45 research outputs found

    Study of the grammal standards of use of Russian pronouns in a foreign language auditorium

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    The article examines the problem of mastering the grammatical rules of use of Russian pronouns among foreign Chinese students. The authors suggest the most effective methods and forms of learning based on the particularity of the functional peculiarities of the pronominal words. The leading methods of research are analysis, observation, questioning and summarizing. The article highlights some methodological aspects of the study of the errors of Chinese students-philologists' use of Russian pronouns. The Chinese students' errors are identified by the authors as a result of holding an ascertaining experiment. Special attention is paid to the study of the nature of errors and ways of their prevention and overcoming. The authors consider the comparative study of pronouns in Russian and Chinese languages as the most appropriate method. This method will help the teacher to understand the cause of interfeairing errors for Chinese students due to the differences of Russian grammatical system and the same one of native (Chinese) languages. You should also take into account the specifics of pronouns in the Russian language, the speakers' depending on the situation in substitution or index functions. We believe that this study contributes its part in the area of didactics and can present an interesting topic of study for all people involved in teaching Russian language to foreign (Chinese) audience

    Hyperuricemia as a risk factor for arterial hypertension among the population of the Fergana region of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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    Today, a lot of data has been accumulated on the role of purine metabolism disorders in the development of a number of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. However, the results of a large number of epidemiological and clinical studies aimed at detecting the pathogenetic relationship between hyperuricemia (HU) and arterial hypertension (AH) are contradictory. According to the purpose of the study - to study the epidemiological conditions in relation to hypertension in connection with HU and other risk factors in order to be ¬able to plan multifactorial prevention on this basis, we carried out epidemiological study ¬of hypertension due to a combination of risk factors such as HU, impaired carbohydrate tolerance (IHT), pesticideemia, dyslipoproteinemia (DLP), overweight and smoking among rural men ¬and women of working age. We chose a continuous method of epidemiological examination with the measurement of blood pressure, ECG, anthropometric and biochemical studies. To determine the groups for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, we have established the level of individual risk of developing hypertension. On this basis, a percentile distribution was built and the entire population of men and women was divided into 3 groups: 1-group of moderate risk (84.6%); 2-high-risk group (10.3%) and 3-group of patients (5.1%)

    Молекулярно-эпидемиологический анализ рифампицин-устойчивых штаммов Mycobacterium tuberculosis, выделенных на территории Кыргызской Республики

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    The nature and frequency of mutations in the rpoB gene of M. tuberculosis (MBT) vary considerably in various geographical locations. There is no information on the prevalence of specific mutations in the rpoB gene of MBT isolated from patients in Kyrgyz Republic. In this work, we analyzed a distribution of the rpoB gene mutations in Kyrgyz Republic. A total of 380 rifampicin-sensitive and 225 rifampicin-resistant MBT cultures were analyzed to identify and to characterize mutations in the rpoB gene using a biological microchip assay. The biochip test determined 18 different mutation types in 8 codons of the rifampicin-resistant samples. The majority of mutations (180 of 225, or 80 %) were in the codons 531 and 526, mainly in the codon 531 (137 of 225, 60.8 %). The Ser531>Leu mutation (134 of 225, 59.4 %) was by far the most common. Another group of mutations were in the codon 526 (43 of 225, 19.1 %). Five different types of mutations were found in the codon 526 which were: His526®Tyr (4.9 %), His 526®Asp (4.9 %), His526®Arg (4.0 %), His526®Leu (3.5 %), and His526®Pro (1.8 %). The third group of common mutations were Leu511®Pro (6.3 %) and Asp516®Tyr (4.4 %). Other mutations found in the codons 533, 522, 513, and 512 were less frequent and had a very low rate comprising about 1.8 % of the total mutation number among 225 rifampicinresistant samples.Для разных стран характерна разная частота встречаемости отдельных мутаций гена rpoB Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Учитывая регионально-географические особенности распространения мутаций в гене rpoB, обуславливающих резистентность к рифампицину, мы изучили спектр мутаций гена rpoB МБТ, циркулирующих на территории Кыргызской Республики. Исследовано 605 образцов ДНК МБТ, выделенных от больных туберкулезом, проживающих в 8 регионах Кыргызской Республики. Устойчивость МБТ к рифампицину идентифицировали методом биологических микрочипов. Методом биологических микрочипов выявлено 380 (62,8 %) чувствительных и 225 (37,2 %) рифампицин-устойчивых штаммов МБТ. Среди проанализированных рифампицин-устойчивых штаммов МБТ нам удалось выявить 18 различных типов мутаций, локализованных в 8 кодонах гена rpoB. При этом мутации в 531 и 526 кодонах встречались наиболее часто и обуславливали устойчивость к рифампицину в 80,0 % случаев. Среди всех рифампицин-устойчивых штаммов у 137 из 225 (60,8 %) образцов обнаружена мутация в 531 кодоне, при этом Ser531®Leu идентифицирована в 59,4 % (134 из 225) случаев. Второй по частоте встречаемости является мутация в 526 кодоне 19,1 % (43 из 225). В 526 кодоне выявлено 5 различных типов мутаций, в том числе His526®Tyr – 4,9 %; His526®Asp – 4,9 %; His526®Arg – 4,0 %; His526®Leu – 3,5 %; His526®Pro – 1,8 %. Третьими по частоте встречаемости являются мутации в 516 и 511 кодонах. В 516 кодоне выявлено Asp516®Tyr – 4,4 % и Asp516®Val – 0,8 % случаев. В 511 кодоне основной мутацией является Leu511®Pro – 6,3%. Мутации в 533, 522, 513 и 512 кодонах встречались редко. Частота встречаемости каждой из мутаций в 533, 522 и 513 кодонах среди всех рифампицин-устойчивых штаммов составила всего 1,8 %, а мутация в 512 кодоне встречалась в 1,4 % случаев

