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    Solvable Lie A-algebras.

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    A finite-dimensional Lie algebra LL over a field FF is called an AA-algebra if all of its nilpotent subalgebras are abelian. This is analogous to the concept of an AA-group: a finite group with the property that all of its Sylow subgroups are abelian. These groups were first studied in the 1940s by Philip Hall, and are still studied today. Rather less is known about AA-algebras, though they have been studied and used by a number of authors. The purpose of this paper is to obtain more detailed results on the structure of solvable Lie AA-algebras. \par It is shown that they split over each term in their derived series. This leads to a decomposition of LL as L=An+Λ™Anβˆ’1+˙…+Λ™A0L = A_{n} \dot{+} A_{n-1} \dot{+} \ldots \dot{+} A_0 where AiA_i is an abelian subalgebra of LL and L(i)=An+Λ™Anβˆ’1+˙…+Λ™AiL^{(i)} = A_{n} \dot{+} A_{n-1} \dot{+} \ldots \dot{+} A_{i} for each 0≀i≀n0 \leq i \leq n. It is shown that the ideals of LL relate nicely to this decomposition: if KK is an ideal of LL then K=(K∩An)+Λ™(K∩Anβˆ’1)+˙…+Λ™(K∩A0)K = (K \cap A_n) \dot{+} (K \cap A_{n-1}) \dot{+} \ldots \dot{+} (K \cap A_0). When L2L^2 is nilpotent we can locate the position of the maximal nilpotent subalgebras: if UU is a maximal nilpotent subalgebra of LL then U=(U∩L2)βŠ•(U∩C)U = (U \cap L^2) \oplus (U \cap C) where CC is a Cartan subalgebra of LL. \par If LL has a unique minimal ideal WW then N=ZL(W)N = Z_L(W). If, in addition, LL is strongly solvable the maximal nilpotent subalgebras of LL are L2L^2 and the Cartan subalgebras of LL (that is, the subalgebras that are complementary to L2L^2.) Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for such an algebra to be an AA-algebra. Finally, more detailed structure results are given when the underlying field is algebraically closed
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