19 research outputs found

    A criterion for the fragmentation of bubbly magma based on brittle failure theory

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    The fragmentation of bubbly magma is a defining point in a volcanic eruption-before fragmentation the magma flows relatively slowly, during fragmentation the bubbles break up to release compressed gas and, afterwards, the eruption becomes a violent gas flow carrying suspended magma particles. Seemingly benign lava flows or domes can suddenly fragment into deadly pyroclastic flows(1-3). Several criteria have been proposed to define the point of magma fragmentation or foam stability(4-7). The criterion of Papale(7) is based on melt relaxation theory and equates magma strain rate with the rate of increase of flow velocity with distance. It ignores, however, the role of bubble pressure in causing fragmentation. Two empirical approaches(4,5) consider the role of high bubble pressure in causing fragmentation but do not address the underlying physics of magma fragmentation. Here I develop a fragmentation criterion for bubbly magma based on brittle failure theory and apply it to the fragmentation of lava domes and flows. On the basis of this theory, a bubbly magma will fragment when the tensile stress at the inner walls of bubbles exceeds the tensile strength of the magma. The fragmentation conditions depend strongly on initial water content, with calculated vesicularity and final water levels coinciding reasonably well with those in observed pumices. This suggests that the proposed criterion captures the essence of the fragmentation process in bubbly magma.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62724/1/402648a0.pd

    Primitive layered gabbros from fast-spreading lower oceanic crust

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    Three-quarters of the oceanic crust formed at fast-spreading ridges is composed of plutonic rocks whose mineral assemblages, textures and compositions record the history of melt transport and crystallization between the mantle and the sea floor. Despite the importance of these rocks, sampling them in situ is extremely challenging owing to the overlying dykes and lavas. This means that models for understanding the formation of the lower crust are based largely on geophysical studies and ancient analogues (ophiolites) that did not form at typical mid-ocean ridges. Here we describe cored intervals of primitive, modally layered gabbroic rocks from the lower plutonic crust formed at a fast-spreading ridge, sampled by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program at the Hess Deep rift. Centimetre-scale, modally layered rocks, some of which have a strong layering-parallel foliation, confirm a long-held belief that such rocks are a key constituent of the lower oceanic crust formed at fast-spreading ridges. Geochemical analysis of these primitive lower plutonic rocks-in combination with previous geochemical data for shallow-level plutonic rocks, sheeted dykes and lavas-provides the most completely constrained estimate of the bulk composition of fast-spreading oceanic crust so far. Simple crystallization models using this bulk crustal composition as the parental melt accurately predict the bulk composition of both the lavas and the plutonic rocks. However, the recovered plutonic rocks show early crystallization of orthopyroxene, which is not predicted by current models of melt extraction from the mantle and mid-ocean-ridge basalt differentiation. The simplest explanation of this observation is that compositionally diverse melts are extracted from the mantle and partly crystallize before mixing to produce the more homogeneous magmas that erupt

    Using dissolved H<sub>2</sub>O in rhyolitic glasses to estimate palaeo-ice thickness during a subglacial eruption at Bláhnúkur(Torfajökull, Iceland)

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    The last decade has seen the refinement of a technique for reconstructing palaeo-ice thicknesses based on using the retained H2O and CO2 content in glassy eruptive deposits to infer quenching pressures and therefore ice thicknesses. The method is here applied to Bláhnúkur, a subglacially erupted rhyolitic edifice in Iceland. A decrease in water content from ~0.7 wt.% at the base to ~0.3 wt.% at the top of the edifice suggests that the ice was 400 m thick at the time of the eruption. As Bláhnúkur rises 350 m above the surrounding terrain, this implies that the eruption occurred entirely within ice, which corroborates evidence obtained from earlier lithofacies studies. This paper presents the largest data set (40 samples) so far obtained for the retained volatile contents of deposits from a subglacial eruption. An important consequence is that it enables subtle but significant variations in water content to become evident. In particular, there are anomalous samples which are either water-rich (up to 1 wt.%) or water-poor (~0.2 wt.%), with the former being interpreted as forming intrusively within hyaloclastite and the latter representing batches of magma that were volatile-poor prior to eruption. The large data set also provides further insights into the strengths and weaknesses of using volatiles to infer palaeo-ice thicknesses and highlights many of the uncertainties involved. By using examples from Bláhnúkur, the quantitative use of this technique is evaluated. However, the relative pressure conditions which have shed light on Bláhnúkur’s eruption mechanisms and syn-eruptive glacier response show that, despite uncertainties in absolute values, the volatile approach can provide useful insight into the mechanisms of subglacial rhyolitic eruptions, which have never been observed