29 research outputs found

    Finding a Needle in the Haystack: A Technique for Ranking Matches Between Components

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    Abstract. Searching and subsequently selecting reusable components from com-ponent repositories has become a key impediment for not only component-based development but also for achieving the overall usability of component develop-ment environments and the ultimate re-usability of the components themselves. Component matching, a fundamental aspect of the component search problem, has been a well-studied problem, resulting in many different matching technique

    Automatic Location of Services

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    Simulation for training in sinus floor elevation : new surgical bench model

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    Objectives: to describe a bench model (workshop of abilities) for sinus floor elevation (SFE) training that simulates the surgical environment and to assess its effectiveness in terms of trainees? perception. Study design: thirty-six randomly selected postgraduate students entered this cross-sectional pilot study and asked to fill in an anonymous, self-applied, 12-item questionnaire about a SFE workshop that included a study guide containing the workshop?s details, supervised practice on a simulated surgical environment, and assessment by means of specific check-lists. Results: Thirtiy-six fresh sheep heads were prepared to allow access to the buccal vestible. Using the facial tuber, third premolar and a 3D-CT study as landmarks for trepanation, the sinus membrane was lifted, the space filled with ceramic material and closed with a resorbable membrane. The participants agreed on their ability to perform SFE in a simulated situation (median score= 4.5; range 2-5) and felt capable to teach the technique to other clinicians or to undertake the procedure for a patient under supervision of an expert surgeon (median= 4; range 1-5 ). There were no differences on their perceived ability to undertake the technique on a model or on a real patient under supervision of an expert surgeon (p=0.36). Conclusions: Clinical abilities workshops for SFE teaching are an essential educational tool but supervised clinical practice should always precede autonomous SFE on real patients. Simulation procedures (workshop of abilities) are perceived by the partakers as useful for the surgical practice. However, more studies are needed to validate the procedure and to address cognitive and communication skills, that are clearly integral parts of surgical performance

    Shuffle–based verification of component compatibility

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    An extension of earlier work on component compatibility is described in this paper. Similarly as before, the behavior of components is specified by component interface languages, and the shuffle operation is introduced to represent possible interleavings of service requests that originate at several concurrent components. The paper shows that the verification of component compatibility is possible without the exhaustive analysis of the state space of interacting components. Exhaustive analysis of state spaces was the basis of earlier approaches to compatibility verification

    Model Fusion for the Compatibility Verification of Software Components

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    Similarly as in earlier work on component compatibility, the behavior of components is specified by component interface languages, defined by labeled Petri nets. In the case of composition of concurrent components, the requests from different components can be interleaved, and - as shown earlier - such interleaving can result in deadlocks in the composed system even if each pair of interacting components is deadlock–free. Therefore the elements of a component–based system are considered compatible only if the composition is deadlock–free. This paper formally defines model fusion, which is a composition of net models of individual components that represents the interleaving of interface languages of interacting components. It also shows that the verification of component compatibility can avoid the exhaustive analysis of the composed state space

    Service Renaming in Component Composition

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    In component-based systems, the behavior of components is usually described at component interfaces and the components are characterized as requester (active) and provider (reactive) components. Two interacting components are considered compatible if all possible sequences of services requested by one component can be provided by the other component. This concept of component compatibility can be extended to sets of interacting components, however, in the case of several requester components interacting with one or more provider components, as is typically the case of cleint-server applications, the requests from different components can be interleaved and then verifying component compatibility must take into account all possible interleavings of requests. Such interleaving of requests can lead to unexpected behavior of the composed system, e.g. a deadlock can occur. Service renaming is proposed as a method of systematic eliminating of such unexpected effects and streamlining component compositions

    Enhancing Dependability of Component-based Systems

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    International audienceWe present a method to add dependability features to component-based software systems. The method is applicable if the dependability features add new behavior to the system, but do not change its basic functionality. The idea is to start with a software architecture whose central component is an application component that implements the behavior of the system in the normal case. The application component is connected to other components, possibly through adapters. It is then possible to enhance the system by adding dependability features in such a way that the central application component remains untouched. Adding dependability features necessitates to evolve the overall system architecture by replacing or newly introducing hardware or software components. The adapters contained in the initial software architecture have to be modified, whereas the other software components need not to be changed. Thus, the dependability of a component-based system can be enhanced in an incremental way

    Promoting Reuse with Active Reuse Repository Systems

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    Abstract. Software component-based reuse is diÆcult for software de-velopers to adopt because rst they must know what components exist in a reuse repository and then they must know how to retrieve them easily. This paper describes the concept and implementation of active reuse repository systems that address the above two issues. Active reuse repository systems employ active information delivery mechanisms to deliver potentially reusable components that are relevant to the current development task. They can help software developers reuse components they did not even know existed. They can also greatly reduce the cost of component location because software developers need neither to specify reuse queries explicitly, nor to switch working contexts back and forth between development environments and reuse repository systems.

    Keyword programming in Java

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    Keyword programming is a novel technique for reducing the need to remember details of programming language syntax and APIs, by translating a small number of unordered keywords provided by the user into a valid expression. In a sense, the keywords act as a query that searches the space of expressions that are valid in the given context. Prior work has demonstrated the feasibility and merit of this approach in limited domains. This paper explores the potential for employing this technique in much larger domains, specifically general-purpose programming languages like Java. We present an algorithm for translating keywords into Java method call expressions. When tested on keywords extracted from existing method calls in Java code, the algorithm can accurately reconstruct over 90% of the original expressions. We tested the algorithm on keywords provided by users in a web-based study. The results suggest that users can obtain correct Java code using keyword queries as accurately as they can write the correct Java code themselves. We implemented the algorithm in an Eclipse plug-in as an extension to the autocomplete mechanism and deployed it in a preliminary field study of several users, with mixed results. One interesting result of this work is that most of the information in Java method call expressions lies in the keywords, and details of punctuation and even parameter ordering can often be inferred automatically.Quanta Computer - TParty projectNational Science Foundatio