148 research outputs found

    Metallurgical and statistical approaches to the study of cast iron street furniture

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    The evolution of microstructure in relation to dating and nationality of origin was investigated in twenty-four cast iron objects of street furniture produced between XIX and XX centuries in United Kingdom, France, and Italy. Chemical composition of the metalworks was evaluated by glow-discharge optical emission spectrometry. Fragments from the cast irons were analyzed by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive spectroscopy. Form, distribution, and size of graphite were evaluated in the microstructure according to standard EN ISO 945-1:2008. An image analysis software was employed to quantify the area fraction of graphite in the matrix, major axis, and shape factor of graphite lamellae, area fraction of manganese sulfides (ψS), area fraction of steadite, and number of eutectic cells per area unit. All data were grouped and linear discrimination analysis (LDA) was applied to assess the group assignment and the probability of correct classification for each metalwork. The results showed that the microstructural features were compatible with those of cast irons produced in the XIX and XX centuries. Values of ψS also suggested re-melting of cast irons, associated with recycling of cast iron and/or steel scraps. The high values of steadite found in the metalworks are probably due to the excellent castability required for complex shape castings in these centuries. The LDA multivariate analysis allowed to discriminate cast irons based on the year of manufacturing and the nationality of origin

    Studio del trattamento termico di lamine in lega a memoria di forma NiTi per la realizzazione di strutture funzionali

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    Il presente lavoro descrive una attività di ricerca riguardante lo studio e la determinazione dei parametriottimali di trattamento termico (temperatura e tempo) di lamine in lega NiTi quasi equiatomica allo scopo dimassimizzarne l’effetto memoria di forma. La sperimentazione ù stata condotta studiando la memorizzazionedi una forma circolare con dato raggio di curvatura, utilizzando uno specifico stampo metallico. Identificati imigliori parametri di trattamento termico sulla base della percentuale di forma recuperata al primo ciclo diattivazione termica, su due ulteriori lamine sono state memorizzate forme a curvatura crescente. Tali laminesono state poi sottoposte ad un numero elevato di cicli di attivazione termica, mediante flusso di aria calda omediante immersione in glicole monoetilenico, per valutare la stabilità e il grado di recupero della forma. Permonitorare l’evoluzione della curvatura con la temperatura per effetto memoria di forma, sono state utilizzatetecniche di analisi di immagine. Tutte le prove effettuate hanno consentito di verificare la bontà deltrattamento termico eseguito, ovvero della forma memorizzata dal materiale in fase austenitica, così come lacomparsa di un effetto a memoria di forma a due vie

    Study of an active deformable structure with embedded NiTi shape memory alloy strips

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    The possibility of realising adaptive structures is of great interest in the control/automation fi elds, owing tothe benefi ts related to enhanced performance. To accomplish this, a challenging approach is the employmentof Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) as active elements, which can recover seemingly permanent strains bytemperature-induced phase transformations whereby the so-called Shape Memory Effect (SME) takes place. Thispaper deals with an experimental investigation of the bending recovery performance of a functional structure.The active material was a near-equiatomic NiTi alloy in the form of strips, which were embedded into a custommadepolymeric matrix. To study the infl uence of heating/cooling rates on the characteristic transformationtemperatures of the NiTi material, several analyses were carried out by means of Differential Scanning Calorimetry(DSC). Prior to the insertion, the strips were thermo-mechanically treated to memorise a bent shape throughexperimentally evaluated shape setting parameters. The martensitic and reverse martensitic transformations werethermally activated by means of a hot/cold air stream fl ow. Experimental tests enabled the characterisation of theSME recovery behaviour evolution as well as the shape changes of the structure. Subsequently thermal activationswere considered to assess the stability of the functional structure deformations (polymeric matrix with SMA strips)whose actual defl ections were evaluated by means of digital image analysis

    Modulation of micrornome by human cytomegalovirus and human herpesvirus 6 infection in human dermal fibroblasts: Possible significance in the induction of fibrosis in systemic sclerosis

