189 research outputs found

    Extended Poisson-Kac Theory: A Unifying Framework for Stochastic Processes

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    Stochastic processes play a key role for modeling a huge variety of transport problems out of equilibrium, with manifold applications throughout the natural and social sciences. To formulate models of stochastic dynamics the conventional approach consists in superimposing random fluctuations on a suitable deterministic evolution. These fluctuations are sampled from probability distributions that are prescribed a priori, most commonly as Gaussian or L\'evy. While these distributions are motivated by (generalised) central limit theorems they are nevertheless \textit{unbounded}, meaning that arbitrarily large fluctuations can be obtained with finite probability. This property implies the violation of fundamental physical principles such as special relativity and may yield divergencies for basic physical quantities like energy. Here we solve the fundamental problem of unbounded random fluctuations by constructing a comprehensive theoretical framework of stochastic processes possessing physically realistic finite propagation velocity. Our approach is motivated by the theory of L\'evy walks, which we embed into an extension of conventional Poisson-Kac processes. The resulting extended theory employs generalised transition rates to model subtle microscopic dynamics, which reproduces non-trivial spatio-temporal correlations on macroscopic scales. It thus enables the modelling of many different kinds of dynamical features, as we demonstrate by three physically and biologically motivated examples. The corresponding stochastic models capture the whole spectrum of diffusive dynamics from normal to anomalous diffusion, including the striking `Brownian yet non Gaussian' diffusion, and more sophisticated phenomena such as senescence. Extended Poisson-Kac theory can therefore be used to model a wide range of finite velocity dynamical phenomena that are observed experimentally.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Spectral Properties of Stochastic Processes Possessing Finite Propagation Velocity.

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    This article investigates the spectral structure of the evolution operators associated with the statistical description of stochastic processes possessing finite propagation velocity. Generalized Poisson-Kac processes and Lévy walks are explicitly considered as paradigmatic examples of regular and anomalous dynamics. A generic spectral feature of these processes is the lower boundedness of the real part of the eigenvalue spectrum that corresponds to an upper limit of the spectral dispersion curve, physically expressing the relaxation rate of a disturbance as a function of the wave vector. We also analyze Generalized Poisson-Kac processes possessing a continuum of stochastic states parametrized with respect to the velocity. In this case, there is a critical value for the wave vector, above which the point spectrum ceases to exist, and the relaxation dynamics becomes controlled by the essential part of the spectrum. This model can be extended to the quantum case, and in fact, it represents a simple and clear example of a sub-quantum dynamics with hidden variables

    Age representation of Levy walks: partial density waves, relaxation and first passage time statistics

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    Lévy walks (LWs) define a fundamental class of finite velocity stochastic processes that can be introduced as a special case of continuous time random walks. Alternatively, there is a hyperbolic representation of them in terms of partial probability density waves. Using the latter framework we explore the impact of aging on LWs, which can be viewed as a specific initial preparation of the particle ensemble with respect to an age distribution. We show that the hyperbolic age formulation is suitable for a simple integral representation in terms of linear Volterra equations for any initial preparation. On this basis relaxation properties, i.e. the convergence towards equilibrium of a generic thermodynamic function dependent on the spatial particle distribution, and first passage time statistics in bounded domains are studied by connecting the latter problem with solute release kinetics. We find that even normal diffusive LWs, where the long-term mean square displacement increases linearly with time, may display anomalous relaxation properties such as stretched exponential decay. We then discuss the impact of aging on the first passage time statistics of LWs by developing the corresponding Volterra integral representation. As a further natural generalization the concept of LWs with wearing is introduced to account for mobility losses

