211 research outputs found

    Quantum metamaterials: Electromagnetic waves in a Josephson qubit line

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    We consider the propagation of a classical electromagnetic wave through a transmission line, formed by identical superconducting charge qubits inside a superconducting resonator. Since the qubits can be in a coherent superposition of quantum states, we show that such a system demonstrates interesting new effects, such as a ``breathing'' photonic crystal with an oscillating bandgap, and a ``quantum Archimedean screw'' that transports, at an arbitrary controlled velocity, Josephson plasma waves through the transmission line. The key ingredient of these effects is that the optical properties of the Josephson transmission line are controlled by the quantum coherent state of the qubits.Comment: References adde

    Molecular dynamics simulations of oxide memristors: crystal field effects

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    We present molecular-dynamic simulations of memory resistors (memristors) including the crystal field effects on mobile ionic species such as oxygen vacancies appearing during operation of the device. Vacancy distributions show different patterns depending on the ratio of a spatial period of the crystal field to a characteristic radius of the vacancy-vacancy interaction. There are signatures of the orientational order and of spatial voids in the vacancy distributions for some crystal field potentials. The crystal field stabilizes the patterns after they are formed, resulting in a non-volatile switching of the simulated devices.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Ring-shaped luminescence patterns in a locally photoexcited electron-hole bilayer

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    We report the results of molecular dynamics simulation of a spatiotemporal evolution of the locally photoexcited electrons and holes localized in two separate layers. It is shown that the ring-shaped spatial pattern of luminescence forms due to the strong in-layer Coulomb interaction at high photoexcitation power. In addition, the results predict (i) stationary spatial oscillations of the electron density in quasi one-dimensional case and (ii) dynamical phase transition in the expansion of two-dimensional electron cloud when threshold electron concentration is reached. A possible reason of the oscillations and a theoretical interpretation of the transition are suggested.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Final version as published + Erratum has been adde

    Temperature-resonant cyclotron spectra in confined geometries

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    We consider a two-dimensional gas of colliding charged particles confined to finite size containers of various geometries and subjected to a uniform orthogonal magnetic field. The gas spectral densities are characterized by a broad peak at the cyclotron frequency. Unlike for infinitely extended gases, where the amplitude of the cyclotron peak grows linearly with temperature, here confinement causes such a peak to go through a maximum for an optimal temperature. In view of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, the reported resonance effect has a direct counterpart in the electric susceptibility of the confined magnetized gas

    Generation of tunable Terahertz out-of-plane radiation using Josephson vortices in modulated layered superconductors

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    We show that a moving Josephson vortex in spatially modulated layered superconductors generates out-of-plane THz radiation. Remarkably, the magnetic and in-plane electric fields radiated are of the same order, which is very unusual for any good-conducting medium. Therefore, the out-of-plane radiation can be emitted to the vacuum without the standard impedance mismatch problem. Thus, the proposed design can be more efficient for tunable THz emitters than previous proposals, for radiation only propagating along the ab-plane.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Phys. Rev. B (2005), in pres

    Current-Controlled Negative Differential Resistance due to Joule Heating in TiO2

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    We show that Joule heating causes current-controlled negative differential resistance (CC-NDR) in TiO2 by constructing an analytical model of the voltage-current V(I) characteristic based on polaronic transport for Ohm's Law and Newton's Law of Cooling, and fitting this model to experimental data. This threshold switching is the 'soft breakdown' observed during electroforming of TiO2 and other transition-metal-oxide based memristors, as well as a precursor to 'ON' or 'SET' switching of unipolar memristors from their high to their low resistance states. The shape of the V(I) curve is a sensitive indicator of the nature of the polaronic conduction.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Proton transport and torque generation in rotary biomotors

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    We analyze the dynamics of rotary biomotors within a simple nano-electromechanical model, consisting of a stator part and a ring-shaped rotor having twelve proton-binding sites. This model is closely related to the membrane-embedded F0_0 motor of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase, which converts the energy of the transmembrane electrochemical gradient of protons into mechanical motion of the rotor. It is shown that the Coulomb coupling between the negative charge of the empty rotor site and the positive stator charge, located near the periplasmic proton-conducting channel (proton source), plays a dominant role in the torque-generating process. When approaching the source outlet, the rotor site has a proton energy level higher than the energy level of the site, located near the cytoplasmic channel (proton drain). In the first stage of this torque-generating process, the energy of the electrochemical potential is converted into potential energy of the proton-binding sites on the rotor. Afterwards, the tangential component of the Coulomb force produces a mechanical torque. We demonstrate that, at low temperatures, the loaded motor works in the shuttling regime where the energy of the electrochemical potential is consumed without producing any unidirectional rotation. The motor switches to the torque-generating regime at high temperatures, when the Brownian ratchet mechanism turns on. In the presence of a significant external torque, created by ATP hydrolysis, the system operates as a proton pump, which translocates protons against the transmembrane potential gradient. Here we focus on the F0_0 motor, even though our analysis is applicable to the bacterial flagellar motor.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Noise enhanced performance of adiabatic quantum computing by lifting degeneracies

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    We investigate the symmetry breaking role of noise in adiabatic quantum computing using the example of the CNOT gate. In particular, we analyse situations where the choice of initial configuration leads to symmetries in the Hamiltonian and degeneracies in the spectrum. We show that, in these situations, there exists an optimal level of noise that maximises the success probability and the fidelity of the final state. The effects of an artificial noise source with a time-dependent amplitude are also explored and it is found that such a scheme would offer a considerable performance enhancement.Comment: 12 pages and 4 figures in preprint format. References in article corrected and journal reference adde

    Molecular dynamics simulations of oxide memristors: thermal effects

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    We have extended our recent molecular-dynamic simulations of memristors to include the effect of thermal inhomogeneities on mobile ionic species appearing during operation of the device. Simulations show a competition between an attractive short-ranged interaction between oxygen vacancies and an enhanced local temperature in creating/destroying the conducting oxygen channels. Such a competition would strongly affect the performance of the memristive devices.Comment: submit/0169777; 6 pages, 4 figure

    Surface Plasma Waves Across the Layers of Intrinsic Josephson Junctions

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    We predict surface electromagnetic waves propagating across the layers of intrinsic Josephson junctions. We find the spectrum of the surface waves and study the distribution of the electromagnetic field inside and outside the superconductor. The profile of the amplitude oscillations of the electric field component of such waves is peculiar: initially, it increases toward the center of the superconductor and, after reaching a crossover point, decreases exponentially.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure
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