior. The comparison yielded an R2 value higher than 97% for all measurement conditions. Preliminary tests in dynamic conditions (walking) revealed the exploitability of the proposed electrode technology with saline application for the monitoring of sEMG for up to 35 minutes of activity. These results suggest that the proposed screen-printed textile electrodes may be an effective alternative to the conventional gelled electrodes for sEMG acquisition, thereby providing new opportunities in clinical and wellness fields

    Relevance of ultra-soft gluons and k<SUB>t</SUB> resummation for total cross-sections

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    Inclusion of down to zero-momentum gluons and their kt resummation is shown to quench the too fast rise of the mini jet cross section and thereby obtain realistic total cross-sections