161 research outputs found

    Investigating defensive functioning and alexithymia in substance use disorder patients

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    Background: Substance Use Disorder (SUD) causes a great deal of personal suffering for patients. Recent evidence highlights how defenses and emotion regulation may play a crucial part in the onset and development of this disorder. The aim of this study was to investigate potential differences in the defensive functioning between SUD patients and non-clinical controls. Secondly, we aimed at investigating the relationships between alexithymia and maladaptive/assimilation defenses. Methods: The authors assessed defensive functioning (Response Evaluation Measure-71, REM-71), personality (MMPI-II), and alexithymia (TAS-20) of 171 SUD patients (17% female; mean age = 36.5), compared to 155 controls. Authors performed a series of ANOVAs to investigate the defensive array in SUD patients compared to that of nonclinical controls. Student t test for indipendent samples was used to compare clinical characteristics between the SUD group and the controls. To investigate the role of single defenses in explaining alexithimia’s subscores, stepwise multiple regression analysis were carried out on socio-demographic characteristics of participants (gender, age, and years of education), with REM-71 defenses as predictors. Results: SUD patients presented a more maladaptive/assimilation (Factor 1) defensive array (p < .001). Among SUD sub-groups, Alcohol Use Disorder patients showed more disfuncional defenses. Factor 1 defenses were related to a worse psychological functioning. In addition, alexyhimia (particularly DIF) was strongly related to Factor 1 defenses, expecially Projection (38% of variance explained, β = .270, p < .001). Conclusion: The REM-71 and the TAS-20 might be useful screening instruments among SUD patients

    Whole genome sequencing identifies candidate genes and mutations that can explain diluted and other colour varieties of domestic canaries (Serinus canaria)

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    The domestic canary (Serinus canaria) is one of the most common pet birds and has been extensively selected and bred over the last few centuries to constitute many different varieties. Plumage pigmentation is one of the main phenotypic traits that distinguish canary breeds and lines. Feather colours in these birds, similarly to other avian species, are mainly depended on the presence of two major types of pigments: carotenoids and melanins. In this study, we exploited whole genome sequencing (WGS) datasets produced from five canary lines or populations (Black Frosted Yellow, Opal, Onyx, Opal × Onyx and Mogno, some of which carrying different putative dilute alleles), complemented with other WGS datasets retrieved from previous studies, to identify candidate genes that might explain pigmentation variability across canary breeds and varieties. Sequencing data were obtained using a DNA pool-seq approach and genomic data were compared using window-based FST analyses. We identified signatures of selection in genomic regions harbouring genes involved in carotenoid-derived pigmentation variants (CYP2J19, EDC, BCO2 and SCARB1), confirming the results reported by previous works, and identified several other signatures of selection in the correspondence of melanogenesis-related genes (AGRP, ASIP, DCT, EDNRB, KITLG, MITF, MLPH, SLC45A2, TYRP1 and ZEB2). Two putative causative mutations were identified in the MLPH gene that may explain the Opal and Onyx dilute mutant alleles. Other signatures of selection were also identified that might explain additional phenotypic differences between the investigated canary populations

    Application of next generation semiconductor-based sequencing for the identification of apis mellifera complementary sex determiner (Csd) alleles from honey dna

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    The complementary sex determiner (csd) gene plays an essential role in the sex determination of Apis mellifera L. Females develop only if fertilized eggs have functional heterozygous genotypes at this gene whereas males, being haploids, are hemizygous. Two identical csd alleles produce non vital males. In light of the recent decline in honey bee populations, it is therefore important to monitor the allele variability at this gene. In this study, we tested the application of next generation semiconductor-based sequencing technology (Ion Torrent) coupled with environmental honey DNA as a source of honey bee genome information to retrieve massive sequencing data for the analysis of variability at the hypervariable region (HVR) of the csd gene. DNA was extracted from 12 honey samples collected from honeycombs directly retrieved from 12 different colonies. A specifically designed bioinformatic pipeline, applied to analyze a total of about 1.5 million reads, identified a total of 160 different csd alleles, 55% of which were novel. The average number of alleles per sample was compatible with the number of expected patrilines per colony, according to the mating behavior of the queens. Allele diversity at the csd could also provide information useful to reconstruct the history of the honey

