241 research outputs found

    Erythroid Kruppel-like factor directly activates the basic Kruppel-like factor gene in erythroid cells

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    The Sp/Kriippel-like factor (Sp/KIf) family is comprised of around 25 zinc finger transcription factors that recognize CACCC boxes and GC-rich elements. We have investigated basic Kruppel-like factor (Bklf/Klf3) and show that in erythroid tissues its expression is highly dependent on another family member, erythroid Kruppel-like factor (Eklf/Kif1). We observe that Bklf mRNA is significantly reduced in erythroid tissues from Eklf-null murine embryos. We find that Bklf is driven primarily by two promoters, a ubiquitously active GC-rich upstream promoter, la, and an erythroid downstream promoter, 1b. Transcripts from the two promoters encode identical proteins. Interestingly, both the ubiquitous and the erythroid promoter are dependent on Eklf in erythroid cells. Eklf also activates both promoters in transient assays. Experiments utilizing an inducible form of Eklf demonstrate activation of the endogenous Bklf gene in the presence of an inhibitor of protein synthesis. The kinetics of activation are also consistent with Bklf being a direct Eklf target. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays confirm that Eklf associates with both Bklf promoters. Eklf is typically an activator of transcription, whereas Bklf is noted as a repressor. Our results support the hypothesis that feedback cross-regulation occurs within the Sp/Klf family in vivo

    "A few good men": Public sector audit in the Swan River Colony, 1828-1835

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    The appointment of the Auditor General to undertake public sector audit is the primary instrument used to safeguard public finances in most contemporary Westminster-based democracies. It is axiomatic that the independence of the Auditor General from executive government is a critical element in ensuring the effectiveness of the role, yet this separation is a relatively recent phenomenon. Those responsible for nineteenth century public sector audit in the Australian colonies operated in what would today be considered an unacceptable environment, with little, if any, independence from the executive arm of government. Yet, while several other Australian colonies suffered from the mismanagement of government finances, there is nothing to show that the Swan River Colony experienced much more than clerical errors and minor administrative oversights. In this article, we explore the extent to which satisfactory public financial management in the Swan River Colony occurred as a result of both good financial management systems (in the context of the era) and the appointment of competent and ethical administrators – “a few good men”

    Use of bioengineered human commensal gut bacteria-derived microvesicles for mucosal plague vaccine delivery and immunization

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    Plague caused by the Gram-negative bacterium, Yersinia pestis, is still endemic in parts of the world today. Protection against pneumonic plague is essential to prevent the development and spread of epidemics. Despite this, there are currently no licensed plague vaccines in the western world. Here we describe the means of delivering biologically active plague vaccine antigens directly to mucosal sites of plague infection using highly stable microvesicles (outer membrane vesicles; OMVs) that are naturally produced by the abundant and harmless human commensal gut bacterium Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (Bt). Bt was engineered to express major plague protective antigens in its OMVs, specifically Fraction 1 (F1) in the outer membrane and LcrV (V antigen) in the lumen, for targeted delivery to the gastrointestinal (GI) and respiratory tracts in a non-human primate (NHP) host. Our key findings were that Bt OMVs stably expresses F1 and V plague antigens, particularly the V antigen, in the correct, immunogenic form. When delivered intranasally V-OMVs elicited substantive and specific immune and antibody responses, both in the serum [immunoglobulin (Ig)G] and in the upper and lower respiratory tract (IgA); this included the generation of serum antibodies able to kill plague bacteria. Our results also showed that Bt OMV-based vaccines had many desirable characteristics, including: biosafety and an absence of any adverse effects, pathology or gross alteration of resident microbial communities (microbiotas); high stability and thermo-tolerance; needle-free delivery; intrinsic adjuvanticity; the ability to stimulate both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses; and targeting of primary sites of plague infection

    Post-exercise rehydration: Comparing the efficacy of three commercial oral rehydration solutions