    Critical dimensions for random walks on random-walk chains

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    The probability distribution of random walks on linear structures generated by random walks in dd-dimensional space, Pd(r,t)P_d(r,t), is analytically studied for the case ξr/t1/41\xi\equiv r/t^{1/4}\ll1. It is shown to obey the scaling form Pd(r,t)=ρ(r)t1/2ξ2fd(ξ)P_d(r,t)=\rho(r) t^{-1/2} \xi^{-2} f_d(\xi), where ρ(r)r2d\rho(r)\sim r^{2-d} is the density of the chain. Expanding fd(ξ)f_d(\xi) in powers of ξ\xi, we find that there exists an infinite hierarchy of critical dimensions, dc=2,6,10,d_c=2,6,10,\ldots, each one characterized by a logarithmic correction in fd(ξ)f_d(\xi). Namely, for d=2d=2, f2(ξ)a2ξ2lnξ+b2ξ2f_2(\xi)\simeq a_2\xi^2\ln\xi+b_2\xi^2; for 3d53\le d\le 5, fd(ξ)adξ2+bdξdf_d(\xi)\simeq a_d\xi^2+b_d\xi^d; for d=6d=6, f6(ξ)a6ξ2+b6ξ6lnξf_6(\xi)\simeq a_6\xi^2+b_6\xi^6\ln\xi; for 7d97\le d\le 9, fd(ξ)adξ2+bdξ6+cdξdf_d(\xi)\simeq a_d\xi^2+b_d\xi^6+c_d\xi^d; for d=10d=10, f10(ξ)a10ξ2+b10ξ6+c10ξ10lnξf_{10}(\xi)\simeq a_{10}\xi^2+b_{10}\xi^6+c_{10}\xi^{10}\ln\xi, {\it etc.\/} In particular, for d=2d=2, this implies that the temporal dependence of the probability density of being close to the origin Q2(r,t)P2(r,t)/ρ(r)t1/2lntQ_2(r,t)\equiv P_2(r,t)/\rho(r)\simeq t^{-1/2}\ln t.Comment: LATeX, 10 pages, no figures submitted for publication in PR

    Precision Measurements of Stretching and Compression in Fluid Mixing

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    The mixing of an impurity into a flowing fluid is an important process in many areas of science, including geophysical processes, chemical reactors, and microfluidic devices. In some cases, for example periodic flows, the concepts of nonlinear dynamics provide a deep theoretical basis for understanding mixing. Unfortunately, the building blocks of this theory, i.e. the fixed points and invariant manifolds of the associated Poincare map, have remained inaccessible to direct experimental study, thus limiting the insight that could be obtained. Using precision measurements of tracer particle trajectories in a two-dimensional fluid flow producing chaotic mixing, we directly measure the time-dependent stretching and compression fields. These quantities, previously available only numerically, attain local maxima along lines coinciding with the stable and unstable manifolds, thus revealing the dynamical structures that control mixing. Contours or level sets of a passive impurity field are found to be aligned parallel to the lines of large compression (unstable manifolds) at each instant. This connection appears to persist as the onset of turbulence is approached.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Fractional differentiability of nowhere differentiable functions and dimensions

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    Weierstrass's everywhere continuous but nowhere differentiable function is shown to be locally continuously fractionally differentiable everywhere for all orders below the `critical order' 2-s and not so for orders between 2-s and 1, where s, 1<s<2 is the box dimension of the graph of the function. This observation is consolidated in the general result showing a direct connection between local fractional differentiability and the box dimension/ local Holder exponent. Levy index for one dimensional Levy flights is shown to be the critical order of its characteristic function. Local fractional derivatives of multifractal signals (non-random functions) are shown to provide the local Holder exponent. It is argued that Local fractional derivatives provide a powerful tool to analyze pointwise behavior of irregular signals.Comment: minor changes, 19 pages, Late

    Linear Relaxation Processes Governed by Fractional Symmetric Kinetic Equations

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    We get fractional symmetric Fokker - Planck and Einstein - Smoluchowski kinetic equations, which describe evolution of the systems influenced by stochastic forces distributed with stable probability laws. These equations generalize known kinetic equations of the Brownian motion theory and contain symmetric fractional derivatives over velocity and space, respectively. With the help of these equations we study analytically the processes of linear relaxation in a force - free case and for linear oscillator. For a weakly damped oscillator we also get kinetic equation for the distribution in slow variables. Linear relaxation processes are also studied numerically by solving corresponding Langevin equations with the source which is a discrete - time approximation to a white Levy noise. Numerical and analytical results agree quantitatively.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, 13 figures PostScrip

