108 research outputs found


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    Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Program is carried out with the aim of growing awareness and empathy for Warmadewa University students towards the real problems faced by rural communities, and also to realize community welfare and educate the nation's life and to promote sustainable development. This KKN activity is located in Peguyangan Kaja Village, North Denpasar District, Denpasar City, Bali Province. Peguyangan kaja village office is located on Jl. North Ahmad Yani No. 456, Peguyangan Kaja, North Denpasar, Denpasar City. Kuliah Kerja Nyata-Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KKN-PPM) UNWAR in Peguyangan Kaja Village is Group 2 and consists of 30 students. The approach system used is direct observation and deliberation. The solutions provided by KKN-PPM UNWAR students are as follows: 1) participating in "Clean Friday" and other hygiene activities, 2) distributing free masks and socializing the community around Peguyangan kaja village about the dangers of the omicron type of covid-19 virus, 3 ) assisting Posyandu activities for toddlers and the elderly as well as providing additional food in Peguyangan Kaja Village, 4) Implementation of the Stunting Case Prevention Program, 5) Marketing of local UMKM products through Social Media and the benefits of mushrooms for health, 6) Implementation of the Delivery of Jempiring Plants to Each Head of Dusun, 7) Implementation of Flowering Plant Planting Activities in Peguyangan 6 Elementary School Area, 8) 3rd dose vaccination activity for people in Peguyangan Kaja Village

    Pengaruh Modal, Tingkat Pendidikan Dan Penggunaan Teknologi Pada Pendapatan UMKM Sektor Perdagangan Di Denpasar Barat

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    This research aims to obtain empirical evidence on the effect of capital, education level, and the use of technology on the income of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the trade sector in West Denpasar. The population of this study is all MSMEs in the trade sector in West Denpasar District with a sample of 99 MSMEs based on the slovin formula. Data collection techniques in the study were carried out by distributing questionnaires with a Likert scale of 1-5. The data analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression. The results of the study can prove that the variables of capital, level of education, and use of technology have a positive and significant effect on the income of MSMEs in the trading sector in West Denpasar. The implications of this research are expected to be taken into consideration and input by other MSME actors in increasing income by taking into account capital, education level, and the use of technology. Keyword: MSMEs, capital, education, technology and incom


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    The family is the first and foremost place of education for children. However, due to the influence of globalization and modernization, the phenomenon of materialistic and consumerist lifestyles has emerged, so that true happiness is measured by material (artha). Such a lifestyle can certainly cause a shift in the meaning of the family, such as the rise of divorce rates, family disorganization, lack of parental attention to children, domestic violence, MBA, and degradation of the younger generation. It is feared that people's lives can cause the values ​​of social wisdom, spiritual values, and the duties of parents in building character in children to be neglected. Related to that, there is a family phenomenon in the city of Denpasar, namely the Graha Pasek family which is thought to be able to educate good character in their sons, and is suspected of being able to maintain the value of harmony between other family members, so that researchers are interested in conducting a deeper study of "Construction of the Formation of Characters in the Sukhinah Family at Graha Pasek Banjar Kaja, South Denpasar District, Denpasar City”. This study is intended to answer problems that include the basis, form, and implications of the construction of character formation in the sukhinah family at Graha Pasek Banjar Kaja, Sesetan Village, South Denpasar District, Denpasar City. There are three theories used to dissect the problem, namely the Humanistic Theory proposed by Abraham Harold Maslow, Constructivism Theory by Jean Piaget, and Character Theory by Thomas Lickona. This research is a type of qualitative research, so the data is obtained through observation, interviews, and document studies. Based on the analysis and study of the data, the findings were obtained as a result of the study, including: (1) The basis for the construction of character formation in the sukhinah family at Graha Pasek Banjar Kaja, including: the Marriage Law and marriage according to Hinduism, the criteria for the sukhinah family, and the pattern of marriage. foster a Hindu perspective. (2) The form of character building construction for the Sukhinah family at Graha Pasek, namely: Implementation of the selection of the Sukhinah family at Graha Pasek, the character education model for the Sukhinah family (dharmika, subhiksa, mahatmya, kertasanta) accompanied by the principles of openness and sincerity (lascarya), and the process the construction of character building in the sukhinah family which includes the embodiment of the Hindu perspective parenting style, the transformation of values, and the practice of husband-wife swadharma (obligations). (3) The implications of the construction o

    Studi Kasus : Asuhan Keperawatan pada Pasien dengan HIV Stadium 1 di Rumah Sakit Daerah Gunung Jati Kota Cirebon

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    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is one of the retro viruses that infects white blood cells which has an impact on a weakened immune system, damage to the function of cluster of differentiation 4 positive (CD4+) cells as well as other immune cells. CD4 count below 200, opportunistic infections and not taking treatment can exacerbate chronic conditions throughout life. The purpose of this study was to analyze nursing care for Mr. B with Stage 1 HIV at the Seroja Polyclinic, Gunung Jati Hospital, Cirebon City. The research design used was a descriptive case study including assessment, data analysis, nursing diagnoses, interventions, implementation and evaluation. This research was conducted in the seroja room of Gunung Jati Hospital, Cirebon City. Based on the results obtained, based on the assessment data, two nursing problems emerged, namely hyperthermia, related to the disease process marked by fever and secondly the risk of opportunistic infections associated with decreased immune system which was marked with a CD4 value close to 200. Actions taken were monitoring body temperature and collaborating on drug administration with doctors, providing health education about HIV, adherence to taking medication and advising regular eating patterns and adequate rest. It is recommended that health workers provide education about HIV/AIDS care and also provide medication taking assistance to prevent non-adherence in taking medication, social and spiritual