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    IntroductionThis study compared the efficacy of three commercial oral rehydration solutions (ORS) for restoring fluid and electrolyte balance, after exercise-induced dehydration.MethodHealthy, active participants (N = 20; ♀ = 3; age ∼27 y, V˙O2peak ∼52 ml/kg/min) completed three randomised, counterbalanced trials whereby intermittent exercise in the heat (∼36°C, ∼50% humidity) induced ∼2.5% dehydration. Subsequently, participants rehydrated (125% fluid loss in four equal aliquots at 0, 1, 2, 3 h) with a glucose-based (G-ORS), sugar-free (Z-ORS) or amino acid-based sugar-free (AA-ORS) ORS of varying electrolyte composition. Urine output was measured hourly and capillary blood samples collected pre-exercise, 0, 2 and 5 h post-exercise. Sodium, potassium, and chloride concentrations in urine, sweat, and blood were determined.ResultsNet fluid balance peaked at 4 h and was greater in AA-ORS (141 ± 155 ml) and G-ORS (101 ± 195 ml) than Z-ORS (−47 ± 208 ml; P ≤ 0.010). Only AA-ORS achieved positive sodium and chloride balance post-exercise, which were greater for AA-ORS than G-ORS and Z-ORS (P ≤ 0.006), as well as for G-ORS than Z-ORS (P ≤ 0.007) from 1 to 5 h.Conclusionwhen provided in a volume equivalent to 125% of exercise-induced fluid loss, AA-ORS produced comparable/superior fluid balance and superior sodium/chloride balance responses to popular glucose-based and sugar-free ORS

    Intergenerational equity in municipal accounting: New Zealand 1910s

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    Accounting for fixed assets by municipalities has been discussed in the accounting history literature previously. This paper addresses two issues related to accounting for fixed assets not previously discussed; the influence of the principle of intergenerational equity on local government accounting, and the influence of users of accounting information in accounting policy making in government accounting. The paper identifies that users of accounting information have had significant influence in a debate on government accounting policy, and that the principle of intergenerational equity was given a position of high importance in the debate, but not an unchallengeable position. The motivation of the users of accounting information to engage in the debates is identified as a form of civic duty, which is consistent with the ethical imperative in ensuring intergenerational equity

    Internal accounting practices at Whitbread & Company c.1890-1925

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    This paper examines internal accounting practices at Whitbread & Company from c. 1890 to 1925. At this time, there was an increasing interest in cost accounting, but there is little detailed extant research on general internal accounting practices of firms. The brewing sector, we suggest, is a potentially fruitful realm to further our knowledge of this time. Drawing on the Whitbread brewery archival records, we chart the internal accounting practices of the company. Our findings reveal a stable set of accounting practices, focused mainly on bookkeeping, although the firm’s auditor produced some reports which may have been useful for management decision-making. We argue these practices were highly institutionalised, and seemingly resistant to external forces present in the company’s environment

    Local structure correlations in plastic cyclohexane-a reverse Monte Carlo study

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    Two solid phases of cyclohexane have been investigated over a temperature range spanning 13-266 K on a powdered, perdeuterated sample using neutron total scattering. Phase II has an ordered structure (C2/c) that forms below 186 K. Between 186 and 280 K it exists as a plastic solid-phase I (Fm3m), where the molecules are rotationally disordered about the lattice points of the face-centred cubic cell. Data-dependent atomistic configurations that represent the 'instantaneous' crystal structure have been generated from the total scattering data using reverse Monte Carlo refinement. Analysis of the local structure reveals that instantaneous distortions in phase I resemble the average structure of phase II

    Using SSM in Project Management: aligning objectives and outcomes in organizational change projects

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    This paper aims to contribute to the use of SSM in Project Management, by exploring what happens in a real-world organisational change projects when stakeholders seem to agree in a set of initial-objectives and final-outcomes of the project. SSM Analyses are then use to explore the misalignments between initial-objectives and final-outcomes along the project life cycle. Initial results suggest that SSM helps to “shadow” these misalignments when structuring an unclear complex situation such as organisational change projects and that the application of SSM facilitates negotiations, generates debate, understanding and learning. This leads to meaningful collaboration among stakeholders and enables key changes to be introduced reflecting on the potential misalignments. Results also support SSM analysis of changes in role, norms or value adversely influencing project outcome