    Fracton pairing mechanism for "strange" superconductors: Self-assembling organic polymers and copper-oxide compounds

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    Self-assembling organic polymers and copper-oxide compounds are two classes of "strange" superconductors, whose challenging behavior does not comply with the traditional picture of Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer (BCS) superconductivity in regular crystals. In this paper, we propose a theoretical model that accounts for the strange superconducting properties of either class of the materials. These properties are considered as interconnected manifestations of the same phenomenon: We argue that superconductivity occurs in the both cases because the charge carriers (i.e., electrons or holes) exchange {\it fracton excitations}, quantum oscillations of fractal lattices that mimic the complex microscopic organization of the strange superconductors. For the copper oxides, the superconducting transition temperature TcT_c as predicted by the fracton mechanism is of the order of 150\sim 150 K. We suggest that the marginal ingredient of the high-temperature superconducting phase is provided by fracton coupled holes that condensate in the conducting copper-oxygen planes owing to the intrinsic field-effect-transistor configuration of the cuprate compounds. For the gate-induced superconducting phase in the electron-doped polymers, we simultaneously find a rather modest transition temperature of (23)\sim (2-3) K owing to the limitations imposed by the electron tunneling processes on a fractal geometry. We speculate that hole-type superconductivity observes larger onset temperatures when compared to its electron-type counterpart. This promises an intriguing possibility of the high-temperature superconducting states in hole-doped complex materials. A specific prediction of the present study is universality of ac conduction for TTcT\gtrsim T_c.Comment: 12 pages (including separate abstract page), no figure

    Liquefaction features produced by the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence in southwest Christchurch, New Zealand, and preliminary assessment of Paleoliquefaction features

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    Liquefaction features and the geologic environment in which they formed were carefully studied at two sites near Lincoln in southwest Christchurch. We undertook geomorphic mapping, excavated trenches, and obtained hand cores in areas with surficial evidence for liquefaction and areas where no surficial evidence for liquefaction was present at two sites (Hardwick and Marchand). The liquefaction features identified include (1) sand blows (singular and aligned along linear fissures), (2) blisters or injections of subhorizontal dikes into the topsoil, (3) dikes related to the blows and blisters, and (4) a collapse structure. The spatial distribution of these surface liquefaction features correlates strongly with the ridges of scroll bars in meander settings. In addition, we discovered paleoliquefaction features, including several dikes and a sand blow, in excavations at the sites of modern liquefaction. The paleoliquefaction event at the Hardwick site is dated at A.D. 908-1336, and the one at the Marchand site is dated at A.D. 1017-1840 (95% confidence intervals of probability density functions obtained by Bayesian analysis). If both events are the same, given proximity of the sites, the time of the event is A.D. 1019-1337. If they are not, the one at the Marchand site could have been much younger. Taking into account a preliminary liquefaction-triggering threshold of equivalent peak ground acceleration for an Mw 7.5 event (PGA7:5) of 0:07g, existing magnitude-bounded relations for paleoliquefaction, and the timing of the paleoearthquakes and the potential PGA7:5 estimated for regional faults, we propose that the Porters Pass fault, Alpine fault, or the subduction zone faults are the most likely sources that could have triggered liquefaction at the study sites. There are other nearby regional faults that may have been the source, but there is no paleoseismic data with which to make the temporal link

    Holder exponents of irregular signals and local fractional derivatives

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    It has been recognized recently that fractional calculus is useful for handling scaling structures and processes. We begin this survey by pointing out the relevance of the subject to physical situations. Then the essential definitions and formulae from fractional calculus are summarized and their immediate use in the study of scaling in physical systems is given. This is followed by a brief summary of classical results. The main theme of the review rests on the notion of local fractional derivatives. There is a direct connection between local fractional differentiability properties and the dimensions/ local Holder exponents of nowhere differentiable functions. It is argued that local fractional derivatives provide a powerful tool to analyse the pointwise behaviour of irregular signals and functions.Comment: 20 pages, Late