    Pre-surgery supportive and goal-oriented strategies are associated with lower post-surgery perceived distress in women diagnosed with breast cancer

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    Background: Psycho-oncology literature pointed out that individual health outcomes may depend on patients’ propensity to adopt approach or, conversely, avoidant coping strategies. Nevertheless, coping factors associated with postoperative distress remain unclear, unfolding the lack of tailored procedures to help breast cancer patients manage the psychological burden of scheduled surgery. In view of this, the present study aimed at investigating: 1. pre-/post-surgery distress variations occurring among women diagnosed with breast cancer; 2. the predictivity of approach and avoidant coping strategies and factors in affecting post-surgery perceived distress. Methods: N = 150 patients (mean age = 59.37; SD = ± 13.23) scheduled for breast cancer surgery were administered a screening protocol consisting of the Distress Thermometer (DT) and the Brief-COPE. The DT was used to monitor patients’ distress levels before and after surgery (± 7 days), whereas the Brief-COPE was adopted only preoperatively to evaluate patients’ coping responses to the forthcoming surgical intervention. Non-parametric tests allowed for the detection of pre-/post-surgery variations in patients’ perceived distress. Factor analysis involved the extraction and rotation of principal components derived from the Brief-COPE strategies. The predictivity of such coping factors was investigated through multiple regression (Backward Elimination). Results: The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test yielded a significant variation in DT mean scores (TW = -5,68 < -zα/2 = -1,96; p <.001) indicative of lower perceived distress following surgery. The four coping factors extracted and Varimax-rotated were, respectively: 1. cognitive processing (i.e., planning + acceptance + active coping + positive reframing); 2. support provision (i.e., instrumental + emotional support); 3. emotion-oriented detachment (i.e., self-blame + behavioral disengagement + humor + denial); 4. goal-oriented detachment (i.e., self-distraction). Among these factors, support provision (B =.458; β = −.174; t = − 2.03; p =.045), encompassing two approach coping strategies, and goal-oriented detachment (B =.446; β = −.176; t = − 2.06; p =.042), consisting of one avoidant strategy, were strongly related to post-surgery distress reduction. Conclusion: The present investigation revealed that the pre-surgery adoption of supportive and goal-oriented strategies led to postoperative distress reduction among breast cancer patients. These findings highlight the importance of timely psychosocial screening and proactive interventions in order to improve patients’ recovery and prognosis

    BoBafit: A copy number clustering tool designed to refit and recalibrate the baseline region of tumors’ profiles

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    Human cancer arises from a population of cells that have acquired a wide range of genetic alterations, most of which are targets of therapeutic treatments or are used as prognostic factors for patient's risk stratification. Among these, copy number alterations (CNAs) are quite frequent. Currently, several molecular biology technologies, such as microarrays, NGS and single-cell approaches are used to define the genomic profile of tumor samples. Output data need to be analyzed with bioinformatic approaches and particularly by employing computational algorithms. Molecular biology tools estimate the baseline region by comparing either the mean probe signals, or the number of reads to the reference genome. However, when tumors display complex karyotypes, this type of approach could fail the baseline region estimation and consequently cause errors in the CNAs call. To overcome this issue, we designed an R-package, BoBafit, able to check and, eventually, to adjust the baseline region, according to both the tumor-specific alterations’ context and the sample-specific clustered genomic lesions. Several databases have been chosen to set up and validate the designed package, thus demonstrating the potential of BoBafit to adjust copy number (CN) data from different tumors and analysis techniques. Relevantly, the analysis highlighted that up to 25% of samples need a baseline region adjustment and a redefinition of CNAs calls, thus causing a change in the prognostic risk classification of the patients. We support the implementation of BoBafit within CN analysis bioinformatics pipelines to ensure a correct patient's stratification in risk categories, regardless of the tumor type

    Identification of a Maturation Plasma Cell Index through a Highly Sensitive Droplet Digital PCR Assay Gene Expression Signature Validation in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma Patients

