207 research outputs found

    Impact of Prenatal Stress on Offspring Glucocorticoid Levels: A Phylogenetic Meta-analysis Across 14 Vertebrate Species

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    Prenatal exposure to maternal stress is commonly associated with variation in Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA)-axis functioning in ofspring. However, the strength or consistency of this response has never been empirically evaluated across vertebrate species. Here we meta-analyzed 114 results from 39 studies across 14 vertebrate species using Bayesian phylogenetic mixed-efects models. We found a positive overall efect of prenatal stress on ofspring glucocorticoids (d’=0.43) though the 95% Highest Posterior Density Interval overlapped with 0 (−0.16–0.95). Meta-regressions of potential moderators highlighted that phylogeny and life history variables predicted relatively little variation in efect size. Experimental studies (d’=0.64) produced stronger efects than observational ones (d’=−0.01), while prenatal stress afected glucocorticoid recovery following ofspring stress exposure more strongly (d’=0.75) than baseline levels (d’=0.48) or glucocorticoid peak response (d’=0.36). These fndings are consistent with the argument that HPA-axis sensitivity to prenatal stress is evolutionarily ancient and occurs regardless of a species’ overall life history strategy. These efects may therefore be especially important for mediating intra-specifc life-history variation. In addition, these fndings suggest that animal models of prenatal HPA-axis programming may be appropriate for studying similar efects in humans

    Prosociality, social tolerance and partner choice facilitate mutually beneficial cooperation in common marmosets, Callithrix jacchus

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    Prosocial motivation has been suggested to facilitate the initiation and maintenance of cooperative interactions, as well as the evolution of social systems reliant on helping behaviour and social coordination. Previous comparative research on the link between prosociality and cooperation has been limited, however, by the absence of directly comparable measures of these traits among the same individuals. In the present study, we therefore examined intraspecific variation in prosociality and cooperative behaviour within a captive colony of group-living, cooperatively breeding common marmosets to provide a direct experimental test of these hypothesized benefits. We measured prosociality using a group service food-provisioning paradigm, and we assessed mutually beneficial dyadic cooperation with the loose string coordinated pulling paradigm. In addition, we also investigated the effects of individual social tolerance and partner choice, which have previously been identified as key factors promoting prosociality and cooperation among primates. As predicted, successful cooperation in the loose string paradigm was positively associated with prosociality, as well as with social tolerance and partner choice. These effects were independent of age, sex, personality, food motivation and learning across experimental sessions. Our results therefore suggest that prosocial motivation, social tolerance and partner choice can each facilitate mutually beneficial cooperation and social coordination in marmosets, supporting the hypothesized role of these mechanisms in the evolution of cooperative behaviour among primates

    Working memory training restores aberrant brain activity in adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

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    The development of treatments for attention impairments is hampered by limited knowledge about the malleability of underlying neural functions. We conducted the first randomized controlled trial to determine the modulations of brain activity associated with working memory (WM) training in adults with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). At baseline, we assessed the aberrant functional brain activity in the n-back WM task by comparing 44 adults with ADHD with 18 healthy controls using fMRI. Participants with ADHD were then randomized to train on an adaptive dual n-back task or an active control task. We tested whether WM training elicits redistribution of brain activity as observed in healthy controls, and whether it might further restore aberrant activity related to ADHD. As expected, activity in areas of the default-mode (DMN), salience (SN), sensory-motor (SMN), frontoparietal (FPN), and subcortical (SCN) networks was decreased in participants with ADHD at pretest as compared with healthy controls, especially when the cognitive load was high. WM training modulated widespread FPN and SN areas, restoring some of the aberrant activity. Training effects were mainly observed as decreased brain activity during the trained task and increased activity during the untrained task, suggesting different neural mechanisms for trained and transfer tasks

    Multi-objective engineering shape optimization using differential evolution interfaced to the Nimrod/O tool

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    This paper presents an enhancement of the Nimrod/O optimization tool by interfacing DEMO, an external multiobjective optimization algorithm. DEMO is a variant of differential evolution – an algorithm that has attained much popularity in the research community, and this work represents the first time that true multiobjective optimizations have been performed with Nimrod/O. A modification to the DEMO code enables multiple objectives to be evaluated concurrently. With Nimrod/O’s support for parallelism, this can reduce the wall-clock time significantly for compute intensive objective function evaluations. We describe the usage and implementation of the interface and present two optimizations. The first is a two objective mathematical function in which the Pareto front is successfully found after only 30 generations. The second test case is the three-objective shape optimization of a rib-reinforced wall bracket using the Finite Element software, Code_Aster. The interfacing of the already successful packages of Nimrod/O and DEMO yields a solution that we believe can benefit a wide community, both industrial and academic

    Do Wealth and Inequality Associate with Health in a Small-Scale Subsistence Society?

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    In high-income countries, one’s relative socio-economic position and economic inequality may affect health and well-being, arguably via psychosocial stress. We tested this in a small-scale subsistence society, the Tsimane, by associating relative household wealth (n = 871) and community-level wealth inequality (n = 40, Gini = 0.15–0.53) with a range of psychological variables, stressors, and health outcomes (depressive symptoms [n = 670], social conflicts [n = 401], non-social problems [n = 398], social support [n = 399], cortisol [n = 811], body mass index [n = 9,926], blood pressure [n = 3,195], self-rated health [n = 2523], morbidities [n = 1542]) controlling for community-average wealth, age, sex, household size, community size, and distance to markets. Wealthier people largely had better outcomes while inequality associated with more respiratory disease, a leading cause of mortality. Greater inequality and lower wealth were associated with higher blood pressure. Psychosocial factors did not mediate wealth-health associations. Thus, relative socio-economic position and inequality may affect health across diverse societies, though this is likely exacerbated in high-income countries

