2,953 research outputs found

    Metastability of Queuing Networks with Mobile Servers

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    We study symmetric queuing networks with moving servers and FIFO service discipline. The mean-field limit dynamics demonstrates unexpected behavior which we attribute to the meta-stability phenomenon. Large enough finite symmetric networks on regular graphs are proved to be transient for arbitrarily small inflow rates. However, the limiting non-linear Markov process possesses at least two stationary solutions. The proof of transience is based on martingale techniques

    Analyticity of the Scattering Amplitude, Causality and High-Energy Bounds in Quantum Field Theory on Noncommutative Space-Time

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    In the framework of quantum field theory (QFT) on noncommutative (NC) space-time with the symmetry group O(1,1)×SO(2)O(1,1)\times SO(2), we prove that the Jost-Lehmann-Dyson representation, based on the causality condition taken in connection with this symmetry, leads to the mere impossibility of drawing any conclusion on the analyticity of the 222\to 2-scattering amplitude in cosΘ\cos\Theta, Θ\Theta being the scattering angle. Discussions on the possible ways of obtaining high-energy bounds analogous to the Froissart-Martin bound on the total cross-section are also presented.Comment: 25 page

    Some Remarks on Producing Hopf Algebras

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    We report some observations concerning two well-known approaches to construction of quantum groups. Thus, starting from a bialgebra of inhomogeneous type and imposing quadratic, cubic or quartic commutation relations on a subset of its generators we come, in each case, to a q-deformed universal enveloping algebra of a certain simple Lie algebra. An interesting correlation between the order of initial commutation relations and the Cartan matrix of the resulting algebra is observed. Another example demonstrates that the bialgebra structure of sl_q(2) can be completely determined by requiring the q-oscillator algebra to be its covariant comodule, in analogy with Manin's approach to define SL_q(2) as a symmetry algebra of the bosonic and fermionic quantum planes.Comment: 6 pages, LATEX, no figures, Contribution to the Proceedings of the 4th Colloquium "Quantum Groups and Integrable Systems" (Prague, June 1995

    Noncommutative magnetic moment of charged particles

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    It has been argued, that in noncommutative field theories sizes of physical objects cannot be taken smaller than an elementary length related to noncommutativity parameters. By gauge-covariantly extending field equations of noncommutative U(1)_*-theory to the presence of external sources, we find electric and magnetic fields produces by an extended charge. We find that such a charge, apart from being an ordinary electric monopole, is also a magnetic dipole. By writing off the existing experimental clearance in the value of the lepton magnetic moments for the present effect, we get the bound on noncommutativity at the level of 10^4 TeV.Comment: 9 pages, revtex; v2: replaced to match the published versio

    On Finite Noncommutativity in Quantum Field Theory

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    We consider various modifications of the Weyl-Moyal star-product, in order to obtain a finite range of nonlocality. The basic requirements are to preserve the commutation relations of the coordinates as well as the associativity of the new product. We show that a modification of the differential representation of the Weyl-Moyal star-product by an exponential function of derivatives will not lead to a finite range of nonlocality. We also modify the integral kernel of the star-product introducing a Gaussian damping, but find a nonassociative product which remains infinitely nonlocal. We are therefore led to propose that the Weyl-Moyal product should be modified by a cutoff like function, in order to remove the infinite nonlocality of the product. We provide such a product, but it appears that one has to abandon the possibility of analytic calculation with the new product.Comment: 13 pages, reference adde

    Delayed feedback control of self-mobile cavity solitons

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    Control of the motion of cavity solitons is one the central problems in nonlinear optical pattern formation. We report on the impact of the phase of the time-delayed optical feedback and carrier lifetime on the self-mobility of localized structures of light in broad area semiconductor cavities. We show both analytically and numerically that the feedback phase strongly affects the drift instability threshold as well as the velocity of cavity soliton motion above this threshold. In addition we demonstrate that non-instantaneous carrier response in the semiconductor medium is responsible for the increase in critical feedback rate corresponding to the drift instability