267 research outputs found

    Miniaturized biosignature analysis reveals implications for the formation of cold seep carbonates at Hydrate Ridge (off Oregon, USA)

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    Methane-related carbonates from Hydrate Ridge typically show several macroscopically distinguishable mineral phases, namely whitish aragonite, lucent aragonite, and gray micrite. The relationship of these phases to particular microorganisms or biogeochemical processes is as yet unclear. We used a miniaturized biomarker technique on mg samples, combined with factor analysis and subsequent electron microprobe analysis, to study lipid biomarkers and chemical compositions of the individual phases. This allows us to identify particular mechanisms involved in the formation of the different carbonate precipitates. Our combined analysis of biomarkers and petrographic traits shows that most of the lipids related to the anaerobic oxidation of methane (>90% by weight) are concentrated within only a minor compartment (~20% by volume) of the Hydrate Ridge carbonates, the whitish aragonite. The patterns indicate that the whitish aragonite represents fossilized biofilms of methanotrophic consortia containing mainly archaea of the ANME-2 group and sulfate reducing bacteria, whereas the precipitation of the lucent aragonite may have lacked the immediate proximity of microorganisms during formation. By contrast, the gray micrite formed by incorporation of allochthonous organic and inorganic matter during carbonate precipitation induced by the anaerobic oxidation of methane involving ANME-1 archaea

    4216 Application of artificial neural networks for image analysis of organ culture preserved donor corneas: A pilot study

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    Gastrointestinal (GI) cancers account for 1.5 million deaths worldwide. Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (ESD) is an advanced therapeutic endoscopy technique with superior clinical outcome due to the minimally invasive and en bloc removal of tumours. In the western world, ESD is seldom carried out, due to its complex and challenging nature. Various surgical systems are being developed to make this therapy accessible, however, these solutions have shown limited operational workspace, dexterity, or low force exertion capabilities. The current paper shows the ESD CYCLOPS system, a bimanual surgical robotic attachment that can be mounted at the end of any flexible endoscope. The system is able to achieve forces of up to 46N, and showed a mean error of 0.217mm during an elliptical tracing task. The workspace and instrument dexterity is shown by pre-clinical ex vivo trials, in which ESD is successfully performed by a GI surgeon. The system is currently undergoing pre-clinical in vivo validation

    Thermodynamic Stability at the Two-Particle Level

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    We show how the stability conditions for a system of interacting fermions that conventionally involve variations of thermodynamic potentials can be rewritten in terms of local one- and two-particle correlators. We illustrate the applicability of this alternative formulation in a multi-orbital model of strongly correlated electrons at finite temperatures, inspecting the lowest eigenvalues of the generalized local charge susceptibility in proximity of the phase-separation region. Additionally to the conventional unstable branches, we address unstable solutions possessing a positive, rather than negative compressibility. Our stability conditions require no derivative of free energy functions with conceptual and practical advantages for actual calculations and offer a clear-cut criterion for analyzing the thermodynamics of correlated complex systems.Comment: 7 (+6) pages, 4 figure

    The cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (Sepiidae, Cephalopoda) constructs cuttlebone from a liquid-crystal precursor

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    Cuttlebone, the sophisticated buoyancy device of cuttlefish, is made of extensive superposed chambers that have a complex internal arrangement of calcified pillars and organic membranes. It has not been clear how this structure is assembled. We find that the membranes result from a myriad of minor membranes initially filling the whole chamber, made of nanofibres evenly oriented within each membrane and slightly rotated with respect to those of adjacent membranes, producing a helical arrangement. We propose that the organism secretes a chitin-protein complex, which self-organizes layer-by-layer as a cholesteric liquid crystal, whereas the pillars are made by viscous fingering. The liquid crystallization mechanism permits us to homologize the elements of the cuttlebone with those of other coleoids and with the nacreous septa and the shells of nautiloids. These results challenge our view of this ultra-light natural material possessing desirable mechanical, structural and biological properties, suggesting that two self-organizing physical principles suffice to understand its formation.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion [CGL2010-20748-CO2-01, CGL2013-48247-P, FIS2013-48444-C2-2-P]; Andalusian Consejeria de Innovacion Ciencia y Tecnologia [RNM6433]; (Sepiatech, PROMAR program) of the Portuguese Ministerio da Agricultura e do Mar, Portugal [31.03.05.FEP.002]; Junta de Andalucia [RNM363]; FP7 COST Action of the European Community. [TD0903]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enemies with benefits: parasitic endoliths protect mussels against heat stress

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    Positive and negative aspects of species interactions can be context dependant and strongly affected by environmental conditions. We tested the hypothesis that, during periods of intense heat stress, parasitic phototrophic endoliths that fatally degrade mollusc shells can benefit their mussel hosts. Endolithic infestation significantly reduced body temperatures of sun-exposed mussels and, during unusually extreme heat stress, parasitised individuals suffered lower mortality rates than nonparasitised hosts. This beneficial effect was related to the white discolouration caused by the excavation activity of endoliths. Under climate warming, species relationships may be drastically realigned and conditional benefits of phototrophic endolithic parasites may become more important than the costs of infestation

    Evidence for preindustrial variations in the marine surface water carbonate system from coralline sponges

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    Coralline sponge skeletons are excellent tools for reconstructing the carbon isotope history ofdissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in tropical surface waters. Carbon isotope records from corallinesponges clearly reflect the industrial12C increase in atmospheric CO2with a precision that permitsquantitative interpretations. We find from a set of d13C records of four Caribbean sponge specimensthat the isotopic response of surface water DIC to the changing isotopic composition of atmosphericCO2varied dynamically during the last century, depending on the rate of atmospheric change. Three ofour sponges provide 600 year long d13C records. For the first time, we can reconstruct surface waterd13CDICfor the full history of the industrial CO2release as well as the preceding preindustrial periodback to the beginning of the Little Ice Age. This provides a well-founded estimate of theanthropogenically uninfluenced, preindustrial background level of surface water13C/12C ratios. Ourrecords show small but systematic variations that appear to be linked to the climate fluctuations of theLittle Ice Age

    Exhumed hydrocarbon-seep authigenic carbonates from Zakynthos island (Greece): Concretions not archaeological remains

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    In Zakynthos Island (Greece), authigenic cementation of marine sediment has formed pipelike, disc and doughnut-shaped concretions. The concretions are mostly composed of authigenic ferroan dolomite accompanied by pyrite. Samples with >80% dolomite, have stable isotope compositions in two groups. The more indurated concretions have δ 18O around +4‰ and δ 13C values between -8 and -29‰ indicating dolomite forming from anaerobic oxidation of thermogenic methane (hydrocarbon seep), in the sulphate-methane transition zone. The outer surfaces of some concretions, and the less-cemented concretions, typically have slightly heavier isotopic compositions and may indicate that concretion growth progressed from the outer margin in the ambient microbially-modified marine pore fluids, inward toward the central conduit where the isotopic compositions were more heavily influenced by the seep fluid. Sr isotope data suggest the concretions are fossil features, possibly of Pliocene age and represent an exhumed hydrocarbon seep plumbing system. Exposure on the modern seabed in the shallow subtidal zone has caused confusion, as concretion morphology resembles archaeological stonework of the Hellenic period
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