1,568 research outputs found

    The Gut Microbiome in Neuromyelitis Optica.

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    Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is a rare, disabling, sometimes fatal central nervous system inflammatory demyelinating disease that is associated with antibodies ("NMO IgG") that target the water channel protein aquaporin-4 (AQP4) expressed on astrocytes. There is considerable interest in identifying environmental triggers that may elicit production of NMO IgG by AQP4-reactive B cells. Although NMO is considered principally a humoral autoimmune disease, antibodies of NMO IgG are IgG1, a T-cell-dependent immunoglobulin subclass, indicating that AQP4-reactive T cells have a pivotal role in NMO pathogenesis. When AQP4-specific proliferative T cells were first identified in patients with NMO it was discovered that T cells recognizing the dominant AQP4 T-cell epitope exhibited a T helper 17 (Th17) phenotype and displayed cross-reactivity to a homologous peptide sequence within a protein of Clostridium perfringens, a commensal bacterium found in human gut flora. The initial analysis of gut microbiota in NMO demonstrated that, in comparison to healthy controls (HC) and patients with multiple sclerosis, the microbiome of NMO is distinct. Remarkably, C. perfringens was the second most significantly enriched taxon in NMO, and among bacteria identified at the species level, C. perfringens was the one most highly associated with NMO. Those discoveries, along with evidence that certain Clostridia in the gut can regulate the balance between regulatory T cells and Th17 cells, indicate that gut microbiota, and possibly C. perfringens itself, could participate in NMO pathogenesis. Collectively, the evidence linking microbiota to humoral and cellular immunity in NMO underscores the importance for further investigating this relationship

    Multiple sclerosis: time for early treatment with high-efficacy drugs

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    This review addresses current changes in the approach to treating patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The widely practiced approach of utilizing agents with lower treatment efficacy (LETA) at onset with subsequent escalation has been challenged by new data suggesting that MS patients derive greater benefit when therapy is initiated with high-efficacy treatment agents (HETA). Several recent studies compared treatment efficacy and safety of early administration of HETA versus LETA. The results of randomized, double blind, phase III studies with LETA as a control arm and population-based larger and longer studies using propensity scoring, marginal structural modeling and weighted cumulative exposure analysis support the benefit of early treatment with HETA. Patients initiating their treatment with HETA, regardless of prognostic factors and MRI burden at baseline, showed significantly lower annualized relapse rate (ARR) and reduced disability progression in follow-up periods of up to 10–15 years. Moreover, the safety profile of recently approved HETA ameliorates concerns about off-target effects associated with a number of earlier high-efficacy drugs. Patient perception has also changed with an increasing preference for medication profiles that both improve symptoms and prevent disease progression. Accumulating data from randomized studies and the results of large population-based studies demonstrating short-term and longer-term patient benefits support the view that HETA should be more widely used. The adoption of early treatment with HETA capitalizes on a window of opportunity for anti-inflammatory drugs to maximally impact disease pathology and heralds a sea change in clinical practice toward pro-active management and away from a philosophy routed in generating clinical benefit as a consequence of treatment failure

    Psychological and Psychophysiological Effects of Recuperative Music Postexercise

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    Purpose: Few studies have examined the psychological and psychophysiological effects of recuperative music after exhaustive exercise. The main purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of two music conditions compared with a no-music control on psychological and psychophysiological recovery processes after exercise. Methods: A randomized, fully counterbalanced, crossover design was used. Core affect, salivary cortisol, heart rate, and blood pressure were measured before exhaustive exercise, immediately after, and in 10-, 20-, and 30-min intervals during passive recovery (21 women and 21 men; 20.9 T 1.7 yr) over three separate trials (slow, sedative music; fast, stimulative music; no-music control). The exercise task entailed incremental cycle ergometry performed at 75 rpm with an increase in intensity of 22.5 WIminj1 at the end of each minute until exhaustion. Data were analyzed using mixed-model 3 (condition) 4 (time) 2 (gender) MANOVA/ANCOVA. Results: The largest decline in affective arousal between active and passive recovery phases was evident in the slow, sedative condition (Gp 2 = 0.50). Women had a more pronounced reduction in arousal than did men in the slow, sedative music condition. Heart rate measures showed that fast, stimulative music inhibited the return of heart rate toward resting levels (Gp 2 = 0.06). Similarly, salivary cortisol levels tended to be lower in response to slow, sedative music (Gp 2 = 0.11). There was a main effect of condition for affective valence indicating that the slow, sedative condition elicited more positive affective responses compared with the control and fast, stimulative conditions (Gp 2 = 0.12). Conclusions: The present findings support the notion that slow, sedative music can expedite the recovery process immediately after strenuous exercise. Key Words: AFFECT, CORTISOL, ENTRAINMENT, RECOVERY, PSYCHOBIOLOGY, SEDATIO

    'Choosing shoes': a preliminary study into the challenges facing clinicians in assessing footwear for rheumatoid patients

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    Background: Footwear has been accepted as a therapeutic intervention for the foot affected by rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Evidence relating to the objective assessment of footwear in patients with RA is limited. The aims of this study were to identify current footwear styles, footwear characteristics, and factors that influence footwear choice experienced by patients with RA. Methods: Eighty patients with RA were recruited from rheumatology clinics during the summer months. Clinical characteristics, global function, and foot impairment and disability measures were recorded. Current footwear, footwear characteristics and the factors associated with choice of footwear were identified. Suitability of footwear was recorded using pre-determined criteria for assessing footwear type, based on a previous study of foot pain. Results: The patients had longstanding RA with moderate-to severe disability and impairment. The foot and ankle assessment demonstrated a low-arch profile with both forefoot and rearfoot structural deformities. Over 50% of shoes worn by patients were opentype footwear. More than 70% of patients’ footwear was defined as being poor. Poor footwear characteristics such as heel rigidity and sole hardness were observed. Patients reported comfort (17%) and fit (14%) as important factors in choosing their own footwear. Only five percent (5%) of patients wore therapeutic footwear. Conclusions: The majority of patients with RA wear footwear that has been previously described as poor. Future work needs to aim to define and justify the specific features of footwear that may be of benefit to foot health for people with RA

    Updated projections of future vCJD deaths in the UK

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    BACKGROUND: Past projections of the future course of the vCJD epidemic in the UK have shown considerable uncertainty, with wide confidence bounds. However, recent vCJD case data have indicated a decrease in the annual incidence of deaths over the past two years. METHODS: A detailed survival model is fitted to the 121 vCJD deaths reported by the end of 2002 stratified by age and calendar time to obtain projections of future incidence. The model is additionally fitted to recent results from a survey of appendix tissues. RESULTS: Our results show a substantial decrease in the uncertainty of the future course of the primary epidemic in the susceptible genotype (MM-homozygous at codon 129 of the prion protein gene), with a best estimate of 40 future deaths (95% prediction interval 9–540) based on fitting to the vCJD case data alone. Additional fitting of the appendix data increases these estimates (best estimate 100, 95% prediction interval 10–2,600) but remains lower than previous projections. CONCLUSIONS: The primary vCJD epidemic in the known susceptible genotype in the UK appears to be in decline
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