    Facial width-to-height ratio is associated with agonistic and affiliative dominance in bonobos (Pan paniscus)

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    Facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) is associated with social dominance in human and non-human primates, which may reflect the effects of testosterone on facial morphology and behaviour. Given that testosterone facilitates status-seeking motivation, the association between fWHR and behaviour should be contingent on the relative costs and benefits of particular dominance strategies across species and socioecological contexts. We tested this hypothesis in bonobos (Pan paniscus), who exhibit female dominance and rely on both affiliation and aggression to achieve status. We measured fWHR from facial photographs, affiliative dominance with Assertiveness personality scores and agonistic dominance with behavioural data. Consistent with our hypothesis, agonistic and affiliative dominance predicted fWHR in both sexes independent of age and body weight, supporting the role of status-seeking motivation in producing the link between fWHR and socioecologically relevant dominance behaviour across primates

    Micro-to-macro fluidic interconnectors with an integrated polymer sealant

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    This paper presents the design, fabrication and testing results of inserting a polymer sealant (Mylar) into a micro-to-macro fluidic interconnection. Two processes, discrete and integrated Mylar sealant, have been developed by means of post-fabrication after the mircofluidic components such as micro-channels and micro-chambers are constructed. The integrated process utilizes microfabrication techniques such that batch processing is feasible and the sealant dimensions can be precisely controlled. The discrete process takes advantage of easy and simple processing and is compatible with most microfluidic systems without any extra wafer-level micromachining process. In both processes, macroscale capillary tubes with a diameter of 320 µm have been successfully connected to microscale channels with the help of the Mylar. Both leakage and pull-out tests are conducted and successfully demonstrate the functionality of the interconnectors. The leakage test shows that no leakage is observed up to 190 kPa and the pull-out test proves 100% survival rate under a pulling force of 2 N.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/49032/2/jm1521.pd

    What Explains Personality Covariation? A Test of the Socioecological Complexity Hypothesis

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    Correlations among distinct behaviors are foundational to personality science, but the field remains far from a consensus regarding the causes of such covariation. We advance a novel explanation for personality covariation, which views trait covariance as being shaped within a particular socioecology. We hypothesize that the degree of personality covariation observed within a society will be inversely related to the society’s socioecological complexity, that is, its diversity of social and occupational niches. Using personality survey data from participant samples in 55 nations (N ¼ 17,637), we demonstrate that the Big Five dimensions are more strongly intercorrelated in less complex societies, where the complexity is indexed by nation-level measures of economic development, urbanization, and sectoral diversity. This inverse relationship is robust to control variables accounting for a number of methodological and response biases. Our findings support the socioecological complexity hypothesis and more generally bolster functionalist accounts of trait covariation

    Congenital Heart Block Maternal Sera Autoantibodies Target an Extracellular Epitope on the α1G T-Type Calcium Channel in Human Fetal Hearts

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    Background:Congenital heart block (CHB) is a transplacentally acquired autoimmune disease associated with anti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB maternal autoantibodies and is characterized primarily by atrioventricular (AV) block of the fetal heart. This study aims to investigate whether the T-type calcium channel subunit α1G may be a fetal target of maternal sera autoantibodies in CHB.Methodology/Principal Findings:We demonstrate differential mRNA expression of the T-type calcium channel CACNA1G (α1G gene) in the AV junction of human fetal hearts compared to the apex (18-22.6 weeks gestation). Using human fetal hearts (20-22 wks gestation), our immunoprecipitation (IP), Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence (IF) staining results, taken together, demonstrate accessibility of the α1G epitope on the surfaces of cardiomyocytes as well as reactivity of maternal serum from CHB affected pregnancies to the α1G protein. By ELISA we demonstrated maternal sera reactivity to α1G was significantly higher in CHB maternal sera compared to controls, and reactivity was epitope mapped to a peptide designated as p305 (corresponding to aa305-319 of the extracellular loop linking transmembrane segments S5-S6 in α1G repeat I). Maternal sera from CHB affected pregnancies also reacted more weakly to the homologous region (7/15 amino acids conserved) of the α1H channel. Electrophysiology experiments with single-cell patch-clamp also demonstrated effects of CHB maternal sera on T-type current in mouse sinoatrial node (SAN) cells.Conclusions/Significance:Taken together, these results indicate that CHB maternal sera antibodies readily target an extracellular epitope of α1G T-type calcium channels in human fetal cardiomyocytes. CHB maternal sera also show reactivity for α1H suggesting that autoantibodies can target multiple fetal targets. © 2013 Strandberg et al

    How valid are current diagnostic criteria for dental erosion?

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    In principle, there is agreement about the clinical diagnostic criteria for dental erosion, basically defined as cupping and grooving of the occlusal/incisal surfaces, shallow defects on smooth surfaces located coronal from the enamel–cementum junction with an intact cervical enamel rim and restorations rising above the adjacent tooth surface. This lesion characteristic was established from clinical experience and from observations in a small group of subjects with known exposure to acids rather than from systematic research. Their prevalence is higher in risk groups for dental erosion compared to subjects not particularly exposed to acids, but analytical epidemiological studies on random or cluster samples often fail to find a relation between occurrence or severity of lesions and any aetiological factor. Besides other aspects, this finding might be due to lack of validity with respect to diagnostic criteria. In particular, cupping and grooving might be an effect of abrasion as well as of erosion and their value for the specific diagnosis of erosion must be doubted. Knowledge about the validity of current diagnostic criteria of different forms of tooth wear is incomplete, therefore further research is needed
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