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    Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV‐6) have been report-edly suggested as triggers of the onset and/or progression of systemic sclerosis (SSc), a severe autoimmune disorder characterized by multi‐organ fibrosis. The etiology and pathogenesis of SSc are still largely unknown but virological and immunological observations support a role for these beta-herpesviruses, and we recently observed a direct impact of HCMV and HHV‐6 infection on the expression of cell factors associated with fibrosis at the cell level. Since miRNA expression has been found profoundly deregulated at the tissue level, here we aimed to investigate the impact on cell microRNome (miRNome) of HCMV and HHV‐6 infection in in vitro infected primary human dermal fibroblasts, which represent one of the main SSc target cells. The analysis, performed by Taq-man arrays detecting and quantifying 754 microRNAs (miRNAs), showed that both herpesviruses significantly modulated miRNA expression in infected cells, with evident early and late effects and deep modulation (>10 fold) of >40 miRNAs at each time post infection, including those previously recognized for their key function in fibrosis. The correlation between these in vitro results with in vivo observations is strongly suggestive of a role of HCMV and/or HHV‐6 in the multistep patho-genesis of fibrosis in SSc and in the induction of fibrosis‐signaling pathways finally leading to tissue fibrosis. The identification of specific miRNAs may open the way to their use as biomarkers for SSc diagnosis, assessment of disease progression and possible antifibrotic therapies

    Impact of human cytomegalovirus and human herpesvirus 6 infection on the expression of factors associated with cell fibrosis and apoptosis: Clues for implication in systemic sclerosis development

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a severe autoimmune disorder characterized by vasculopathy and multi-organ fibrosis; its etiology and pathogenesis are still largely unknown. Herpesvirus infections, particularly by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) and human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6), have been suggested among triggers of the disease based on virological and immunological observations. However, the direct impact of HCMV and/or HHV-6 infection on cell fibrosis and apoptosis at the cell microenvironment level has not yet been clarified. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the effects of HCMV and HHV-6 infection on the induction of pro-fibrosis or pro-apoptosis conditions in primary human dermal fibroblasts, one of the relevant SSc target cells. The analysis, performed by microarray in in vitro HCMV-or HHV-6-infected vs. uninfected cells, using specific panels for the detection of the main cellular factors associated with fibrosis or apoptosis, showed that both viruses significantly modified the expression of at least 30 pro-fibrotic and 20 pro-apoptotic factors. Notably, several recognized pro-fibrotic factors were highly induced, and most of them were reported to be involved in vivo in the multifactorial and multistep pathogenic process of SSc, thus suggesting a potential role of both HCMV and HHV-6

    DNA Sensors’ Signaling in NK Cells During HHV-6A, HHV-6B and HHV-7 Infection

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    Objectives: The host DNA sensor proteins TLR9, STING, IFI16 are central signaling molecules that control the innate immune response to cytosolic nucleic acids. Here we propose to investigate how Natural killer (NK) cell infection by human herpesvirus (HHV)-6A, HHV-6B or HHV-7 is able to modify DNA sensor signaling in NK cells. Methods: We infected the NK92 cell line and primary NK cells with cell-free inocula of HHV-6A, HHV-6B or HHV-7 and evaluated TLR9, STING, and IFI16 pathway expression by Real-Time PCR, Western Blot, immunofluorescence and flow cytometry for 1, 2, 3, and 6 days post-infection. We evaluated NK cell cytokine-producing by Real-Time PCR and enzyme immunosorbent assay. Results: NK92 and primary NK cells were promptly infected by three viruses, as demonstrated by virus presence (DNA) and transcription (RNA) analysis. Our data show STING/STAT6 up-modulation in HHV-6A infected NK cells. NK cells infected with HHV-6B and HHV-7 up-regulated CCL3, IFN-alpha, TNF-alpha, IL-8 and IFN-gamma and slightly induced IL-4, and CCL4. HHV-6A infected NK cells up-regulated IL-4 and IL-13 and slightly induced IL-10, TNF-alpha, IFN-alpha, and IFN-gamma. Conclusion: For the first time, we demonstrate that HHV-6A, HHV-6B, and HHV-7 infections have a differential impact on intracellular DNA sensors. HHV-6B and HHV-7 mainly lead to the active control of in vivo viral spreading by pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion via TLR9. HHV-6A infected NK cells conversely induced STING/STAT6 pathway, as a mechanism of anti-viral activation, but they were characterized by a Th2 type response and a non-cytotoxic profile, suggesting a potential novel mechanism of HHV-6A-mediated immunosuppression