    Forecasting: theory and practice

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    Forecasting has always been at the forefront of decision making and planning. The uncertainty that surrounds the future is both exciting and challenging, with individuals and organisations seeking to minimise risks and maximise utilities. The large number of forecasting applications calls for a diverse set of forecasting methods to tackle real-life challenges. This article provides a non-systematic review of the theory and the practice of forecasting. We provide an overview of a wide range of theoretical, state-of-the-art models, methods, principles, and approaches to prepare, produce, organise, and evaluate forecasts. We then demonstrate how such theoretical concepts are applied in a variety of real-life contexts. We do not claim that this review is an exhaustive list of methods and applications. However, we wish that our encyclopedic presentation will offer a point of reference for the rich work that has been undertaken over the last decades, with some key insights for the future of forecasting theory and practice. Given its encyclopedic nature, the intended mode of reading is non-linear. We offer cross-references to allow the readers to navigate through the various topics. We complement the theoretical concepts and applications covered by large lists of free or open-source software implementations and publicly-available databases

    Immunoglobulin, glucocorticoid, or combination therapy for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children: a propensity-weighted cohort study

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    Background: Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), a hyperinflammatory condition associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, has emerged as a serious illness in children worldwide. Immunoglobulin or glucocorticoids, or both, are currently recommended treatments. Methods: The Best Available Treatment Study evaluated immunomodulatory treatments for MIS-C in an international observational cohort. Analysis of the first 614 patients was previously reported. In this propensity-weighted cohort study, clinical and outcome data from children with suspected or proven MIS-C were collected onto a web-based Research Electronic Data Capture database. After excluding neonates and incomplete or duplicate records, inverse probability weighting was used to compare primary treatments with intravenous immunoglobulin, intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids, or glucocorticoids alone, using intravenous immunoglobulin as the reference treatment. Primary outcomes were a composite of inotropic or ventilator support from the second day after treatment initiation, or death, and time to improvement on an ordinal clinical severity scale. Secondary outcomes included treatment escalation, clinical deterioration, fever, and coronary artery aneurysm occurrence and resolution. This study is registered with the ISRCTN registry, ISRCTN69546370. Findings: We enrolled 2101 children (aged 0 months to 19 years) with clinically diagnosed MIS-C from 39 countries between June 14, 2020, and April 25, 2022, and, following exclusions, 2009 patients were included for analysis (median age 8·0 years [IQR 4·2–11·4], 1191 [59·3%] male and 818 [40·7%] female, and 825 [41·1%] White). 680 (33·8%) patients received primary treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin, 698 (34·7%) with intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids, 487 (24·2%) with glucocorticoids alone; 59 (2·9%) patients received other combinations, including biologicals, and 85 (4·2%) patients received no immunomodulators. There were no significant differences between treatments for primary outcomes for the 1586 patients with complete baseline and outcome data that were considered for primary analysis. Adjusted odds ratios for ventilation, inotropic support, or death were 1·09 (95% CI 0·75–1·58; corrected p value=1·00) for intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids and 0·93 (0·58–1·47; corrected p value=1·00) for glucocorticoids alone, versus intravenous immunoglobulin alone. Adjusted average hazard ratios for time to improvement were 1·04 (95% CI 0·91–1·20; corrected p value=1·00) for intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids, and 0·84 (0·70–1·00; corrected p value=0·22) for glucocorticoids alone, versus intravenous immunoglobulin alone. Treatment escalation was less frequent for intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids (OR 0·15 [95% CI 0·11–0·20]; p<0·0001) and glucocorticoids alone (0·68 [0·50–0·93]; p=0·014) versus intravenous immunoglobulin alone. Persistent fever (from day 2 onward) was less common with intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids compared with either intravenous immunoglobulin alone (OR 0·50 [95% CI 0·38–0·67]; p<0·0001) or glucocorticoids alone (0·63 [0·45–0·88]; p=0·0058). Coronary artery aneurysm occurrence and resolution did not differ significantly between treatment groups. Interpretation: Recovery rates, including occurrence and resolution of coronary artery aneurysms, were similar for primary treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin when compared to glucocorticoids or intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids. Initial treatment with glucocorticoids appears to be a safe alternative to immunoglobulin or combined therapy, and might be advantageous in view of the cost and limited availability of intravenous immunoglobulin in many countries. Funding: Imperial College London, the European Union's Horizon 2020, Wellcome Trust, the Medical Research Foundation, UK National Institute for Health and Care Research, and National Institutes of Health

