998 research outputs found

    Direct measurement of the singlet generation yield in polymer light-emitting diodes

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    In this study, the singlet and triplet exciton generation yields of a representative blue-emitting conjugated polymer are directly compared using simultaneous optical and electrical excitation measurements. After carefully accounting for bimolecular triplet annihilation and knowing the independently measured solid state inter-system-crossing yield of the polymer, a singlet generation yield of 44% is obtained, in the working device, which is clearly in excess of the simple quantum statistical 25% limit

    Fear information and social phobic beliefs in children: a prospective paradigm and preliminary results

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    This paper presents a first attempt to develop a prospective paradigm to test Rachman’s (Behav. Res. Ther. 15 (1977) 375) theory of fear acquisition for social fears. Following the prospective paradigm for animal fears developed by Field et al. (Behav. Res. Ther. 39 (2001) 1259) an attempt is made to adapt this paradigm to look at the effect of fear information in the development of social fears. A large group of normal children (N=135)who were at an age (10–13 years) at which social concerns are most pertinent were tested using this paradigm. They were given positive, negative or neutral information about three social situations: public speaking, eating in public, and meeting a new group of children. Children’s fear beliefs were measured before and after the information was given and the information was given by a teacher, a same age peer or no information was given (a control). The results indicate that although information can change social fear beliefs it is dependent upon the type of social activity and who provides the information. The implications of these initial results for our understanding of both the role of fear information in the development of social fear beliefs, and the limitations of this current paradigm are discussed

    Evidence that the Bursting Component of the X-ray Radiation From 3C 111 Originates in the PC-Scale Jet

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    Evidence is presented indicating that the bursting component of the X-ray radiation detected in the nuclear region of the active radio galaxy 3C 111 comes from the blobs ejected in the pc-scale jet and not from the accretion disc. After each new outburst the radio flux density associated with it increases to a peak in ~1 year and then subsides over a period of 1-2 years with the flux falling off exponentially as the blob moves outward and dissipates. Similar peaks (bursts) are seen in the X-ray light curve and a cross-correlation between the two shows a very high correlation with the X-ray peaks leading the radio peaks by ~100 days. A second cross-correlation, this time between the radio event start times and the X-ray light curve, also shows a significant correlation. When this is taken together with the long (~1 yr) delay between the start of each ejection event and its associated X-ray peak it indicates that this bursting component of the X-ray flux must be associated with the ejected blobs in the pc-scale jet and not with the accretion disc. Because X-ray telescopes do not have the resolution required to resolve the accretion disc area from the pc-scale jet, this paper is the first to present observational evidence that can pinpoint the point of origin of at least those long-timescale X-ray bursts with durations of 1-3 yrs.Comment: 11 pages, 8 Figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Fear information and the development of fears during childhood: effects on implicit fear responses and behavioural avoidance

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    Field, Argyris and Knowles (Behav Res Ther 39 (2001) 1259), and Field, Hamilton, Knowles and Plews (Behav Res Thera 41 (2003) 113) have developed a prospective paradigm for testing Rachman’s (Behav Res Ther 15 (1977) 375) proposition that fear information is important in the development of fears and phobias in children. Despite this paradigm being an advance on retrospective reports, the research so far has been restricted to self-reported fear beliefs measured after the information is given. This gives rise to two possible shortcomings: (1) the effects could simply reflect demand characteristics resulting from children conforming to the experimental demands, and (2) although fear information changes beliefs, this might not translate into the behavioural change that would be expected if this information has a powerful effect relevant to the development of pathological fear. This paper describes an experiment that attempts to address these concerns by improving Field et al.’s (2001, 2003) basic paradigm but with the addition of two measures: (1) a behavioural measure of avoidance, and (2) an implicit attitude task that should not be susceptible to deliberate attempts to conform to experimental demands. The result showed that negative and positive information have dramatic, and opposite, effects on self-reported fear beliefs, behavioural avoidance and implicit attitudes. There were no effects of gender on any of these results. This study fully supports Rachman’s model and suggests that past work does not merely reflect demand characteristics and that fear information increases behavioural avoidance as well as fear beliefs

    Lattice dielectric response of CdCu{3}Ti{4}O{12} and of CaCu{3}Ti{4}O{12} from first principles

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    Structural, vibrational, and lattice dielectric properties of CdCu{3}Ti{4}O{12} are studied using density-functional theory within the local spin-density approximation, and the results are compared with those computed previously for CaCu{3}Ti{4}O{12}. Replacing Ca with Cd is found to leave many calculated quantities largely unaltered, although significant differences do emerge in zone-center optical phonon frequencies and mode effective charges. The computed phonon frequencies of CdCu{3}Ti{4}O{12} are found to be in excellent agreement with experiment, and the computed lattice contribution to the intrinsic static dielectric constant (~60) also agrees exceptionally well with a recent optical absorption experiment. These results provide further support for a picture in which the lattice dielectric response is essentially conventional, suggesting an extrinsic origin for the anomalous low-frequency dielectric response recently observed in both materials.Comment: 5 pages; uses REVTEX macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/lh_cdct/index.htm

