141 research outputs found

    Historical Paths In The Market Insertion Of Forest Communities In South Eastern Mexico: First Insertion (1900 To 1944)

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    The southern state of Quintana Roo, Mexico has been, for almost a century, stage of a colonization strategy based on community forestry. To consolidate this initiative, forest product marketing is of central importance. To understand related problems, it has proven useful to see them as embedded in value chains. The present study aims at understanding the main determinants in the changes in value chains that imply improvement or deterioration in the position of forest communities. To this purpose, a historical approach has been chosen. Based on archival studies and bibliographical research, four aspects of value chain development – land uses, governmental action, value chain actors, and external demand – have been analysed for the first half of the 20th century. Two major value chains were identified for this period. The first concerned the production of chewing-gum base, elaborated from the sap of Manilkara sapota, a tree species very common in the region. The second concerned mahogany logs. While communities were able to insert themselves in the first value chain, mahogany log production remained in the hands of private companies throughout the time analysed. The insertion of communities was made possible due to a bold governmental effort and the relative negotiating weakness of international buyers, which were exposed to strong competition in a quickly concentrating market. The insertion in the chewing-gum value chain brought significant income increases for forest communities and its members. It also implied a clearer “interface”, in which negotiations became more market driven, and less dependent on factors like state financing or political will


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    Con el objetivo de determinar las variaciones dei perimetro braquial durante ei embarazo y verificar la relación entre este indicador y otras medidas antropométricas, fue realizado um estúdio de corte transversal y de seguimeinto de 200 mujeres embarazadas. Fueron medidas encada mujer: peso, perimetro braquial, altura uterina, altura, y peso pre gestacional. Para ei análi-sis de los resultados las mujeres fueron agrupadas por trimestre del embarazo. La diferencia delas médias (análise de variancia) dei perimetro braquial entre los diferentes trimestres dei emba-razo, mostró que no hay diferencia estadisticamente significativa (P>0,05).EI análisis de correlación de Pearson mostró que, ei perimetro braquial y el peso de la mujer estan fuertemente correlacionados en cualquier periodo de la gestación. Por otro lado, ei perimetro braquial no estuvo correlacionado con la edad gestacional, altura uterina y altura de la mujer. Se concluye que eiperimetro braquial es un indicador relativamente estable durante ei embarazo e independiente dela edad gestacional, portanto puede ser medido en cualquier época dei embarazo para estimar eipeso pré-gestacional y de esta manera reflejar ei estado nutricional previo y/o actual de la gestante.Con el objetivo de determinar las variaciones dei perimetro braquial durante ei embarazo y verificar la relación entre este indicador y otras medidas antropométricas, fue realizado unestúdio de corte transversal y de seguimeinto de 200 mujeres embarazadas.Fueron medidas en cada mujer: peso, perimetro braquial, altura uterina, altura, y peso pre gestacional. Para ei análisis de los resultados las mujeres fueron agrupadas por trimestre del embarazo. La diferencia~de las médias (análise de variancia) dei perimetro braquial entre los diferentes trimestres dei embarazo, mostró que no hay diferencia estadisticamente significativa (P>0,05).EI análisis de correlación de Pearson mostró que, ei perimetro braquial y el peso de la mujer estan fuertemente correlacionadosen cualquier periodo de la gestación. Por otro lado, ei perimetro braquial no estuvo correlacionado con la edad gestacional, altura uterina y altura de la mujer.Se concluye que ei perimetro braquial es un indicador relativamente estable durante ei embarazo e independiente de la edad gestacional, portanto puede ser medido en cualquier época dei embarazo para estimar ei peso pré-gestacional y de esta manera reflejar ei estado nutricional previo y/o actual de la gestante.Weight, height, arm circumference and uterine height during pregnancy were compared in a cross sectional study with two hundred pregnant women, in order to determine therelationship between maternal arm circumference and other anthropometric indicators, and to determine patterns of changes of arm circumference during pregnancy. During the study, maternal arm circumference remained stable in the three trimesters of pregnancy. An analysis of arm circumference means showed no statistically significant diferences (P>0,05).Pearson correlation analysis showed that arm circumference was strongly correlated with weight at anytime during pregnancy; on the other hand, it was not correlated with gestational age, maternal height or uterine height at different trimesters. This implies that a woman’s arm circumference can be measured at any point in pregnancy to estimate pre-pregnancy weight. These findings, together with the practical advantages of using maternal arrn circu~ference, considerably strengthen the argument for using arm circumference for nutritional monitoring of pregnant women