    Immunoglobulin, glucocorticoid, or combination therapy for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children: a propensity-weighted cohort study

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    Background Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), a hyperinflammatory condition associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, has emerged as a serious illness in children worldwide. Immunoglobulin or glucocorticoids, or both, are currently recommended treatments. Methods The Best Available Treatment Study evaluated immunomodulatory treatments for MIS-C in an international observational cohort. Analysis of the first 614 patients was previously reported. In this propensity-weighted cohort study, clinical and outcome data from children with suspected or proven MIS-C were collected onto a web-based Research Electronic Data Capture database. After excluding neonates and incomplete or duplicate records, inverse probability weighting was used to compare primary treatments with intravenous immunoglobulin, intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids, or glucocorticoids alone, using intravenous immunoglobulin as the reference treatment. Primary outcomes were a composite of inotropic or ventilator support from the second day after treatment initiation, or death, and time to improvement on an ordinal clinical severity scale. Secondary outcomes included treatment escalation, clinical deterioration, fever, and coronary artery aneurysm occurrence and resolution. This study is registered with the ISRCTN registry, ISRCTN69546370. Findings We enrolled 2101 children (aged 0 months to 19 years) with clinically diagnosed MIS-C from 39 countries between June 14, 2020, and April 25, 2022, and, following exclusions, 2009 patients were included for analysis (median age 8·0 years [IQR 4·2–11·4], 1191 [59·3%] male and 818 [40·7%] female, and 825 [41·1%] White). 680 (33·8%) patients received primary treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin, 698 (34·7%) with intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids, 487 (24·2%) with glucocorticoids alone; 59 (2·9%) patients received other combinations, including biologicals, and 85 (4·2%) patients received no immunomodulators. There were no significant differences between treatments for primary outcomes for the 1586 patients with complete baseline and outcome data that were considered for primary analysis. Adjusted odds ratios for ventilation, inotropic support, or death were 1·09 (95% CI 0·75–1·58; corrected p value=1·00) for intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids and 0·93 (0·58–1·47; corrected p value=1·00) for glucocorticoids alone, versus intravenous immunoglobulin alone. Adjusted average hazard ratios for time to improvement were 1·04 (95% CI 0·91–1·20; corrected p value=1·00) for intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids, and 0·84 (0·70–1·00; corrected p value=0·22) for glucocorticoids alone, versus intravenous immunoglobulin alone. Treatment escalation was less frequent for intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids (OR 0·15 [95% CI 0·11–0·20]; p<0·0001) and glucocorticoids alone (0·68 [0·50–0·93]; p=0·014) versus intravenous immunoglobulin alone. Persistent fever (from day 2 onward) was less common with intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids compared with either intravenous immunoglobulin alone (OR 0·50 [95% CI 0·38–0·67]; p<0·0001) or glucocorticoids alone (0·63 [0·45–0·88]; p=0·0058). Coronary artery aneurysm occurrence and resolution did not differ significantly between treatment groups. Interpretation Recovery rates, including occurrence and resolution of coronary artery aneurysms, were similar for primary treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin when compared to glucocorticoids or intravenous immunoglobulin plus glucocorticoids. Initial treatment with glucocorticoids appears to be a safe alternative to immunoglobulin or combined therapy, and might be advantageous in view of the cost and limited availability of intravenous immunoglobulin in many countries. Funding Imperial College London, the European Union's Horizon 2020, Wellcome Trust, the Medical Research Foundation, UK National Institute for Health and Care Research, and National Institutes of Health

