31 research outputs found

    Analysis of large oxygenated and nitrated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formed under simulated diesel engine exhaust conditions (by compound fingerprints with SPE/LC-API-MS)

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    The analysis of organic compounds in combustion exhaust particles and the chemical transformation of soot by nitrogen oxides are key aspects of assessment and mitigation of the climate and health effects of aerosol emissions from fossil fuel combustion and biomass burning. In this study we present experimental and analytical techniques for efficient investigation of oxygenated and nitrated derivatives of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which can be regarded as well-defined soot model substances. For coronene and hexabenzocoronene exposed to nitrogen dioxide under simulated diesel exhaust conditions, several reaction products with high molecular mass could be characterized by liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical (and photo) ionization-mass spectrometry (LC-APCI-MS and LC-APPI-MS). The main products of coronene contained odd numbers of nitrogen atoms (m/z 282, 256, 338), whereas one of the main products of hexabenzocoronene exhibited an even number of nitrogen atoms (m/z 391). Various reaction products containing carbonyl and nitro groups could be tentatively identified by combining chromatographic and mass spectrometric information, and changes of their relative abundance were observed to depend on the reaction conditions. This analytical strategy should highlight a relatively young technique for the characterization of various soot-contained, semi-volatile, and semi-polar reaction products of large PAHs

    The value of health care – a matter of discussion in Germany

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    BACKGROUND: Interest in assessing the value of health-care services in Germany has considerably increased since the foundation of the Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen, IQWiG (Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care). The practical application of value assessment illustrates how problematic the process can be. In all decisions made for the provision of health care, data concerning the measurable dimensions (quantity and quality of efficacy and effectiveness, validity of the results and costs) flow into a complex and not yet standardized decision-making process concerning public financing. Some of these decisions are based on data of uncertain validity, unknown reproducibility and unclear appropriateness. DISCUSSION: In this paper we describe the theoretical aspects of value from psychological and economic viewpoints and discuss national and international approaches. Methodic details and difficulties in assessing the value of health-care services are analysed. A definition of the intangible value of health-care services will be proposed which contains only three factors: the absolute risk reduction (usually a measure of efficacy), the validity of the scientific papers examined and the type of the expected effectiveness (prevention of death and disability, restitution of well-being). The intangible value describes the additional benefit when comparing two possible actions, like treatment or observation only. CONCLUSION: The description of intangible value from the viewpoint of different stakeholders is a useful measure for subsequent steps (not discussed here) – the evaluation of costs and of patient benefit. A standardised, transparent, fair and democratic evaluation is essential for the definition of a basic benefit package

    Different Domains of the RNA Polymerase of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Contribute to Virulence

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    BACKGROUND: Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) is a pathogen of worldwide significance to the poultry industry. IBDV has a bi-segmented double-stranded RNA genome. Segments A and B encode the capsid, ribonucleoprotein and non-structural proteins, or the virus polymerase (RdRp), respectively. Since the late eighties, very virulent (vv) IBDV strains have emerged in Europe inducing up to 60% mortality. Although some progress has been made in understanding the molecular biology of IBDV, the molecular basis for the pathogenicity of vvIBDV is still not fully understood. METHODOLOGY, PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Strain 88180 belongs to a lineage of pathogenic IBDV phylogenetically related to vvIBDV. By reverse genetics, we rescued a molecular clone (mc88180), as pathogenic as its parent strain. To study the molecular basis for 88180 pathogenicity, we constructed and characterized in vivo reassortant or mosaic recombinant viruses derived from the 88180 and the attenuated Cu-1 IBDV strains. The reassortant virus rescued from segments A of 88180 (A88) and B of Cu-1 (BCU1) was milder than mc88180 showing that segment B is involved in 88180 pathogenicity. Next, the exchange of different regions of BCU1 with their counterparts in B88 in association with A88 did not fully restore a virulence equivalent to mc88180. This demonstrated that several regions if not the whole B88 are essential for the in vivo pathogenicity of 88180. CONCLUSION, SIGNIFICANCE: The present results show that different domains of the RdRp, are essential for the in vivo pathogenicity of IBDV, independently of the replication efficiency of the mosaic viruses

    Advances in mass spectrometry-based post-column bioaffinity profiling of mixtures

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    In the screening of complex mixtures, for example combinatorial libraries, natural extracts, and metabolic incubations, different approaches are used for integrated bioaffinity screening. Four major strategies can be used for screening of bioactive mixtures for protein targets—pre-column and post-column off-line, at-line, and on-line strategies. The focus of this review is on recent developments in post-column on-line screening, and the role of mass spectrometry (MS) in these systems. On-line screening systems integrate separation sciences, mass spectrometry, and biochemical methodology, enabling screening for active compounds in complex mixtures. There are three main variants of on-line MS based bioassays: the mass spectrometer is used for ligand identification only; the mass spectrometer is used for both ligand identification and bioassay readout; or MS detection is conducted in parallel with at-line microfractionation with off-line bioaffinity analysis. On the basis of the different fields of application of on-line screening, the principles are explained and their usefulness in the different fields of drug research is critically evaluated. Furthermore, off-line screening is discussed briefly with the on-line and at-line approaches

    Epidemiologia do carcinoma basocelular

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