158 research outputs found

    Synthetic Turbulence, Fractal Interpolation and Large-Eddy Simulation

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    Fractal Interpolation has been proposed in the literature as an efficient way to construct closure models for the numerical solution of coarse-grained Navier-Stokes equations. It is based on synthetically generating a scale-invariant subgrid-scale field and analytically evaluating its effects on large resolved scales. In this paper, we propose an extension of previous work by developing a multiaffine fractal interpolation scheme and demonstrate that it preserves not only the fractal dimension but also the higher-order structure functions and the non-Gaussian probability density function of the velocity increments. Extensive a-priori analyses of atmospheric boundary layer measurements further reveal that this Multiaffine closure model has the potential for satisfactory performance in large-eddy simulations. The pertinence of this newly proposed methodology in the case of passive scalars is also discussed

    Mixture of time scales in land-atmosphere interaction: Desorption and self-similarity of energy fluxes

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    The time evolution of evaporation from a bare soil, over a 9-d period following irrigation, is described by a combination of daily and hourly drying patterns. From the second day, the daily evaporation shows a second stage of drying that can be described as a desorptive process (evaporation proportional to (t - to)-1/2, where t is time in days and to is the day when the second stage starts). The short time (hourly) evaporation rate can be modeled on the basis of a type of self-similarity in the energy balance components. Combining the evaporative flux behavior at the two time scales, desorption at the daily timescale and self-similarity for the diurnal variations, a robust description of evaporation for drying land surfaces is obtained. This approach is tested using accurate measurements of the different com-ponents of the energy balance at the soil surface, obtained at 20-min intervals. The model accurately describes the time evolution of the evaporative flux and could be used for the disaggregation of daily or weekly evaporation into hourly values

    Revisiting the Local Scaling Hypothesis in Stably Stratified Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence: an Integration of Field and Laboratory Measurements with Large-eddy Simulations

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    The `local scaling' hypothesis, first introduced by Nieuwstadt two decades ago, describes the turbulence structure of stable boundary layers in a very succinct way and is an integral part of numerous local closure-based numerical weather prediction models. However, the validity of this hypothesis under very stable conditions is a subject of on-going debate. In this work, we attempt to address this controversial issue by performing extensive analyses of turbulence data from several field campaigns, wind-tunnel experiments and large-eddy simulations. Wide range of stabilities, diverse field conditions and a comprehensive set of turbulence statistics make this study distinct

    Dealing with paralogy in RADseq data: in silico detection and single nucleotide polymorphism validation in Robinia pseudoacacia L.

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    peer reviewedThe RADseq technology allows researchers to efficiently develop thousands of polymorphic loci across multiple individuals with little or no prior information on the genome. However, many questions remain about the biases inherent to this technology. Notably, sequence misalignments arising from paralogy may affect the development of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and the estimation of genetic diversity. We evaluated the impact of putative paralog loci on genetic diversity estimation during the development of SNPs from a RADseq dataset for the nonmodel tree species Robinia pseudoacacia L. We sequenced nine genotypes and analyzed the frequency of putative paralogous RAD loci as a function of both the depth of coverage and the mismatch threshold allowed between loci. Putative paralogy was detected in a very variable number of loci, from 1% to more than 20%, with the depth of coverage having a major influence on the result. Putative paralogy artificially increased the observed degree of polymorphism and resulting estimates of diversity. The choice of the depth of coverage also affected diversity estimation and SNP validation: A low threshold decreased the chances of detecting minor alleles while a high threshold increased allelic dropout. SNP validation was better for the low threshold (4Ă—) than for the high threshold (18Ă—) we tested. Using the strategy developed here, we were able to validate more than 80% of the SNPs tested by means of individual genotyping, resulting in a readily usable set of 330 SNPs, suitable for use in population genetics applications

    A hybrid actuator disc - full rotor CFD methodology for modelling the effects of wind turbine wake interactions on performance