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    This study aims to determine and analyze the Health of National Banking during the Covid-19 Pandemic on Firm Value through Financial Performance with the observation year 2018 to 2020. National banking conditions are analyzed using the RGEC (Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earnings, and Capital) method. The reason for choosing the banking sector in this study is because researchers want to know the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the banking sector and its effect on the economy of the Indonesian people. The sampling technique uses Probability Sampling type Simple Random Sampling. Meanwhile, the sampling used the Slovin Formula so that a sample of 32 companies with 96 observations was obtained. This study used 19 hypotheses. Our findings generally show that the average national bank is still in good health despite being in extraordinary conditions like the current pandemic. This is due to the consistency of other professions such as civil servants or MSME actors in fulfilling their obligations to banks so that they can support and anticipate credit problems that may arise in national banks. The results of the hypothesis test showed that only four (4) hypotheses were accepted, they are H1a, H3, H4, and H9. The results of the F test show that 71% of the firm value is influenced by Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Earnings, Capital and Financial Performance


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    Introduction: AIDS is a collection of certain clinical conditions that are the outcome of infection by HIV. Currently, the problem of HIV / AIDS is a big problem that threatens many countries around the world, one of them is Indonesia. HIV / AIDS is much affected by the productive age population and more affected by men than women. The taxi driver job has a lot of time on the highway. Taxi drivers will be vulnerable to HIV transmission when performing high-risk behaviors against its HIV transmission. This study aims to find out the description of HIV antibody examination on taxi drivers in Kelurahan Kuta Kabupaten Badung. Method: The type of research used is descriptive research. This research was conducted on May 2017. The sampling of the research was done at UPT. Puskesmas Kuta 1 and the examination was conducted at Health Analyst Laboratory of STIKes Wira Medika Bali. The population used in this study are all taxi drivers who are in Kelurahan Kuta Kabupaten Badung and the samples are 33 drivers. The method used in this research is Rapid Test / Immunochromatography method. The data have been analyzed and presented in tabular form. Result: The results of this study were all samples of taxi drivers showed non-reactive results against HIV antibodies. Discussion: This means no HIV antibodies found in taxi drivers serum.Pendahuluan: AIDS adalah suatu kumpulan kondisi klinis tertentu yang merupakan hasil akhir dari infeksi oleh HIV. Saat ini, masalah HIV/AIDS adalah masalah besar yang mengancam banyak negara di seluruh dunia salah satunya Indonesia. HIV/AIDS banyak diidap oleh penduduk usia produktif dan lebih banyak diidap oleh laki-laki daripada perempuan. Sopir taksi pekerjaannya memiliki waktu yang banyak di jalan raya. Sopir taksi akan rentan terhadap penularan HIV apabila melakukan perilaku yang berisiko tinggi terhadap penularan HIV itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pemeriksaan antibodi HIV pada sopir taksi di Wilayah Kelurahan Kuta Kabupaten Badung. Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2017. Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan di UPT. Puskesmas Kuta 1 dan tempat pemeriksaan dilakukan di Laboratorium Analis Kesehatan STIKes Wira Medika Bali. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh sopir taksi yang berada di Wilayah Kelurahan Kuta Kabupaten Badung dan yang menjadi sampel adalah 33 sopir. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode Rapid Test / Immunokromatografi. Data yang telah diperoleh dianalisa dan disajikan dalam bentuk tabel. Hasil: Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh sampel sopir taksi menunjukkan hasil Non Reaktif terhadap antibodi HIV. Diskusi: Hal ini berarti tidak ditemukan adanya antibodi HIV pada serum sopir taksi

    Analisis Strategi Peningkatan Pendapatan Asli Daerah dalam Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah di Kota Bandar Lampung

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    In estimating the potential of the region, information and benchmarks are needed that are real in the field and are desired by the community concretely. One of the financial benchmarks that can be used to see regional readiness in implementing autonomy is to measure how far the financial capacity of a region is. While the regional financial capacity is usually measured by the amount of contribution of Regional Original Income (PAD). Data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation and data analysis techniques using qualitative descriptive. The results of the study using SWOT analysis showed that the strength of Bandar Lampung City Revenue Service in an effort to increase local revenue is to have qualified human resources (quite competent), the potential of the Bandar Lampung City Revenue Office is quite high quality in carrying out its main tasks and functions, there are job descriptions clear in carrying out their main tasks and functions and supporting adequate operational budget. The weaknesses are the weak function of coordination between and inter agencies, the weak monitoring function, inadequate office facilities and infrastructure and the weak application of sanctions for violators of taxes and levies. Potential objects as well as high taxpayers and retributions and strong political support for the elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor are opportunities for the Bandar Lampung City Revenue Service in an effort to increase local revenues and challenges or threats of Bandar Lampung City Revenue Service in an effort to increase local revenue is the scope of the area of potential that is quite broad and the low public awareness of taxpayers and levies.Keywords: Increased PAD, SWOT Analysi