    Introduction of Probiotic-Based Sanitation in the Emergency Ward of a Children's Hospital During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) represents a major threat to public health, especially in the hospital environment, and the massive use of disinfectants to prevent COVID-19 transmission might intensify this risk, possibly leading to future AMR pandemics. However, the control of microbial contamination is crucial in hospitals, since hospital microbiomes can cause healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), which are particularly frequent and severe in pediatric wards due to children having high susceptibility. Aim: We have previously reported that probiotic-based sanitation (PCHS) could stably decrease pathogens and their AMR in the hospital environment, reduce associated HAIs in adult hospitals, and inactivate enveloped viruses. Here, we aimed to test the effect of PCHS in the emergency room (ER) of a children's hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: Conventional chemical disinfection was replaced by PCHS for 2 months during routine ER sanitation; the level of environmental bioburden was characterized before and at 2, 4, and 9 weeks after the introduction of PCHS. Microbial contamination was monitored simultaneously by conventional culture-based CFU count and molecular assays, including 16S rRNA NGS for bacteriome characterization and microarrays for the assessment of the resistome of the contaminating population. The presence of SARS-CoV-2 was also monitored by PCR. Results and conclusions: PCHS usage was associated with a stable 80% decrease in surface pathogens compared to levels detected for chemical disinfection (P < 0.01), accompanied by an up to 2 log decrease in resistance genes (Pc < 0.01). The effects were reversed when reintroducing chemical disinfection, which counteracted the action of the PCHS. SARS-CoV-2 was not detectable in both the pre-PCHS and PCHS periods. As the control of microbial contamination is a major issue, especially during pandemic emergencies, collected data suggest that PCHS may be successfully used to control virus spread without simultaneous worsening of the AMR concern

    Potential Use of a Combined Bacteriophage–Probiotic Sanitation System to Control Microbial Contamination and AMR in Healthcare Settings: A Pre-Post Intervention Study

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    Microbial contamination in the hospital environment is a major concern for public health, since it significantly contributes to the onset of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), which are further complicated by the alarming level of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) of HAI-associated pathogens. Chemical disinfection to control bioburden has a temporary effect and can favor the selection of resistant pathogens, as observed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead, probiotic-based sanitation (probiotic cleaning hygiene system, PCHS) was reported to stably abate pathogens, AMR, and HAIs. PCHS action is not rapid nor specific, being based on competitive exclusion, but the addition of lytic bacteriophages that quickly and specifically kill selected bacteria was shown to improve PCHS effectiveness. This study aimed to investigate the effect of such combined probiotic–phage sanitation (PCHSφ) in two Italian hospitals, targeting staphylococcal contamination. The results showed that PCHSφ could provide a significantly higher removal of staphylococci, including resistant strains, compared with disinfectants (−76%, p < 0.05) and PCHS alone (−50%, p < 0.05). Extraordinary sporadic chlorine disinfection appeared compatible with PCHSφ, while frequent routine chlorine usage inactivated the probiotic/phage components, preventing PCHSφ action. The collected data highlight the potential of a biological sanitation for better control of the infectious risk in healthcare facilities, without worsening pollution and AMR concerns