    Study of the grammal standards of use of Russian pronouns in a foreign language auditorium

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    The article examines the problem of mastering the grammatical rules of use of Russian pronouns among foreign Chinese students. The authors suggest the most effective methods and forms of learning based on the particularity of the functional peculiarities of the pronominal words. The leading methods of research are analysis, observation, questioning and summarizing. The article highlights some methodological aspects of the study of the errors of Chinese students-philologists' use of Russian pronouns. The Chinese students' errors are identified by the authors as a result of holding an ascertaining experiment. Special attention is paid to the study of the nature of errors and ways of their prevention and overcoming. The authors consider the comparative study of pronouns in Russian and Chinese languages as the most appropriate method. This method will help the teacher to understand the cause of interfeairing errors for Chinese students due to the differences of Russian grammatical system and the same one of native (Chinese) languages. You should also take into account the specifics of pronouns in the Russian language, the speakers' depending on the situation in substitution or index functions. We believe that this study contributes its part in the area of didactics and can present an interesting topic of study for all people involved in teaching Russian language to foreign (Chinese) audience

    Hyperuricemia as a risk factor for arterial hypertension among the population of the Fergana region of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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    Today, a lot of data has been accumulated on the role of purine metabolism disorders in the development of a number of diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. However, the results of a large number of epidemiological and clinical studies aimed at detecting the pathogenetic relationship between hyperuricemia (HU) and arterial hypertension (AH) are contradictory. According to the purpose of the study - to study the epidemiological conditions in relation to hypertension in connection with HU and other risk factors in order to be ¬able to plan multifactorial prevention on this basis, we carried out epidemiological study ¬of hypertension due to a combination of risk factors such as HU, impaired carbohydrate tolerance (IHT), pesticideemia, dyslipoproteinemia (DLP), overweight and smoking among rural men ¬and women of working age. We chose a continuous method of epidemiological examination with the measurement of blood pressure, ECG, anthropometric and biochemical studies. To determine the groups for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, we have established the level of individual risk of developing hypertension. On this basis, a percentile distribution was built and the entire population of men and women was divided into 3 groups: 1-group of moderate risk (84.6%); 2-high-risk group (10.3%) and 3-group of patients (5.1%)

    Obtaining a Pac From the Cellulose of Plants of Sunflower, Safflower and Waste From the Textile Industry

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    Cellulose ethers are now of great practical importance. The advantages of cellulose ethers include: resistance to chemical reagents, water resistance, frost resistance, lightfastness, low flammability, the ability to dissolve in common organic solvents, good film-forming and thermoplastic properties, etc. Some cellulose ethers with a certain degree of substitution can dissolve not only in organic solvents, but also in dilute aqueous solutions of alkalis and even in cold water, which is of great importance for their practical applicatio

    Direction of Semi-Cellulose and High-Purity Cellulose from the Kavrak Plant to the Process of Obtaining Organic Substances and Products Based on them for Various Industry Sectors

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    Currently, as the chemical industry develops, it occupies one of the leading positions. A number of works are being carried out on the development of the chemical industry and the replacement of existing technologies from its branches with new ones, and on the basis of them, management of production on the basis of new technologies. A number of enterprises are operating only in the field of production of cellulose and its products. The demand for paper and paper products in our country is extremely high. In order to satisfy the demand for paper products, there was a need to create new technologies and strengthen the system of paper and paper products production