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    The performance of individual wind turbines is crucial for maximum energy yield, however, their performance is often reduced when turbines are placed together in an array. The wake produced by the rotors interacts with downstream turbines, resulting in a reduction in power output. In this paper, we demonstrate a new and faster modelling technique which combines actuator disc theory, modelled using wind tunnel validated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), and integrated into full rotor CFD simulations. This novel hybrid of techniques results in the ability to analyse performance when simulating various array layouts more rapidly and accurately than using either method on its own. It is shown that there is a significant power reduction from a downstream turbine that is subjected to the wake of an upstream turbine, and that this is due to both a reduction in power in the wind and also due to changes in the aerodynamics. Analysis of static pressure along the blade showed that as a result of wake interactions, a large reduction in the suction peak along the leading edge reduced the lift generated by the rotor and so reduced the torque production and the ability for the blade to extract energy from the wind

    Influence of diffusion weighted imaging and contrast enhanced T1 sequences on the diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance enterography for Crohn's disease

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the additional diagnostic benefit of diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) and contrast enhanced (CE) images during MR enterography (MRE) of Crohn's disease.METHODS: Datasets from 73 patients (mean age 32; 40 male) (28 new-diagnosis, 45 relapsed) were read independently by two radiologists selected from a pool of 13. Radiologists interpreted datasets using three sequential sequence blocks: (1) T2 weighted and steady state free precession gradient echo (SSFP) images alone (T2^); (2) T2 weighted and SSFP images with DWI (T2 + DWI^) and; (3) T2 weighted images, SSFP, DWI and post-contrast enhanced (CE) T1 images (T2 + DWI + CE^), documenting presence, location, and activity of small bowel disease. For each sequence block, sensitivity and specificity (readers combined) was calculated against an outcome-based construct reference standard.RESULTS: 59/73 patients had small bowel disease. Per-patient sensitivity for disease detection was essentially identical (80 % [95 % CI 72, 86], 81 % [73,87], and 79 % [71,86] for T2^, T2 + DWI^and T2 + DWI + CE^respectively). Specificity was identical (82 % [64 to 92]). Per patient sensitivity for disease extent was 56 % (47,65), 56 % (47,65) and 52 % (43 to 61) respectively, and specificity was 82 % (64 to 92) for all blocks. Sensitivity for active disease was 97 % (90,99), 97 % (90,99) and 98 % (92,99), and specificity was also comparable between all sequence combination reads. Results were consistent across segments and newly diagnosed/relapse patients.CONCLUSION: There is no additional diagnostic benefit of adding either DWI or CE to T2 FSE and SSFP sequences for evaluating small bowel Crohn's disease, suggesting MRE protocols can be simplified safely.</p

    Global guidelines for the sustainable use of non-native trees to prevent tree invasions and mitigate their negative impacts

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    Sustainably managed non-native trees deliver economic and societal benefits with limited risk of spread to adjoining areas. However, some plantations have launched invasions that cause substantial damage to biodiversity and ecosystem services, while others pose substantial threats of causing such impacts. The challenge is to maximise the benefits of non-native trees, while minimising negative impacts and preserving future benefits and options. A workshop was held in 2019 to develop global guidelines for the sustainable use of non-native trees, using the Council of Europe – Bern Convention Code of Conduct on Invasive Alien Trees as a starting point. The global guidelines consist of eight recommendations: 1) Use native trees, or non-invasive non-native trees, in preference to invasive non-native trees; 2) Be aware of and comply with international, national, and regional regulations concerning non-native trees; 3) Be aware of the risk of invasion and consider global change trends; 4) Design and adopt tailored practices for plantation site selection and silvicultural management; 5) Promote and implement early detection and rapid response programmes; 6) Design and adopt tailored practices for invasive non-native tree control, habitat restoration, and for dealing with highly modified ecosystems; 7) Engage with stakeholders on the risks posed by invasive non-native trees, the impacts caused, and the options for management; and 8) Develop and support global networks, collaborative research, and information sharing on native and non-native trees. The global guidelines are a first step towards building global consensus on the precautions that should be taken when introducing and planting non-native trees. They are voluntary and are intended to complement statutory requirements under international and national legislation. The application of the global guidelines and the achievement of their goals will help to conserve forest biodiversity, ensure sustainable forestry, and contribute to the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations linked with forest biodiversity
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