    Elastic properties of a tungsten-silver composite by reconstruction and computation

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    We statistically reconstruct a three-dimensional model of a tungsten-silver composite from an experimental two-dimensional image. The effective Young's modulus (EE) of the model is computed in the temperature range 25-1060^o C using a finite element method. The results are in good agreement with experimental data. As a test case, we have reconstructed the microstructure and computed the moduli of the overlapping sphere model. The reconstructed and overlapping sphere models are examples of bi-continuous (non-particulate) media. The computed moduli of the models are not generally in good agreement with the predictions of the self-consistent method. We have also evaluated three-point variational bounds on the Young's moduli of the models using the results of Beran, Molyneux, Milton and Phan-Thien. The measured data were close to the upper bound if the properties of the two phases were similar (1/6<E1/E2<61/6 < E_1 /E_2 < 6).Comment: 23 Pages, 12 Figure

    Superconducting p-branes and Extremal Black Holes

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    In Einstein-Maxwell theory, magnetic flux lines are `expelled' from a black hole as extremality is approached, in the sense that the component of the field strength normal to the horizon goes to zero. Thus, extremal black holes are found to exhibit the sort of `Meissner effect' which is characteristic of superconducting media. We review some of the evidence for this effect, and do present new evidence for it using recently found black hole solutions in string theory and Kaluza-Klein theory. We also present some new solutions, which arise naturally in string theory, which are non-superconducting extremal black holes. We present a nice geometrical interpretation of these effects derived by looking carefully at the higher dimensional configurations from which the lower dimensional black hole solutions are obtained. We show that other extremal solitonic objects in string theory (such as p-branes) can also display superconducting properties. In particular, we argue that the relativistic London equation will hold on the worldvolume of `light' superconducting p-branes (which are embedded in flat space), and that minimally coupled zero modes will propagate in the adS factor of the near-horizon geometries of `heavy', or gravitating, superconducting p-branes.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Active Galactic Nuclei at the Crossroads of Astrophysics

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    Over the last five decades, AGN studies have produced a number of spectacular examples of synergies and multifaceted approaches in astrophysics. The field of AGN research now spans the entire spectral range and covers more than twelve orders of magnitude in the spatial and temporal domains. The next generation of astrophysical facilities will open up new possibilities for AGN studies, especially in the areas of high-resolution and high-fidelity imaging and spectroscopy of nuclear regions in the X-ray, optical, and radio bands. These studies will address in detail a number of critical issues in AGN research such as processes in the immediate vicinity of supermassive black holes, physical conditions of broad-line and narrow-line regions, formation and evolution of accretion disks and relativistic outflows, and the connection between nuclear activity and galaxy evolution.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures; review contribution; "Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysical Instruments for the 21st Century", ESO Astrophysical Symposia Serie

    Stability of the monoclinic phase in the ferroelectric perovskite PbZr(1-x)TixO3

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    Recent structural studies of ferroelectric PbZr(1-x)TixO3 (PZT) with x= 0.48, have revealed a new monoclinic phase in the vicinity of the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB), previously regarded as the the boundary separating the rhombohedral and tetragonal regions of the PZT phase diagram. In the present paper, the stability region of all three phases has been established from high resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction measurements on a series of highly homogeneous samples with 0.42 <=x<= 0.52. At 20K the monoclinic phase is stable in the range 0.46 <=x<= 0.51, and this range narrows as the temperature is increased. A first-order phase transition from tetragonal to rhombohedral symmetry is observed only for x= 0.45. The MPB, therefore, corresponds not to the tetragonal-rhombohedral phase boundary, but instead to the boundary between the tetragonal and monoclinic phases for 0.46 <=x<= 0.51. This result provides important insight into the close relationship between the monoclinic phase and the striking piezoelectric properties of PZT; in particular, investigations of poled samples have shown that the monoclinic distortion is the origin of the unusually high piezoelectric response of PZT.Comment: REVTeX file, 7 figures embedde

    Advances in ab-initio theory of Multiferroics. Materials and mechanisms: modelling and understanding

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    Within the broad class of multiferroics (compounds showing a coexistence of magnetism and ferroelectricity), we focus on the subclass of "improper electronic ferroelectrics", i.e. correlated materials where electronic degrees of freedom (such as spin, charge or orbital) drive ferroelectricity. In particular, in spin-induced ferroelectrics, there is not only a {\em coexistence} of the two intriguing magnetic and dipolar orders; rather, there is such an intimate link that one drives the other, suggesting a giant magnetoelectric coupling. Via first-principles approaches based on density functional theory, we review the microscopic mechanisms at the basis of multiferroicity in several compounds, ranging from transition metal oxides to organic multiferroics (MFs) to organic-inorganic hybrids (i.e. metal-organic frameworks, MOFs)Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure
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