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    During 1949-1950 in Italy begun a formal investigation to characterize maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation. In 1954, started a project for the sampling of all Italian maize landraces; this work ended with the collection of 562 different accessions collected in all regions with the exception of Valle d’Aosta, even if historical cultivation of maize in this Region is well documented. In Italy maize landraces have been extensively grown until the mid of the XX century when the cultivation of hybrid took place due to their significant agronomic performances. Despite that, being Valle d’Aosta a mountain region where intensive maize cultivation never started, it was possible to preserve the presence of some landraces. These local materials, which are still cultivated, mainly at domestic level, have high importance from a genetic and historical point of view. Recently, 5 maize landraces from Valle d’Aosta and 2 landraces from the adjacent Canavese (Piedmont) have been collected and subjected to historic, morphologic and genetic characterization. These landraces were named after the sampling location as it follows: Arnad, Arnad-Crest, Chatillon, Entrebin, Perloz, Bianco Canavese, and Rostrato Canavese. Firstly, on these 6 varieties the historic characterization has been carried out. Information and photographs have been searched in local archives and this was crucial to prove their long presence in all the sampling sites under study. From this historic reconstruction, the variety Entrebin resulted as the one that is better historically characterized. To study the variability and differentiation of landraces from Valle d’Aosta, the genetic characterization was performed by the means of 10 SSR markers tested on 20 samples from each landrace. This study highlighted a significant genetic variability among the landraces and, especially, a good level of differentiation between the accessions under investigation. This last result may be explained by the long reproductive isolation experienced by these materials. Complete morphological characterization is actually ongoing. Preliminary morphological observations revealed that these landraces have, generally, flint kernels with the exception of Bianco Canavese (dent) whose color is variable from white (Bianco Canavese) to dark red (Chatillon). Arnad landrace showed 8 kernel rows, probably being an Eight-rowed Flint while the others presented more rows, like many Derived Races. Interestingly, Perloz and Rostrato Canavese showed kernels with an apical beak which was more pronounced in the latter. This suggest that these two landraces belong to the “Rostrata” group, which is common in mountain areas. The present work confirms the importance of mountain areas in conserving biodiversity and increases the rich Italian maize germplasm with materials well adapted to marginal areas. Such new genetic variability may be used to breed new materials for a more resilient agriculture

    Maintaining over time Clinical Performance targets on Anaemia correction in unselected population on chronic dialysis at 20 Italian Centres. Data from a retrospective study for a Clinical Audit

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Italian and European Best Practice Guidelines (EBPG) recommend a target haemoglobin value greater than 11 g/dl in most patients with Chronic Kidney Diseases. However, it is still difficult to maintain these values at a steady rate. Thus, the main aim of the study was to evaluate, throughout 2005, how many patients steadily maintained the performance targets related to anaemia treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The survey was conducted on 3283 patients on haemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) at 20 Italian dialysis centres. 540 patients were randomly selected; each centre provided a statistically significant sample proportional to its total number of patients. Maintenance of the following target levels was assessed over time: Haemoglobin (HB) 11-12 gr/dl; Iron: 60-160 mcg/dl; Ferritin: 30-400 mcg/l; Transferrin: 200-360 mg/dl; Transferrin saturation percentage (TSAT %):> 25 <50; Dialysis doses (KT/V): >1.2 <2.0 for non-diabetic HD patients; >1.5 <2.2 for diabetic HD patients; DP: >1.8 <2.5.</p> <p>Outcome included:</p> <p indent="1">1- Percentage of target maintenance for each parameter.</p> <p indent="1">2- Erythropoietin dose in relation to dialysis techniques, presence of cancer or myeloma, diabetic status, Vitamin B therapy.</p> <p indent="1">3- Erythropoietin dose (International Units/kg/week) (IU/kg/wk) depending on: haemoglobin values, hospitalization of more than 3 days.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mean age was 65.1; mean haemoglobin concentration over the whole population was 11.3 gr/dl (Standard Deviation (SD): 0.91). The clinical performance targets were maintained over time as follows: HB: 4.3% (Mean 11.43 gr/dl) (SD: 0.42); Ferritin: 71.1% (Mean: 250.23 mcg/L (SD:104.07); Iron: 95.0% (Mean 59.79 mcg/dl)(SD:16.76); Transferrin: 44.8% (Mean 216.83 mg/dl) (SD: 19,50); TSAT %: in 8.4% (Mean: 34.33% (SD: 6.56); HD KT/V: 61.0% (Mean:1.46) (SD: 0.7); PD KT/V:31.4% (Mean: 2.10) (SD: 0.02). The average weekly dose of Erythropoietin (IU/Kg/Wk) was significantly lower for the peritoneal dialysis technique; the higher haemoglobin values, the lower the Erythropoietin dose (IU/Kg/Wk).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A very low percentage of patients maintained haemoglobin target values over time. We need to identify precise criteria to evaluate the stability over time of clinical performance targets proposed by the guidelines.</p