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    DNA microarrays and RNA-based sequencing approaches are considered important discovery tools in clinical medicine. However, cross-platform reproducibility studies undertaken so far have highlighted that microarrays are not able to accurately measure gene expression, particularly when they are expressed at low levels. Here, we consider the employment of a digital PCR assay (ddPCR) to validate a gene signature previously identified by gene expression profile. This signature included ten Hedgehog (HH) pathways' genes able to stratify multiple myeloma (MM) patients according to their self-renewal status. Results show that the designed assay is able to validate gene expression data, both in a retrospective as well as in a prospective cohort. In addition, the plasma cells' differentiation status determined by ddPCR was further confirmed by other techniques, such as flow cytometry, allowing the identification of patients with immature plasma cells' phenotype (i.e., expressing CD19+/CD81+ markers) upregulating HH genes, as compared to others, whose plasma cells lose the expression of these markers and were more differentiated. To our knowledge, this is the first technical report of gene expression data validation by ddPCR instead of classical qPCR. This approach permitted the identification of a Maturation Index through the integration of molecular and phenotypic data, able to possibly define upfront the differentiation status of MM patients that would be clinically relevant in the future

    Variation in dopamine D2 and serotonin 5-HT2A receptor genes is associated with working memory processing and response to treatment with antipsychotics

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    Dopamine D2 and serotonin 5-HT2A receptors contribute to modulate prefrontal cortical physiology and response to treatment with antipsychotics in schizophrenia. Similarly, functional variation in the genes encoding these receptors is also associated with these phenotypes. In particular, the DRD2 rs1076560 T allele predicts a lower ratio of expression of D2 short/long isoforms, suboptimal working memory processing, and better response to antipsychotic treatment compared with the G allele. Furthermore, the HTR2A T allele is associated with lower 5-HT2A expression, impaired working memory processing, and poorer response to antipsychotics compared with the C allele. Here, we investigated in healthy subjects whether these functional polymorphisms have a combined effect on prefrontal cortical physiology and related cognitive behavior linked to schizophrenia as well as on response to treatment with secondgeneration antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia. In a total sample of 620 healthy subjects, we found that subjects with the rs1076560 T and rs6314 T alleles have greater fMRI prefrontal activity during working memory. Similar results were obtained within the attentional domain. Also, the concomitant presence of the rs1076560 T/rs6314 T alleles also predicted lower behavioral accuracy during working memory. Moreover, we found that rs1076560 T carrier/rs6314 CC individuals had better responses to antipsychotic treatment in two independent samples of patients with schizophrenia (n¼63 and n¼54, respectively), consistent with the previously reported separate effects of these genotypes. These results indicate that DRD2 and HTR2A genetic variants together modulate physiological prefrontal efficiency during working memory and also modulate the response to antipsychotics. Therefore, these results suggest that further exploration is needed to better understand the clinical consequences of these genotype–phenotype relationships

    BDNF rs6265 methylation and genotype interact on risk for schizophrenia

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    Epigenetic mechanisms can mediate gene-environment interactions relevant for complex disorders. The BDNF gene is crucial for development and brain plasticity, is sensitive to environmental stressors, such as hypoxia, and harbors the functional SNP rs6265 (Val66Met), which creates or abolishes a CpG dinucleotide for DNA methylation. We found that methylation at the BDNF rs6265 Val allele in peripheral blood of healthy subjects is associated with hypoxia-related early life events (hOCs) and intermediate phenotypes for schizophrenia in a distinctive manner, depending on rs6265 genotype: in ValVal individuals increased methylation is associated with exposure to hOCs and impaired working memory (WM) accuracy, while the opposite is true for ValMet subjects. Also, rs6265 methylation and hOCs interact in modulating WM-related prefrontal activity, another intermediate phenotype for schizophrenia, with an analogous opposite direction in the 2 genotypes. Consistently, rs6265 methylation has a different association with schizophrenia risk in ValVals and ValMets. The relationships of methylation with BDNF levels and of genotype with BHLHB2 binding likely contribute to these opposite effects of methylation. We conclude that BDNF rs6265 methylation interacts with genotype to bridge early environmental exposures to adult phenotypes, relevant for schizophrenia. The study of epigenetic changes in regions containing genetic variation relevant for human diseases may have beneficial implications for the understanding of how genes are actually translated into phenotypes
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