94 research outputs found

    A Hypervisor-Based Bus System for Usage Control

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    Data usage control is concerned with requirements on data after access has been granted. In order to enforce usage control requirements, it is necessary to track the different representations that the data may take (among others, file, window content, network packet). These representations exist at different layers of abstraction. As a consequence, in order to enforce usage control requirements, multiple data flow tracking and usage control enforcement monitors must exist, one at each layer. If a new representation is created at some layer of abstraction, e.g., if a cache file is created for a picture after downloading it with a browser, then the initiating layer (in the example, the browser) must notify the layer at which the new representation is created (in the example, the operating system). We present a bus system for system-wide usage control that, for security and performance reasons, is implemented in a hypervisor. We evaluate its security and performance

    A Privacy-Aware Fall Detection System for Hospitals and Nursing Facilities

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    Model-based Testing in Cloud Brokerage Scenarios

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    In future Cloud ecosystems, brokers will mediate between service providers and consumers, playing an increased role in quality assurance, checking services for functional compliance to agreed standards, among other aspects. To date, most Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) testing has been performed manually, requiring duplicated effort at the development, certification and deployment stages of the service lifecycle. This paper presents a strategy for achieving automated testing for certification and re-certification of SaaS applications, based on the adoption of simple state-based and functional specifications. High-level test suites are generated from specifications, by algorithms that provide the necessary and sufficient coverage. The high-level tests must be grounded for each implementation technology, whether SOAP, REST or rich-client. Two examples of grounding are presented, one into SOAP for a traditional web service and the other into Selenium for a SAP HANA rich-client application. The results demonstrate good test coverage. Further work is required to fully automate the grounding

    A Declarative Framework for Specifying and Enforcing Purpose-aware Policies

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    Purpose is crucial for privacy protection as it makes users confident that their personal data are processed as intended. Available proposals for the specification and enforcement of purpose-aware policies are unsatisfactory for their ambiguous semantics of purposes and/or lack of support to the run-time enforcement of policies. In this paper, we propose a declarative framework based on a first-order temporal logic that allows us to give a precise semantics to purpose-aware policies and to reuse algorithms for the design of a run-time monitor enforcing purpose-aware policies. We also show the complexity of the generation and use of the monitor which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first such a result in literature on purpose-aware policies.Comment: Extended version of the paper accepted at the 11th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM 2015

    Delegation of Obligations and Responsibility

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    Part 6: Policy Compliance and ObligationsInternational audienceIn this paper, we discuss the issue of responsibilities related to the fulfillment and the violation of obligations. We propose to formally define the different aspects of responsibility, namely causal responsibility, functional responsibility, liability as well as sanctions, and to examine how delegation influences these concepts. Our main aim is to identify the responsibility of each agent that is involved in the delegation of obligations. More precisely, we try to answer to the following questions: who is responsible for the obligation fulfillment? When a violation occurs, which agents are causally responsible for this violation? Who is liable for this violation and to whom? And finally, who must be sanctioned

    Test Model Coverage Analysis under Uncertainty

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    In model-based testing (MBT) we may have to deal with a non-deterministic model, e.g. because abstraction was applied, or because the software under test itself is non-deterministic. The same test case may then trigger multiple possible execution paths, depending on some internal decisions made by the software. Consequently, performing precise test analyses, e.g. to calculate the test coverage, are not possible. This can be mitigated if developers can annotate the model with estimated probabilities for taking each transition. A probabilistic model checking algorithm can subsequently be used to do simple probabilistic coverage analysis. However, in practice developers often want to know what the achieved aggregate coverage, which unfortunately cannot be re-expressed as a standard model checking problem. This paper presents an extension to allow efficient calculation of probabilistic aggregate coverage, and moreover also in combination with k-wise coverage