708 research outputs found
Une revue de la répartition et de l’extension des glaciations pléistocènes et des glaciers actuels en Turquie
Les glaciers actuels et les dépôts glaciaires d’âge pléistocène occupent trois régions en Turquie : 1. La chaîne du Taurus : Les deux tiers des glaciers actuels en Turquie sont concentrés dans la partie sud-est de cette chaîne. Le mont Cilo (4 135 m) supporte, à lui seul, plus de dix glaciers. Dans la partie centrale, de petits glaciers actuels sont observés sur les massifs de Aladağ (3 756 m) et de Bolkardağ (3 524 m) ; 2. La chaîne des Pontides : Sur le plus haut sommet de cette chaîne (mont Kaçkar, 3 932 m) cinq glaciers se sont développés. Bien que plusieurs montagnes contiennent des vallées glaciaires, les conditions climatiques actuellement très humides ont grandement modifié les dépôts morainiques ; 3. Les volcans et les massifs montagneux du plateau anatolien : Le mont Ararat (5 165 m), avec une calotte de glace de 10 km2, le mont Süphan (4 058 m) et le mont Erciyes (3 917 m) contiennent des glaciers actifs. Plusieurs autres montagnes dans le plateau anatolien portent également des traces de leur passé glaciaire. Dans l’ensemble, peu de données sont disponibles sur les glaciers turcs et les études les plus récentes mentionnent un recul des glaciers au moins depuis le début du XXe siècle.Present day glaciers and Quaternary glacial deposits occur in 3 regions in Turkey: 1. The Taurus Mountain Range: Two thirds of the present day Turkish glaciers are concentrated in the SE part of this range. Mount Cilo (4 135 m) alone supports more than ten glaciers. In the Central part, Aladağ (3 756 m) and Bolkardağ (3 524 m) constitute two of the most important mountains where small glaciers are present. 2. The Pontic Mountain Range: On the Mount Kaçkar (3 932 m) five glaciers are developed. Although several other mountains contain glacial valleys in the chain, most of the glacier related landforms are severely altered because of the actual humid climatic conditions. 3. Volcanoes and independent mountains of the Anatolian Plateau: Volcanoes such as Mount Ararat (5 165 m) supports an ice cap of 10 km2. The Mount Süphan (4 058 m) and Mount Erciyes (3 917 m) also show signs of glacial activity and active glaciers. Several other mountains in Central Anatolia also bear traces of past glacial activity. As a whole, very limited data are available on Turkish glaciers, and recent observations indicate a glacier recession at least since from the beginning of the 20th century.Türkiye’deki güncel buzulların ve Kuvaterner buzullaşmasına ait izlerin gözlemlendiği bölgeler başlıca 3 gurup altında toplanırlar : 1. Toros Dağları : Türkiye’nin Güncel buzulların üçte ikisi GD Anadolu’da toplanmıştır. Bunlardan sadece Cilo Dağı (4 135 m) 10’dan fazla buzul barındırır. Orta Toroslar’da, Aladağ (3 756 m) ve Bolkardağ’da (3 524 m) çok küçük de olsa birkaç buzul bulunmaktadır. 2. Doğu Karadeniz Dağları : Bölgenin en yüksek zirvesi Kaçkar (3 932 m) olup toplam 5 adet buzul bulunmaktadır. Bölgenin çeşitli yerlerinde önemli buzul vadileri gözlenmesine rağmen, günümüzün nemli iklim koşulları nedeniyle buzullar ile ilgili yerşekillerinin büyük çoğunluğu yoğun bir aşınıma maruz kalmışlardır. 3. Volkanlar ve Anadolu’nun diğer dağları : Türkiye’nin en büyük volkanı olan Ağrı Dağı (5 165 m) ülkenin yegane buz takkesini (10 km2) barındırır. Süphan (4 058 m) ve Erciyes (3 917 m) volkanlarında da küçük de olsa güncel buzullar mevcuttur. Bunun yanı sıra Anadolu’nun çeşitli dağlarında da Kuvaterner buzullaşmasına ait izlere rastlamak mümkündür. Türkiye’nin çeşitli dağlarında Kuvaterner buzullaşmasının izleri net bir şekilde gözlenmekle beraber, buzul evrelerinin mutlak yaşlandırılması henüz yapılmamıştır. Buna rağmen 20. yy’ın başından beri yapılan gözlemler güncel buzulların çekilmekte olduklarını ortaya koymaktadır
A Rare Cause of Precocious Puberty: Hepatoblastoma
Hepatoblastoma, an embryonal tumor, is one of the most common primary liver tumors in childhood. It secretes human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which can cause precocious puberty (PP). Herein, we present a case with PP who had enlarged penile size noticed during a diagnosis of hepatoblastoma. Laboratory examination revealed increased testosterone, alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), and hCG levels. Serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were within prepubertal ranges. The diagnosis of hepatoblastoma was made by liver biopsy. Chemotherapy was administered, and the patient was referred to surgery. Ten months later, testis volumes were below 4 ml bilaterally, and penile length was 5.5 cm. Serum testosterone, AFP, and hCG levels decreased. Resection of the tumor and chemotherapy are essential for the treatment of hepatoblastoma and they can eliminate the symptoms of PP
Investigating the post-stimulus undershoot of the BOLD signal – A simultaneous fMRI and fNIRS study
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