    Neural Network Inverse Modeling for Optimization

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    In this chapter, artificial neural networks (ANNs) inverse model is applied for estimating the thermal performance () in parabolic trough concentrator (PTC). A recurrent neural network architecture is trained using the Kalman Filter learning from experimental database obtained from PTCs operations. Rim angle (φr), inlet (Tin), outlet (Tout) fluid temperatures, ambient temperature (Ta), water flow (Fw), direct solar radiation (Gb) and the wind velocity (Vw) were used as main input variables within the neural network model in order to estimate the thermal performance with an excellent agreement (R2=0.999) between the experimental and simulated values. The optimal operation conditions of parabolic trough concentrator are established using artificial neural network inverse modeling. The results, using experimental data, showed that the recurrent neural network (RNN) is an excellent tool for modeling and optimization of PTCs

    Potencial atrativo de Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl) A. Gray e Tithonia rotundifolia (Mill) S. F. Blake (Asteraceae) para utilização em controle biológico conservativo.

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    Objetivou-se identificar o potencial atrativo de Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl) A. Gray e T. rotundifolia (Mill) S.F. Blake para inimigos naturais, em duas diferentes condições edafoclimáticas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O experimento foi conduzido nos campos experimentais da UFRRJ, em Seropédica e da Pesagro-Rio, em Paty do Alferes, entre outubro de 2015 e julho de 2016, com coletas quinzenais de artrópodes. Em Paty do Alferes foram coletados 97 e 486 artrópodes, em Seropédica 195 e 182, em T. diversifolia e T. rotundifolia respectivamente. Foram encontradas 36 famílias de artrópodes em T. diversifolia e 30 em T. rotundifolia; destas, 20 e 13 famílias eram de inimigos naturais, nessa ordem. As famílias com maior frequência para as duas plantas estudas foram Coccinellidae, Dolichopodidae, Carabidae. Entre os fitófagos, destacou-se a presença de Cicadellidae para as duas plantas. Estas culturas tem potencial atrativo, podendo ser utilizada na diversificação de agroecossistemasANAIS CONGRESSO LATINO-AMERICANO DE AGROECOLOGIA, 6.; CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE AGROECOLOGIA, 10.; SEMINÁRIO DE AGROECOLOGIA DO DISTRITO FEDERAL E ENTORNO, 5., 2017, Brasília, DF. Agroecologia na transformação dos sistemas agroalimentares na América Latina: memórias, saberes e caminhos para o bem viver: anais. Brasília, DF: Associação Brasileira de Agroecologia, 2017

    Molecular identification of Sporothrix species in a hyperendemicarea in Peru

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    To date, there have been no molecular typing studies to identify the Sporothrix species circulating inAbancay, a hyperendemic area of sporotrichosis in Peru. To identify six clinical isolates of the Sporothrixschenckii complex from Abancay, Peru, we used PCR-sequencing of the calmodulin gene, and a phylo-genetic analysis was conducted with these and additional sequences from GenBank. All clinical isolateswere identified as S. schenckii (sensu stricto). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the six clinical isolatesfrom Abancay, Peru clustered in a clade along with sequences from Costa Rica, Iran, South Africa, and fourother sequences from Peru. These findings reveal the presence of S. schenckii (sensu stricto) in Abancay,Peru.Campus Lima Centr