339 research outputs found

    Decision Making in an Intracellular Genetic Classifier

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    A model for an intracellular genetic classifier is introduced and studied to investigate how cellular decision making will function under the stochastic conditions. In particular, this provides a basis to investigate whether a binary classification under the effects of intrinsic noise is still possible. More precisely, a mathematical model of a genetic classifier is derived using a standard approach using Hill functions and its dynamical properties are explored. Classification mechanism is studied considering the effects of low copy number of mRNA and proteins in terms of the degree of cooperativity, inputs and transcription rates. It is shown that the intrinsic noise blurs the separation line between the classification classes, but the influence of stochasticity is qualitatively different for the case of monostable or bistable dynamics. Finally, potential applications are discussed

    Chemically mediated behavior of recruiting corals and fishes: A tipping point that may limit reef recovery

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    Coral reefs are in global decline, converting from dominance by coral to dominance by seaweed. Once seaweeds become abundant, coral recovery is suppressed unless herbivores return to remove seaweeds, and corals then recruit. Variance in the recovery of fishes and corals is not well understood.We show that juveniles of both corals and fishes are repelled by chemical cues from fished, seaweed-dominated reefs but attracted to cues from coral-dominated areas where fishing is prohibited. Chemical cues of specific seaweeds from degraded reefs repulsed recruits, and cues from specific corals that are typical of healthy reefs attracted recruits. Juveniles were present at but behaviorally avoided recruiting to degraded reefs dominated by seaweeds. For recovery, degraded reefs may need to be managed to produce cues that attract, rather than repel, recruiting corals and fishes

    Estimating integrated information in bidirectional neuron-astrocyte communication

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    There is growing evidence that suggests the importance of astrocytes as elements for neural information processing through the modulation of synaptic transmission. A key aspect of this problem is understanding the impact of astrocytes in the information carried by compound events in neurons across time. In this paper, we investigate how the astrocytes participate in the information integrated by individual neurons in an ensemble through the measurement of “integrated information.” We propose a computational model that considers bidirectional communication between astrocytes and neurons through glutamate-induced calcium signaling. Our model highlights the role of astrocytes in information processing through dynamical coordination. Our findings suggest that the astrocytic feedback promotes synergetic influences in the neural communication, which is maximized when there is a balance between excess correlation and spontaneous spiking activity. The results were further linked with additional measures such as net synergy and mutual information. This result reinforces the idea that astrocytes have integrative properties in communication among neurons


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    This article presents the results of scientific research regarding the behavior of post-COVID-19 pandemic consumers in the townships of San Francisco and Bethania. The main objective is to contribute to the development of strategic management trends in the competitive development of companies that serve this market segment; due to their demographic, cultural, economic, psychographic, behavioral and infrastructure affinity, which allow them to guide new marketing strategies in companies. The methodology used is with a quantitative and qualitative approach; with descriptive and correlational scope. Among the results obtained, it stands out that the socioeconomic situation is notable and consistent with the employment situation, that in both towns the purchasing power of those interviewed has been reduced 63.3% in San Francisco and very similar in Betania 62.8%. Likewise, it is inferred that purchasing power has of course changed, just as there are difficulties in purchasing the basics (76%) in both towns. Regarding purchasing behavior after the COVID.19 Pandemic, it stands out that 54.4% spend less on non-essential things and 16.1% buy the cheapest brands.Este artículo    presenta el resultado de la investigación científica respecto al comportamiento de los consumidores postpandemia por COVID-19, de los Corregimientos de San Francisco y Bethania. El objetivo principal, es contribuir al desarrollo de las tendencias de la dirección estratégica en el desarrollo competitivo de las empresas que atienden este segmento del mercado; por su afinidad demográfica, cultural, económica, psicográfica, conductual y de infraestructura, que permitan orientar nuevas estrategias de marketing en las empresas. La metodología empleada se da con un enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo; con alcances descriptivo y correlacional. Entre los resultados obtenidos sobresale que la situación socioeconómica es destacable y congruente con la situación laboral, que en ambos corregimientos se ha reducido la capacidad adquisitiva de los entrevistado 63.3% en San Francisco y muy similar en Betania 62.8%. De igual forma se infiere que el poder adquisitivo por supuesto ha cambiado, lo mismo que se tiene dificultades para comprar lo básico (76%) en ambos corregimientos. Del comportamiento de compra después de la Pandemia por COVID.19, se destaca que el 54.4%, gasta menos en cosas no esenciales y el 16.1% compra las marcas más baratas

    El Comercio Internacional de Panamá, su organización y el estado actual de las negociaciones a nivel regional e internacional

