22,321 research outputs found

    An optimal gap theorem

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    By solving the Cauchy problem for the Hodge-Laplace heat equation for dd-closed, positive (1,1)(1, 1)-forms, we prove an optimal gap theorem for K\"ahler manifolds with nonnegative bisectional curvature which asserts that the manifold is flat if the average of the scalar curvature over balls of radius rr centered at any fixed point oo is a function of o(r2)o(r^{-2}). Furthermore via a relative monotonicity estimate we obtain a stronger statement, namely a `positive mass' type result, asserting that if (M,g)(M, g) is not flat, then lim infrr2Vo(r)Bo(r)S(y)dμ(y)>0\liminf_{r\to \infty} \frac{r^2}{V_o(r)}\int_{B_o(r)}\mathcal{S}(y)\, d\mu(y)>0 for any oMo\in M

    Relativistic Effects on the Appearance of a Clothed Black Hole

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    For an accretion disk around a black hole, the strong relativistic effects affect every aspect of the radiation from the disk, including its spectrum, light-curve, and image. This work investigates in detail how the images of a thin disk around a black hole will be distorted, and what the observer will see from different viewing angles and in different energy bands.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Based on the poster presented at the Sixth Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics (Xi'an, China, July 11-17, 2002). Color versions of figures are given separatel

    Three-dimensional turbopump flowfield analysis

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    A program was conducted to develop a flow prediction method applicable to rocket turbopumps. The complex nature of a flowfield in turbopumps is described and examples of flowfields are discussed to illustrate that physics based models and analytical calculation procedures based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are needed to develop reliable design procedures for turbopumps. A CFD code developed at NASA ARC was used as the base code. The turbulence model and boundary conditions in the base code were modified, respectively, to: (1) compute transitional flows and account for extra rates of strain, e.g., rotation; and (2) compute surface heat transfer coefficients and allow computation through multistage turbomachines. Benchmark quality data from two and three-dimensional cascades were used to verify the code. The predictive capabilities of the present CFD code were demonstrated by computing the flow through a radial impeller and a multistage axial flow turbine. Results of the program indicate that the present code operated in a two-dimensional mode is a cost effective alternative to full three-dimensional calculations, and that it permits realistic predictions of unsteady loadings and losses for multistage machines

    Physical and magnetic properties of Ba(Fe1x_{1-x}Rux_x)2_2As2_2 single crystals

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    Single crystals of Ba(Fe1x_{1-x}Rux_x)2_2As2_2, x<0.37x<0.37, have been grown and characterized by structural, magnetic and transport measurements. These measurements show that the structural/magnetic phase transition found in pure BaFe2_2As2_2 at 134 K is suppressed monotonically by Ru doping, but, unlike doping with TM=Co, Ni, Cu, Rh or Pd, the coupled transition seen in the parent compound does not detectably split into two separate ones. Superconductivity is stabilized at low temperatures for x>0.2x>0.2 and continues through the highest doping levels we report. The superconducting region is dome like, with maximum Tc_c (16.5\sim16.5 K) found around x0.29x\sim 0.29. A phase diagram of temperature versus doping, based on electrical transport and magnetization measurements, has been constructed and compared to those of the Ba(Fe1x_{1-x}TMx_x)2_2As2_2 (TM=Co, Ni, Rh, Pd) series as well as to the temperature-pressure phase diagram for pure BaFe2_2As2_2. Suppression of the structural/magnetic phase transition as well as the appearance of superconductivity is much more gradual in Ru doping, as compared to Co, Ni, Rh and Pd doping, and appears to have more in common with BaFe2_2As2_2 tuned with pressure; by plotting TS/TmT_S/T_m and TcT_c as a function of changes in unit cell dimensions, we find that changed in the c/ac/a ratio, rather than changes in cc, aa or V, unify the T(p)T(p) and T(x)T(x) phase diagrams for BaFe2_2As2_2 and Ba(Fe1x_{1-x}Rux_x)2_2As2_2 respectively.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Knot Floer homology detects fibred knots

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    Ozsv\'ath and Szab\'o conjectured that knot Floer homology detects fibred knots in S3S^3. We will prove this conjecture for null-homologous knots in arbitrary closed 3--manifolds. Namely, if KK is a knot in a closed 3--manifold YY, YKY-K is irreducible, and HFK^(Y,K)\hat{HFK}(Y,K) is monic, then KK is fibred. The proof relies on previous works due to Gabai, Ozsv\'ath--Szab\'o, Ghiggini and the author. A corollary is that if a knot in S3S^3 admits a lens space surgery, then the knot is fibred.Comment: version 4: incorporates referee's suggestions, to appear in Inventiones Mathematica

    Aktivitas Antimalaria Ekstrak Metanol Daun Murbei (Morus Alba) Pada Mencit Terinfeksi Plasmodium Berghei

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    Malaria adalah penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh parasit Plasmodium. Masalah yang muncul dalam pengendalian malaria saat ini adalah resistensi parasit terhadap obat antimalaria yang tersedia. Eksplorasi tanaman obat merupakan salah satu strategi penting dalam penemuan obat antimalaria. Morus alba dari suku Moraceae, telah digunakan dalam sistem pengobatan tradisional Indonesia untuk obat demam dan malaria. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi aktivitas antimalaria ekstrak metanol daun M. alba secara in vivo terhadap mencit yang terinfeksi Plasmodium berghei. Uji aktivitas antimalaria dilakukan dengan metode Peter\u27s Test. Artesunat digunakan sebagai obat standar dan ekstrak diberikan secara oral sekali sehari pada mencit yang terinfeksi P. berghei selama 4 hari. Persentase parasitemia diamati selama tujuh hari dengan membuat hapusan darah yang diwarnai dengan Giemsa. Data dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA satu arah, Tukey dan probit. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak metanol daun M. alba memiliki aktivitas antimalaria terhadap mencit terinfeksi P. berghei dengan nilai ED50 dari 12,86 mg/kgBB

    Local Magnetic Inhomogeneities in Lightly Doped BaFe2_2As2_2

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    We report 75^{75}As NMR measurements in BaFe2_2As2_2 doped with Ni. Like Co, Ni doping suppresses the antiferromagnetic and structural phase transitions and gives rise to superconductivity for sufficiently large Ni doping. The spin lattice relaxation rate diverges at TNT_N, with a critical exponent consistent with 3D ordering of local moments. In the ordered state the spectra quickly broaden inhomogeneously with doping. We extract the average size of the ordered moment as a function of doping, and show that a model in which the order remains commensurate but with local amplitude variations in the vicinity of the dopant fully explains our observations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Decoupling of the superconducting and magnetic (structural) phase transitions in electron-doped BaFe2As2

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    Study and comparison of over 30 examples of electron doped BaFe2As2 for transition metal (TM) = Co, Ni, Cu, and (Co/Cu mixtures) have lead to an understanding that the suppression of the structural/antiferromagnetic phase transition to low enough temperature in these compounds is a necessary condition for superconductivity, but not a sufficient one. Whereas the structural/antiferromagnetic transitions are suppressed by the number of TM dopant ions (or changes in the c-axis) the superconducting dome exists over a limited range of values of the number of electrons added by doping (or values of the {a/c} ratio). By choosing which combination of dopants are used we can change the relative positions of the upper phase lines and the superconducting dome, even to the extreme limit of suppressing the upper structural and magnetic phase transitions without the stabilization of low temperature superconducting dome