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    Este trabajo está estructurado en cuatro capítulos: En el primer capítulo, se presenta un análisis socio económico de la República de Panamá, sus antecedentes históricos y su perspectiva en función de la evolución de su política económica, con la intención de ilustrar al lector sobre la importancia que reviste para este país su participación en el entorno mundial, principalmente en lo referente al comercio internacional. Los mecanismos operacionales y administrativos del comercio exterior de Panamá se presentan en el Segundo capítulo, en el cual por razones metodológicas se parte de un enfoque jurídico hasta una revisión de los aspectos organizativos, que incluyen los objetivos y funciones de las principales instancias nacionales responsables del comercio exterior. En el tercer capítulo se presenta la propuesta de actualizar la estructura organizativa institucional del gobierno panameño, mediante la creación del Viceministerio de Comercio Exterior, con el objeto de concentrar en un solo ente las políticas nacionales atinentes al comercio exterior. La participación de Panamá en el comercio exterior es el tema central del cuarto capítulo y en el mismo, se pretende hacer una revisión de todas las acciones realizadas por Panamá para su incorporación a las diversas corrientes del comercio internacional

    Genomic and transcriptomic signals of thermal tolerance in heat-tolerant corals (Platygyra daedalea) of the Arabian/Persian Gulf

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    © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Scleractinian corals occur in tropical regions near their upper thermal limits and are severely threatened by rising ocean temperatures. However, several recent studies have shown coral populations can harbour genetic variation in thermal tolerance. Here, we have extended these approaches to study heat tolerance of corals in the Persian/Arabian Gulf, where heat-tolerant local populations experience extreme summer temperatures (up to 36°C). To evaluate whether selection has depleted genetic variation in thermal tolerance, estimate potential future adaptive responses and understand the functional basis for these corals’ unusual heat tolerance, we conducted controlled crosses in the Gulf coral Platygyra daedalea. Heat tolerance is highly heritable in this population (h 2 = 0.487–0.748), suggesting substantial potential for adaptive responses to selection for elevated temperatures. To identify genetic markers associated with this variation, we conducted genomewide SNP genotyping in parental corals and tested for relationships between paternal genotype and offspring thermal tolerance. Resulting multilocus SNP genotypes explained a large fraction of variation in thermal tolerance in these crosses (69%). To investigate the functional basis of these differences in thermal tolerance, we profiled transcriptional responses in tolerant and susceptible families, revealing substantial sire effects on transcriptional responses to thermal stress. We also studied sequence variation in these expressed sequences, identifying alleles and functional groups of differentially expressed genes associated with thermal tolerance. Our findings demonstrate that corals in this population harbour extensive genetic variation in thermal tolerance, and heat-tolerant phenotypes differ in both gene sequences and transcriptional stress responses from their susceptible counterparts

    Aspectos biológicos de Terpsis quadrivittata Champion, 1893 (Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae: Mesomphaliini) en el Parque Nacional Altos de Campana, Provincia de Panamá Oeste, Panamá.

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    In this study we present biological cycle aspects of Terpsis quadrivittata Champion, 1893 (Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae: Mesomphaliini). Observations “In Situ” was made along a five-kilometer transept, with three lianas "bejucos" of Ipomoea philomega (Vell.) House (Convolvulaceae); known as host and food source for larvae and adults of T. quadrivittata. In each liana the presence of adults and the three stages of insect development were recorded: eggs, larvae (I, II, III and IV), pre-pupa and pupa. A total of 67 eggs found in three lianas of I. philomega were collected and observed. Observations were made of the development and average duration of the four immature stages of T. quadrivittata under laboratory conditions, which were interrupted when the insects reached the adult stage. All T. quadrivittata ovipositions observed during this study were viable. On the other hand, the average duration of each stage was 7 days for eggs; 4 days for the larval stage I; 3 days for stage II; 3 days for stage III; 4 days for stage IV; 2 days for the pre-pupa stage and 7 days for the pupa stage, with a total duration of the life cycle of T. quadrivittata of 30 days.En este estudio se presentan aspectos del ciclo biológico de Terpsis quadrivittata Champion, 1893 (Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae:Mesomphaliini). Se realizaron observaciones in situ a lo largo de un transepto de cinco kilómetros, ubicándose tres lianas “bejucos” de Ipomoea philomega (Vell.) House (Convolvulaceae); conocida como hospedera y fuente de alimento para larvas y adultos de T. quadrivittata. En cada liana se registró la presencia de adultos y de los tres estadios de desarrollo del insecto; huevos, larvas (I, II, III y IV), pre-pupa y pupa. Se recolectaron y observaron un total de 67 huevos encontrados en las tres lianas de I. philomega. Se realizaron observaciones del desarrollo y duración promedio de los cuatro estadios inmaduros de T. quadrivittata en condiciones de laboratorio, las cuales fueron interrumpidas cuando los insectos llegaban a la etapa adulta. Las oviposiciones de T. quadrivittata, observadas todas fueron viables. Por otra parte, la duración promedio de cada estadio fue de 7 días para huevos; 4 días para el estadio larval I; 3 días para el estadio II; 3 días para el estadio III; 4 días para el estadio IV; 2 días para el estadio de pre-pupa y 7 días para el estadio de pupa, con una duración total del ciclo de vida de T. quadrivittata de 30 días